Confusing sex with my girlfriend’s hot little sister [MF]

This story happened about 2 years ago, but I fantasize about it from time to time. I felt like sharing the memory because I can’t talk about it in real life.

There’s a really LONG backstory. Skip to the end (PART 4 and PART 5) if you only care about the action.


My girlfriend, Kelly, got a text from her sister, Sara. (I’m obviously changing the names, but I’ll change as few details as possible.) Sara was moving to town from the East Coast and wanted to crash at our apartment while she looked for work. I was opposed at first because it was a one-bedroom place with a fold-out couch. I needed my space. Eventually I agreed to make Kelly happy.

Sara was 22 at the time. She had a surfer’s body that made her stand out in the Northwest: about 5’7 with tan skin, a nice butt relative to her little waist, and 9 heavy bags to unload from a Honda Civic. (If I’m going to tell the full story, I might as well vent a bit.)

I’m 5’11 and reasonably fit — not super muscular, but toned and I run a lot, and I was 25 at the time. Though I’m only a bit older than Sara, we might as well be from different generations. I wanted to chill out and watch Netflix after working 9-6 at an office job; she wanted to go out and party.

And party she did. She stayed out until 2am clubbing. When Kelly found a stack of ones in her purse, we learned Sara was working part-time as a dancer at bachelor parties. At first it was amusing. She explained aspects of stripping I’d never thought about — like when you have to deposit cash. (It turns out the key is to flip all the bills in the same direction so the bank teller doesn’t hold up the line sorting them.)


I was always attracted to Sara, but I never really flirted with her except for on one occasion. Kelly and I were making stir fry in the kitchen and discussing stories from college (where we met) while Sara sat at the counter drinking wine. Somehow it came up that during our junior year, we thought about making amateur porn and selling it online. Sara laughed so hard she almost spilled her drink.

After dinner Kelly went to bed, and I washed pans while Sara refilled her glass. She started at me with a slight smirk.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Sara shook her head. “Nothing.”

I kept washing dishes, but when I looked back at her, she was still smirking.

“What’s up?” I repeated.

“You thought about making porn?”

“I don’t know, not really. It was just a crazy idea. Kelly likes to tell the story. ”

“I was just curious…”


“I was curious…if you have a big dick.”

I’ll be honest. I’m totally average, but the question caught me off guard. To save face, I smiled and summoned some false bravado: “I’ve never had complaints.”

Sara blushed and took a long sip as if to hide her face behind the glass.

Her lips were red from the wine, and I had a sudden fantasy of pulling down my zipper as she knelt before me. The fantasy gave me a rush of energy and guilt at the same time. I felt uncomfortable fantasizing about my girlfriend’s sister.


My mixed feelings about Sara were amplified after she threw a party. While Kelly and I were on a weekend camping trip, Sara invited two stripper friends into our apartment. They blared music, took molly and invited a crowd, according to a disgruntled neighbor.

That’s when Kelly and I had an argument about kicking her sister out of the house. Enough was enough. Call me lame or uptight, but I wasn’t comfortable with strangers raving in my apartment. When I confronted Sara, she said, “I’m super sorry…What can I do to make things right?”

I let the argument go, but the prospect of her eviction was dangling. In the week that followed, the atmosphere in our apartment was tense and quiet.

The next weekend we invited about 8 friends to the roof deck of our apartment complex for a cookout. The gray, rainy weather had finally died down, and we had a clear view of downtown. I chopped green peppers and onions and brought them up to the 30th floor.

When the elevator doors opened, I almost dropped the tray. Hanging out by the grill, Sara was wearing a navy blue bikini top and jean shorts that hugged her ass. The only thing containing her D-cups was a white string pulled into a knot at the back of her neck. I noticed she had a quarter-sized tattoo of a dove that was half-hidden by her shorts.

When Sara laughed, she had a cute bouncing motion, which made her natural boobs jiggle. Against my better judgement (having had a few beers), I kept stealing glances at them. I wondered what her nipples were like. I wondered about the color of her panties and the lower half of her tattoo. I was so entranced that it took a second for me to realize Sara had locked eyes with me.

Fuck! I did what any man — well, any less-than-suave man — would do: I squinted and pretended to inspect the patio chairs behind her. Leaving food on the grill, I rushed into the elevator and down to the apartment.


Kelly had left the door unlocked because people were coming and going to transport trays of food and drinks, but the apartment was empty when I walked in. I rolled open the fogged-glass sliding door that led to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed, ripped off my shorts and furiously stroked my cock to the thought of Sara’s blue eyes, full lips, tits, flat stomach and curvy ass — every unexplored inch of her. I needed to cum so badly that I forgot I was standing in front of a giant open window. I might’ve inadvertently flashed half the city.

The pleasure was building up when I heard the fogged glass rolling open, and there was a silhouette on the other side. It was Sara.

“Fuck!” I yelled, grabbing a pillow to cover my dick. “You don’t fucking knock?!”

She sauntered toward the bed. I started to lean back and shimmy my shorts back over my thighs.

“Chill!” she said, in a hushed yet authoritative tone. She giggled to herself and then repeated in a whisper: “Chill the fuck out…”

I froze, giving her a deer-in-headlights expression as she leaned toward me. I remember feeling the warmth of her skin and smelling her perfume — a subtle vanilla scent that’s burned into my memory, but hard to describe. She gripped my right wrist and guided my hand back under the pillow.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

Sara didn’t respond. She just stared at me until I resumed a firm grip, then she slowly stroked my cock using my own hand. With her other hand, Sara lifted the pillow to leave me completely exposed.

“Wow,” she said mockingly, smiling at my six inches. “I’ve never seen one so big.”

“Bitch,” I said, giving her the finger.

“Bitch?” Sara threw my arm to the side like she was discarding an old tool, and she claimed full control of my shaft.

“Bitch?” she repeated. Her fingers stroked me so fast they became a blur. She gently bit my ear lobe and whispered, “I’m such a bitch, huh?”

I submitted to her with muffled moans.


Sara dropped to her knees with another glorious cleavage bounce, facing the mattress with her back to the open window. Staring up at me with big blue eyes, her face half a foot from my groin, she exhaled on my sensitive tip. I had never gotten a blowjob from a girl with a tongue ring before. The metal bulb felt amazing as she swirled her tongue, lapping up pre-cum. That’s when things got crazier.

I heard the “ding” sound of an Android video recording.


“Chill,” she said, popping me out of her lips. “It’s for us.”

“This is fucked up — This is so fucked up,” I kept repeating.

She played it up for the camera: spitting, bobbing, gagging, slapping me against her tongue. “Just tell me to stop,” she said, gasping for air theatrically. “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.”

Reason had flown out the window, and my animal brain was in full control. I laced my hands around her pony tail and thrust into her mouth. Sara pulled back her head with a strand of spit still connecting me to her lips. She looked in a rectangular mirror that hung on my closet door and got a twinkle in her eye.

“Get on the floor,” she commanded.

I turned and motioned to the king-sized bed right next to us.


I complied, lying on my back on the hardwood floor in front of the mirror. Sara shimmied off her jean shorts, but left on her bikini bottom.

“The front door’s unlocked!” I whispered.

She completed ignored me, straddling my thighs and untying the knot in her bikini top. Her glorious, perky D cups popped out, revealing pink nipples. I put my hands on her waist with one thumb covering her dove tattoo. Pulling her bathing suit bottom to the side, she teased me by tracing her thighs over the tip of my cock. As amazing as Sara’s mouth felt, her dripping pussy felt 1,000 times better.

Sara helped pull off my shirt and threw it in the corner. She pointed the camera to the mirror and then down to me. I covered my face with my forearms in a meager attempt to conceal my identity.

“Your arms are sexy,” she said. Dropping the phone onto a pile of clothes, Sara traced my biceps with her fingertips and picked up the pace. I gripped her ass with both hands.

“Fuck,” I said. “I can’t hold it anymore.”

Sara put both hands on my torso and twerked her hips twice as fast.

“I mean I’m gonna cum! Get up!”

Sara quelled my half-hearted attempt to roll her off of me by pressing me against the hardwood and riding me like a mechanical bull. I released what felt like the biggest load of my life inside the grip of her pussy while she leaned forward to let me suck her nipples. I was so consumed by the orgasm that I accidentally gave her a hickey.

“What the hell!” she said, looking down at the bruise on her chest.


Sara disappeared to the bathroom to wash up, threw on a T-shirt to conceal her hickey and went back to the roof deck. I waited about 15 minutes to avoid suspicion and then made up a story about a stomach ache.

Honestly, I felt terrible for the following months. I’m still not proud of being unfaithful and although this isn’t a sexy thing to include in the story, I was really concerned about pregnancy and health risks because we didn’t use protection. Luckily, everything turned out fine on all fronts.

Over time the anxiety gave way to fantasy. I know it’s horrible, but the “forbidden fruit” is alluring. Sara and I never spoke about what happened, and as far as I know — or at least I hope — she deleted the video.

She found her own place about a month later, but if she never needs another place to crash, I won’t be the one to complain.



  1. Pretty hot and well written. Also it’s not as long as you prefaced, don’t worry about that :)

  2. 10/10
    Rubbing myself to sleep with this hot asf story….
    You are a God among men, not only for slaying that quivering strange forbidden fruit but for having written such an enticingly lusty & descriptive story as to spark a fire inside of complete strangers.Do not ever stop writing. #spankbank

  3. You never got to watch the video?

    That’s pretty hot story.

    She was probably on some kind of birth control.

  4. I totally relate to the conflicting emotions after unprotected sex with people you’re not supposed to be with and how it eventually turns to a fantasy later on. I had similar situation but it was with gf’s mother instead is sister but the awkward feelings and regret did eventually turn into nostalgic fantasies that I sometimes masturbate to without regret…maybe only because I got away with it and if I hadn’t it may be a different story.
    Your story inspires me to share mine some day though.

  5. Damn this is one hot story! i fantasize about the same thing with my sister in law.

    Hopefully you can get a hold of that video. :)

  6. >Though I’m only a bit older than Sara, we might as well be from different generations. I wanted to chill out and watch Netflix after working 9-6 at an office job; she wanted to go out and party.

    This isn’t a generational difference. It’s introverted vs. extroverted.

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