Let’s start with a intro she is my gf sister and yes i know I’m going to get a lot of hate from this but I’m here for advice I’ve thought about this for more than 2 Years and it’s time I share with someone She’s so beautiful, short nice body whenever she wears something slightly revealing I can’t help but getting aroused. The other day she was showing some cleavage and all day I couldn’t get her off of my mind fantasizing about her. Almost a week later I’m still thinking about it. How could I get closer to her, have her feel more comfortable around me but not seem as if all I want is to be intimate I know it’s crazy but I feel like she also has an intimate urge with me as well plus not having anyone notice it. How do I make her more comfortable around me so she can dress less modest a couple of weeks ago we all went to a party didn’t drink to drive back safely we decided to come back to our place and drink there her boyfriend and my gf fell asleep early so we went to the living room to keep drinking and watch movies she layed on the couch I just sat next to her after a couple of drinks she got tired and got a blanket and she looked so adorable I couldn’t help but caress her head with my hands moving her hair out of her face she looked at me and smiled then kept watching the movie I then built up the courage and asked if she wanted a massage. She nodded yes, my heart started to race instantly but I kept calm and slowly went under her dress and started to massage her neck leading to her back I would get really close to her butt and her boobs but she didn’t stop me nor give me any signal that she was uncomfortable as a got closer to her butt I noticed she wasn’t wearing panties and I got so aroused but I couldn’t reach lower due to me sitting and not wanting to be too forward so I gave up on the butt massage so then I got closer to her boobs but this felt so fast I didn’t want to ruin anything and it seemed like she was falling asleep so I stopped there and went to bed. Any ideas how I can get that to happen again or have a talk with her on whether she feels the same way and at the same time not ruining everything?
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9gvoxy/mf_gf_sister_what_has_happened_and_want_to_get
sorry, have no advice for you but that massage situation was seriously hot.
If you make a move and you’re wrong, or you’re right but she is not willing to do go behind her sisters back, you ruin everything. Plain and simple.
If you move forward, everything blowing up is a very likely risk.
I would say if you still want to move forward, I would say SLOW is the best. Baby steps are still progress..
“as a got closer to her butt I noticed she wasn’t wearing panties…”
Stop right there.
I would have, at the least, worked my hand down her ass to tickle her butt-hole or (I assume) wet pussy, while whispering in her ear, ‘If you want more of this sometime later, just nod your head. But for now, I have to leave. Good night.’
Her state of dress and actions were clear indications she wanted more, right from the beginning.
Leave her wanting *you* more and she’ll be back.
Oh, and if you are going to continue to write, learn sentence construction and punctuation. It makes for a much better read. Just sayin’