There is nothing fun about exam week. To ensure I remained relax Sir made sure I had plenty of orgasms… but like a good slut, I needed to work to own those orgasms.
After my last exam I headed to the washroom, and began removing my clothes…my dress… my leggings… my bra and my panties. I stood there completely naked, looking down at my socks… the only piece of clothing I was still wearing. What was I thinking? Could I really bus home naked under my coat? This was after all my task. I throw my coat on, to see how long it was. Just above the knee… It should hide everything, but it was so cold out. I will do half and half. Put the leggings on for the bus ride but take them off for the walk(This would not prove to be a bad idea)
I walked to the bus stop, the material of my coat cold against my skin keeping the fact that i was topless forefront in my mind. I could feel my pussy getting wet as I walked, glad i decided to keep the leggins on. Thinking I will be taking them off shortly… and this is the moment I realise I need to get the leggings over my boots…panic starts sinking in… oh well, I will figure out a way to remove them. It will seem strange because it is so cold out, but Sir’s orders are not reliant on the weather.
I chose a quiet seat on the bus, and quickly flashed Sir. There was no one who could see me and I quickly covered my exposed breast with my scarf, not bothering to zip my coat right away.
I spent the ride trying to figure out how I would discreetly remove my leggings while walking down a busy street. The only real answer was to do it quickly and try to avoid too many people seeing me.
I walked off the bus and found a slightly quieter spot. I sat in the grass and removed my leggings. I was neither graceful nor elegant, my heavy bag making me tip over. First taking off then putting my boots back on. I need to figure out a better way to do this, Sir will want me to take the bus naked under my coat, and taking my leggings off by the side of the road is not something I am ready to do on a regular basis. Maybe I can find some warm thigh high socks or crotchless leggings? I will have to run this idea by Sir when I get home.
A few cars slowed down, questioning why I was sitting on the grass removing my leggings when it was freezing outside. They would have an interesting story to tell at dinner tonight. I continued my walk home, cold and shivering, walking as quickly as I could, sending a few pictures along the way. I stopped in a trail to touch myself, I was hoping I would be able to cum for Sir, but just as I started a car drove up, straight towards me, obviously seeing that I was naked under my wide open coat. I closed my coat turned and continued to walk home, my face red with shame, my pussy drenched with excitement.
Someone saw me naked touching myself!!!
The good little girl in me is shocked, ashamed and feeling profoundly guilty. But the slut in me is smiling and loving every moment of my adventure.
A quick stop at home, to drop off my bag and put on my knee high stockings, waiting for Sir to finish work. Before I leave, we add a little body writing
Sir’s public slut across my chest and Horny fuckpig above my cunt.
These seemed appropriate as I headed back out wearing only a thin pair of stay ups, and my coat. I walked, searching for a place. I had a few ideas, but it seemed like every time I thought I found a good spot, someone showed me how vulnerable I was. I had one last option, a park not far from here. It was pretty cold out and I hoped no one was there.
I was lucky enough to find the park empty. I stayed by the woods opening up my coat to show Sir my boob, only opening up one side to protect myself from the cold.
Open your coat wider slut,
Yes Sir
Good girl… Now finger yourself
I look around again, making sure no one is near and begin fingering myself, as discreetly as possible, the pleasure growing as I realised the dangers of getting caught at this moment.
Good girl, now cum for me Slut
Yes Sir
Can I actually do this? Can I cum in a park? The answer is yes. As soon as the command from Sir came to cum, I knew I was going to cum. I didn’t have a choice, Like a good girl, I licked my fingers cleaned, Thanking Sir for letting me cum, tasting my juices on my lips.
Good girl! You are level 29 in your challenge list. Do one more and you can go home.
Yes Sir
(Each of the spaces between me receiving the order and the “Yes Sir” represents a short pause that felt like an eternity, as I weighed out the best way to complete the task while simultaneously trying to encourage and discourage myself from completing the task that goes something like this: Are you nuts? I am not doing that! But he called you a good girl, you like being a good girl. I do like being a good girl, but this is humiliating… Why are my fingers already typing Yes, hold on. Write write! This is so hot! Can I even think? Wow! Holy shit! I am wet! Here we go! Are you sure? You realise this is crazy! Yeah yeah here we go “Yes Sir”- Send)
It was so cold, I stood shivering next to this children’s play structure, only wearing a pair of stay-ups. Wondering how in the world I ended up here? Quickly taking the picture and covering back up. I had taken my arm out of the sleeves but kept the coat pinned between my back and the structure, protecting me slightly from the cars driving behind me. My nipples are hard and the goosebumps are visible in the picture. But Sir wants to see more, he loves seeing his public slut on display for him and the horrible uncomfortableness that I am feeling.
Coat completely on the ground and you can go home, slut
Fuck, fuckety fuck fuck, I curse under my breath, I hate that I am willing to put myself through this. But the desire to please Sir outweighs all the other voices in my head and I take off my coat, prepare the camera and snap a picture. I look up and see a car driving by, I had not noticed the road there behind the trees. Hopefully the trees covered my nakedness. :s
I put my coat back on, still trembling from the cold, the adrenaline rushing through my body as I realise what I have done. But I can’t help but get wet and horny, wanting to badly to touch my cunt.
There is something that has begun happening, as Sir trains me to become a puppy slut, and has me practice humping, I’ve started seeing everything as a humpable object. As I walked to leave the park, I see a toy at the perfect height to hump, I can’t resist pushing my needy cunt against it, my coat becoming wet with my juices. I can’t stay long due to the cars driving by, and Sir said I could do the second part of my task when I get home: 15 minutes of blowjob practice and 30 minutes of ruining my cunt with my big dildo :)
I walked as quickly as I could, my hand deep in my pocket reaching for my clit, teasing myself as I walk, trying to keep a straight face, not letting the passerbys know what I am up to.
Everytime I check my phone there is a message from Sir calling me the best naughty names, the ones that make me particularly wet. He knows how to push my buttons so well. I can feel my wetness growing by the minute.
I can’t resist the urge to stop in a quiet area to touch myself and send more pictures to Sir, getting myself right to the edge before completing my walk home.
wow ,
you remind me with one experience i had. it is WOW
no one can feel that till they try it.
hope to post more dares .