The First Time I Shared my Wife. [teasing]

I remember the night very well.

My wife April and I had been married for about 13 years. We were both hitting are mid 30’s. She no longer had that bright, fit tight body of her youth. But I wasn’t complaining. Yea, she had gained a few pounds but had filled out in all the right areas, giving her a nice soft curvy figure, that I seemed to find myself more and more attracted to, as I got older. The sex was still good…..and for the most part pretty often. I mean, no doubt we weren’t the rabbits in heat we once were when we were dating and often times it was boring. It felt like we were just going through the motions sometimes. But just like pizza, when its bad……..its still pretty good.

We had thrown a party for some of our friends. April was looking very sexy that night. Her dark hair was fixed so in a way that made it curlier and bigger than usual. She was wearing a very low cut black blouse that her tits were practically pouring out of, and a short white skirt. Her tan toned legs went all the way down to a pair of red “Fuck Me” heels.

She had had a lot to drink that night, and I know how flirty she can get when she drinks. She had danced with just about every guy at the party, which I didn’t mind and they didn’t seem to mind either. It was a tease to me. She would dance and sway with other men, getting herself hot and bothered……….. invoking my jealousy. That was the game we played. I just sat back and watch her grind on all our friends, black guys, white guys and even some girls. I watched as their hands slipped up and down, exploring your body. Your skirt would get pulled up when their hands would slide up her milky thigh and that soft little muffin top would peak out for just a second as their hands traveled even farther up your side………but not once did I get up to stop it.

Then the card game started. In retrospect this is where things got interesting.

We were all sitting in a circle playing the card game. She was sitting across from me between two guys. Hell, looking back now, I can’t even remember who it was. Maybe it was the booze making the details fuzzy. She was so drunk she didn’t realize her legs were opened just wide enough to give everyone a birds eye view of her white lacy panties. Her plump pussy looked so good from where I was sitting. I could feel my cock start to creep down my leg, the longer I stared……and the longer everyone else stared. I could see she were really horny too, just by the way her panties laid hugged her swollen lips and I could see a small wet stain right in the middle of the outline of her lips.

“I’vvee gottaa take a piss” she slurred while pulling herself up on the legs of one if the guys she was sitting by. She stopped though, and looked at the guy whose leg, her hand had landed on. She started giggling and said “Oh I am sorrry”.

That is when I saw that her hand had landed right on his hard cock with just the thin fabric of his pants separating the two. Her mouth fell agape and I watched as her hand slowly jacked him one time before pulling herself to her feet and leaving the room. My cock was so fucking hard. I was watching her fuck around with my friends right in front of me…………. And deep down……… I loved it.

What happened next I couldn’t believe.

When she came back in the room she sat back down in front of me, looked me dead in the eye with a mischievous gaze and spread her legs open again. I let out a light gasp as I saw. I was no longer looking at the delicate lacy panties between her legs……No….. Instead my eyes were filled with her bare shaven cunt. Her puffy lips now leaking, was now wide open for everyone in the room to see. Her pink clit stood at full attention almost like a child sticking their tongue out at you. She sat back on the couch with the confidence that nothing was a miss. It made it hard for me and the rest of the players of the game to concentrate.

The night progressed with even more flirting between her and some of the other men at the party. And everytime she bent down to pick anything up her bare ass would peak out from under your skirt and if the angle was JUST right…… I would see that pussy too. I know I wasn’t the only one noticing. I heard the girls talking about it, I heard the guys talking about it and it was getting me so hard. I never heard everything. Just parts. Things like “slut” “asking for it” “Pound that fuckin pussy” seemed to fill my ears quite often…………………………….. And it was getting me hard as a rock

The party eventually started to fizzle down and people were beginning to leave. As I escorted peopled to the door, I watched her sitting in the corner of the room on the couch with the guy whose dick she had felt earlier. His name was Matt. We had met Matt at the gym. Matt was a year or two younger than me. He was fit and good looking, with arms full of tattoos. The exact type of guy April was attracted too…….Hell who was I kidding. Even I found the guy hot.

His head was tucked in between her face and shoulder, hiding in her hair.His hand was on your inner thigh, slipping higher and higher between your legs. I felt my heart begin to beat as he came in and pressed his mouth firmly to yours for a quick kiss, when they thought no one was watching. Both of their mouths began to explore the others until finally you fall back onto the couch and slur out , “Okkaaayy…. I neeedzzz to ….. go to …..bed.”

I step up and reach out my hand to help her to her feet. But Matts hand jolted out and grabbed it before I had the chance. “I’ll help her up stairs” he calmly says looking me dead in the eye with piercing blue eyes.

I should have told him “Hell no!” I should have told him to “Screw off!”……….. but for some reason………I was more excited than anything. I saw him pick her up to her feet and escort her to the darkened staircase. One by one they took the steps upstairs disappearing into the darkness, while I stayed until the last few guest left………..


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