Fun the morning after [MF]

[Birthday fun]( part i of this. this piece is kinda fuzzy in memory but the ending was the part I enjoyed the most

We lazily woke the morning after wrapped up in each other. So warm and snug – just perfect. We have a habit of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning so we never make it in time for any morning plans (yoga, early jog, breakfast at breakfast, etc). Eventually we come to but still snuggling with me as big spoon. I wanted to face her but she was hesitant and blurted out “but… my morning breath” “I don’t care, turn around” I just wanted to bury my face in her chest and nuzzle her. This always makes her giggle. “you’re just like a cat! ok! we have to get up!” We both get to our feet and then fall right back into bed haha. I opt to stretch a little while she does some wobbly yoga in bed. I think her back was hurting a little or needed a good stretch. So I have her lay on her back arms stretched wide. I tell her turn her head to look right and keep everything in else in place. I kneel down with my left leg in between hers and bend her left up and push to her right and slowly fold it down.

I already was 3/4 chub just thinking about last night and the position we were in. She notices and gyrates her hips into it. “Why isn’t public casual sex ok? Like trainers are in this position often. hmph!” I tell her it’s not that kind of society I guess but let’s keep stretching. Fuck, why aren’t we stretching naked?

How’s this feel? I push the left leg down as far as it can go comfortably while holding her left shoulder down. This causes a ripple of cracks in her back “ohhhhhhh so goood!” I repeat the same for the other side. As we lay her legs down I slide my hands up her shirt and grope her gently. She wastes no time and takes off everything. I dive in and start nibbling at her nipples. So soft and yummy! I love hearing her moan. I start moving down again kissing and licking her lips. I get to her clit and start sucking at it. This gets her very excited so I left her legs up and push her back so her pussy is exposed and open. I push my tongue in as far as it will go and begin to fuck her with my tongue. So. Much. Wet. Comes out of her. I get up to take off my boxers while she grabs the coconut oil (she already has it in a pump bottle for easy access). As soon as I turn around she wastes no time getting her hands on me and lubing it up. So graceful yet with fast motions to get me completely lubed up. I lean in and get in position. Since I’m on top today I felt like teasing her. I didn’t dive in right away and gave her just the tip. She was expecting all of it hahah. I start pushing a little and get maybe 4 tiny thrusts before she’s fed up with it. She leans up and wraps her hands around me pulling me all the way into her. Fuuuuuuuck omggggg. I stop teasing her at this point and start fucking her hard and fast. I have her in ecstasy again. I fuck her in various leg formations trying out which ones made her the tightest while maintaining a fast and hard thrust. My favorite is her back mostly flat and legs both to one side – one of my legs in between hers. This feels so damn good. I don’t last long and explode inside her again. The pulsing and all the cum gets her to cum right alongside me.

I am spent and after taking a breath, I start to move back and pull out of her. Before any of me slides out, she yelps and reaches up and pulls me back. Not yet- leave it in until it’s soft. I almost never fight her on any of her requests so I stay inside of her and we cuddle. Eventually I pull out and I’m greeted with a gaping hole that is her lovely pussy. She feels my cum pouring out and she giggles with glee and squeezes out as much as she can. I’m mesmerized just watching and half reaching for a paper towel. I push some of it back up and wipe it off her. We pause thinking it was done but more just kept coming out haha. “man I haven’t had to change my sheets this much in a long time :)”
