YOLO vacation sex [FM]

This is about to be long, my b. Ok, so I have never posted here before but have felt the need to share. I’m a 29 year old female who lives a pretty boring life. I used to be wild and would fuck anyone and everyone. Then I had some bad relationships and gained some weight and just fell into a sex slump. It’s not that I haven’t been able to get any, I just haven’t really tried. I’ve been ok being alone and taking care of myself.

So I went to the Caribbean with my best friend (both white females) and was destined to get some. We didn’t have any plans and we didn’t know much about the island, but we found this awesome little bar and got wasted there every night. We made friends with the bartenders and some of the locals. This place was super chill and I fucking miss it.

One night I wasn’t feeling great, my tummy was fucked up from local food and alcohol lol. I like begged my friend to go back to the villa so I could poop. She said nah and to go there. So I was in the bathroom for a minute, but I left feeling much better lol. This isn’t really important, why am I sharing. As I come back to my seat at the bar, someone pinched me on my side. I almost smacked him but then was like never mind you’re cute. He like patted my seat and told me to sit down. Like ok dude this is my seat yes I will sit down. I’m a decently attractive white girl with big boobs and definitely got some attention down there, but most of it was like meh whatever. So I was kind of in a weird mood about being hit on. This guy was Latino and pretty cute though . I typically only like boring white guys, so I was a little curious and excited. Definitely not anything I’m used to.

The night goes on and he keeps buying me and my friend drinks. His friend, not cute and pretty annoying, was trying to hit on my friend (has a boyfriend) but she shut that down. He was charming and cute and being very touchy feely. He made me laugh a lot, and he was obviously really into me. He is apparently down there doing construction after the hurricanes, so not a local but he frequents this bar. The bartenders obviously know him and are annoyed by his shenanigans. He was not a great tipper, but I tried to teach him. He was kinda dumb though. Pretty sure he tries this with every white girl that he sees at this bar, and I don’t think it works that often. He gave me his number and then called his phone to get my number. I went home and texted him to say thanks for the drinks, we had a little back and forth.

I drunk texted the next night and got no answer. That’s fine, it was 2 am. The following night I see his annoying ass friend and he tries to come up to me. I’m an asshole and was just like no, no, stop talking to me, no. So I saw the dude sitting by two older, not attractive ladies pulling the same shit. I laughed, but I guess I have to applaud the effort. Then I walk by the guy as I’m going to the bathroom and we make eye contact and idk what he was thinking but it was obvious he wanted me. So I go back to my friend and we start laughing about it. The I get a text from him saying something like ‘Oh sorry, who is this?’. Like you have our conversation in there, you know who the fuck I am. You just saw me and then text me this bullshit. Hell to the no. He then walks over and is touching all on me. I tried to be an asshole and get him to leave me alone, but he was persistent. I caved, oops. So again he buys me lots of drinks and my friend is increasingly annoyed by him. He wasn’t nearly as charming as the first night, obviously.

God sorry I’m wasting so much time on this shitty back story, I promise I’m getting to the point.

Eventually I gave in and we kiss a few times. He keeps pulling me into his lap and feeling me up. I was into it and getting really horny, but at the same time I found him annoying. Idk what it was, I’ve never been with a Latino, but he was like calling me mami and fuck it turned me on. He was like biting his lip and giving me these looks. Damn. My poor friend is like ok please hurry and get this over with, so I leave her at the bar alone. I’m a terrible friend, my b. The bartenders we’ve made friends with are like oh no bby what is you doing while ensuring my friend I won’t be kidnapped.

So I take him back to my villa and he like throws me on the bed. We’re making out and then he was completely naked out of no where, like so fast. Then he takes my clothes off and is just being super aggressive in a good way. He wasn’t a great kisser, way too much tongue but I was still into it. So he’s on top of me and tries to just put it in. Like no foreplay or anything, he just expected it to go right in. Sorry bud, not how that works. I start blowing him, which I love doing, and it gets me wet and him super hard. I’m spitting all over it and he pulls me on top of him. I’m riding him for a little bit and he’s playing with my boobs. I recently had a breast reduction though, so I’m super self conscious of my scars. Also, my nipples don’t get hard and I think he was disappointed by that.

After a little bit of this he asks me how many times I came. I accidentally laughed really hard. None, you idiot you haven’t tried. We’re both drunk, and he is struggling to stay hard. I start blowing him again and then we’re back at it. He gets behind me and I’m into it. He’s jabbing my insides, but oh well. Then I realized he didn’t have any hands on me and I got worried he was filming it (had this happen, it sucks). Nope, he was just pinching his own nipples. So now I really feel bad that mine don’t have any sensation because he is obviously really into it. He’s doing some dirty talking and calling me mami again, but sadly he went soft.

So we’re laying in bed naked, talking about random shit. He kept promising he’d do better tomorrow before either of us had been drinking. He kept saying he was gonna poke me. Poke me? That is literally the least appealing way to put it. I don’t want to be poked. I get bored and start blowing him again and he got super hard again. He gets behind me again, with more self nipple love, and finally cums all over my ass. This mother fucker tried to cum inside me, who does that. I mean, I’m an idiot for fucking him without a condom, but yolo (I asked multiple times and he kept putting it in, don’t do this guys!). I make him wipe me off and then remember I abandoned my friend alone in a bar and they were about to close.

I take him back to the bar and meet my friend. Everyone in there knows what just happened. Oh well. But over the past few hours I realized this dude was kinda dumb and not as cute as I thought. The sex was ok, not bad, not great.

I didn’t see him again before I left, but I got a few texts from him. I tried to play cool and took a long time to respond. It was weird, like I really found him annoying but was still down to get it. I still feel a little weird about it, but I’d do it again. I think with a little coaching and less alcohol he could give me what I want. All I know is that I’ve left this experience with a strong attraction to Latino men and the desire to be called mami while getting my ass slapped.

TL;DR: went on vacation and had weird sex with a Latino construction worker who called me mami and now that’s all I want. Also, he liked to pinch his own nipples while fucking me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9r7cwc/yolo_vacation_sex_fm

1 comment

  1. Nice story and alot of tips.. i would be going on a vacation .. soon i will keep in minds the things u said ? and try to be a gentleman

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