[F]lirting with a Guy in a [M]useum leads to more….

Okay, so I’m an Irish girl and 25 who happened to be visiting her friend in North America a month ago who was getting married. Pretty big deal, and I took a few weeks off work to make a real holiday of it all.

Guess I better tell you what I look like, or you won’t read any further: 5ft7, Redhead, green eyes, black-rimmed glasses, not super skinny but not super curvy. Pretty standard girl with tits and an ass.

I decided to travel over a few days early to do some touristy things and go exploring a bit. So having arrived in super early in the morning I had a day to explore the city and do touristy stuff. by the afternoon I was beginning to feel the jetlag and was about 90% coffee when I arrived at the natural history museum. It was mid-afternoon and mid-week so not exactly over-run with visitors.

Literally the first thing you see when you walk in are the dinosaurs and the second thing I saw was a boy maybe a couple of years older than me, checking out one of the dinosaurs. Like, it’s basically me and him and some security guy way over across the room and in my jetlagged and coffee fueled state make a joke about hoping they don’t come back to life and eat us. I’m real witty like that.

He turned around, and laughed. The boy was English, one of those polite nice guys. Not like the stereotype chavs or posh boys. We get talking and end up going around the museum together. Chatting. Flirting. Doing all the cute children games scattered around the place. I ask one of the staff some question about one of the exhibits and he tells us that we’re a cute couple, which we laugh off, but don’t deny.

By the end I’m feeling really tired and tell Rob that I’m gong back to my hotel to get some sleep for a few hours, and I can tell he looks disappointed. After what must have been 20 seconds of silence, he blurts out “Maybe want to get food later if you’re up to it…” before cutely rambling on about how neither of us should eat alone. Turns out he’s just doing touristy stuff too and traveling around, nearing the end of his trip.

We swap numbers and tell him to text me in an hour or two.

After a nap and a shower and a few hours have passed we arrange to meet. So we spend the next few hours eating and drinking. This is our second date right? We’re pretty touchy feely by now after some wine and gin. It’s getting pretty loud in the bar, and I’m practically shouting in his ear so he can hear me, when he turns towards me with a smile and I literally jump him, ramming my tongue down his throat.

I can feel his bulge as I run my hand down his leg, and I know that I want him.

So we head outside, and quickly flag down a cab to go back to my place. Somehow we control our urges until we’re safely inside and the door locked before I pounce on him again, pushing him over the back of the sofa in the room and climbing over it and on top of him, so that I’m straddling him. We’re both still fully clothed but not much longer.

The next few minutes are spent fumbling with out clothes until we’re now fully naked, and my mouth has found his cock. It’s not huge, but I don’t care. After a few minutes, my mouth has served it’s purpose, and it’s time for him to service me…..

Which he does! :D

On and off we spend the night at it, and the following morning. Unfortunately he’s heading off to his next city that afternoon, and we haven’t seen each other since.

But who knew that museums would be such a good place to meet interesting boys? ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9l0wzs/flirting_with_a_guy_in_a_museum_leads_to_more


  1. Mmmmm, very nice story. I believe I am a little envious of that young lad!!!

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