Watched girlfriend lose virginity [MMF]

I have a beautiful girlfriend. We used to be classmates and got together a few months ago, and our relationship is fantastic in every way. She is smart, witty, kind and loving. I have everything a guy could ask for, but still her past is very hard to get over.

A few years ago we were friends, and I brough her over to the house of my family one evening. As we sat in the sofa in the living room, she had a very personal conversation with my mother and father. About her hopes and dreams, and her wanting to go to medical school, something she now is well on her way of doing now. It got out that she’d never had sex before, and that she wanted to do it just to get it over with. My parents told us they had an open relationship, and offered her that my father could simply help her with the ordeal. I didn’t even know my parents had such an arrangement, but she accepted, and after that it was just a matter of negotiating the details. She hadn’t prepared in any way, but wanted to go through with it. My father told her she didn’t have to worry about STDs this way, and she just needed to get the pill after. So yeah, they were going to have sex.

My mother didn’t have anything against it. At the same time, she didn’t want to see such a thing take place, and went upstairs. Both my parents agreed I could watch in order to learn something. It soon became clear what kind of position he prefered, his favourite. He brought her to the table in the living room, and I sat in one of the chairs. There he stroked her shoulders and hair in order to make her relaxed. She was wearing jeans, and once she wasn’t quite as nervous he loosened her belt buckle. Her pants and panties were brought down to her knees, and then he asked her to lean over the table with her entire upper body. She was very, very hesitant about the position. Her eyes were flicking as he tugged at her pony tail. Eventually he got her to comply. He pushed gently at her shoulders and made her lean forward.

Without knowing it, I was going to watch my future girlfriend have sex. I admit it was exciting to see her naked butt from the side, and very, very weird to see my father with a full erection. Him even getting it in was difficult. She was in pain and he had to struggle. After like five minutes it was fully inside, and he could lean back and relax while she tried to get used to what was happening. Then he had to make her vagina big and wet enough to get some movement going. He had to fight ejaculating too soon in the beginning, and even had to hold still and count with his fingers. She had to go through it being painful and unpleasant. After a long and mutual struggle he had a rythm going. There was a swift transition, and suddenly the penis was glistening wet every time it was on the way out. It was more or less a standard intercourse after that. He held her hips and gave her the first experience of making love. For the most part, she was holding her mouth and looking back. And yeah, watching it happen I had to mastrubate. I don’t even think they noticed. At the end he moaned loudly, nearly lifted her off the floor, and came.

After he pulled out, he wanted me to see the results for “educational” purposes. The vagina was a bit bloody, but had contracted to it’s normal size and didn’t look like it had changed at all. Only a slight opening was visible. Her tighs were a bloody mess though, and even had a small but steady flow of blood still trickling down. He examined her with his fingers, and wanted me to rotate my finger inside the opening so I could feel the remnants of the hymen. She was just resigned to her fate as we examined her, and at the end there was an outburst of air and white bubbles coming out. He got a few hot towels and cleaned her up, only to do it with her two more times in the same position. It became a bit boring in the end, to be honest. Just the same thump-thump-thump against her butt, and the occasional slap. Afterwards he took her to the bathroom where we watched her pee. He took some pictures of her smiling on the toilet seat to have a memory of what they did. He has a collection of such pictures of different women he has been involved with, which he has shown me later. She was given a hug at the door and sent on her way. What was left was the living room smelling slightly of sex, and him being triumphant before he went to bed.

I know I can’t change the past, and I’m not the most jealous of guys. Still, it hurts me that he has intimate knowledge of her, and that he was the one who got her virginity. I’m very glad to have her and want to continue the relationship, but need to find a way to reconcile with the past. My parents know I’m with her and she’s even visited the house on several occasions. They haven’t really made any comments, and are both polite and welcoming and seem to have accepted her and that we are together. Still, my mother knows I watched what they did, and I know my father has kept the pictures and that he really enjoyed it, and that he probably is proud of having had sex with his son’s girlfriend. She says it was just physical and meant next to nothing, and that she just wanted to get the formality of having had sex out of the way. What we have is much more special and actually mean something. If she could have taken it back she would, but since she can’t she wants me to try and forget about it. Also, I haven’t been with many girls, and now I’ll never get to take a virginity myself. A stupid thought, perhaps, but my ego is seriously hurt by this.



  1. Well, now I have heard everything.

    Edit: this is fake unless you had two different gf’s lose their virginity to older men while you watched.

    I call bullshit.

  2. Dude, your parents are fucking assholes. Should have been you to do that. Your dad was just being selfish. He didn’t care about her our you.

    Not to mention, he took her virginity without even offering to go down on her. I’ve been with quite a few women, and it is important they get as much pleasure as the man. A shitty first experience like that can be bad for a woman. To have a guy fuck her like that and not make her orgasm once; let me say again, he is a first class asshole.

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