**This story is by and for adults and is purely fiction and fantasy. This story is purely for private enjoyment within one’s own imagination and does not condone any real life actions**
This is my fist time writing erotica. Hope it does something for ya.
#Jessica’s Torment
##Chapter One
Jessica stood with her arms bound above her, enduring the assault of hands upon her soft body.
She was still in her cheerleader uniform – a blue two piece suit, the bottom skirt tight enough to show off her butt and thighs, but loose enough to walk and stretch in without it squeezing her body too tightly. The top part was sleeveless and formed nicely around her stomach and bust.
Below the skirt, her legs trembled and she was only wearing her long black socks.
She wasn’t alone. The hands of strange men felt her everywhere… well, almost everywhere. She feared how much farther they would go.
She had already screamed, cried and begged to these men after waking up here. The last thing she remembered was walking home from practice. Blackness. Then being tied up and greeted by five men, all over twice her age.
Now, Jessica stood and endured, her mind racing of options on how she might get out of there. Desperate thoughts of a doomed girl.
Two men knelt down and worshipped her young legs. Their hands squeezed her thighs, felt up and down her calves, and occasionally they rubbed their cheeks against her flesh.
A third man’s hands were beneath her shirt, rubbing around her torso, his cold hands feeling her soft stomach and back. His finger occasionally dug into her belly button violently making her flinch and cry out.
The fourth man was teasing her breasts, poking them gently and jabbing them hard, sometimes hitting her nipples, sometimes just pressing into them from various sides.
Finally, the final man’s hands were feeling her neck and cheeks. She did her best to turn away from him, but there was no escape. His hands pressed and caressed her cheek as though she were his lover. They felt her lips, he pinched her nose, and he would sometimes get close to smell her face or hair. Fingers would stick into her ear, hands would grip tufts of hair and pull her head back so he could smell her neck.
So the massage continued. They had been at it for about ten minutes at this point, growing increasingly more involved and their touch became more rough and excited.
She would be subject to comments like,
*These legs are so soft… I’ve never just felt a girl’s legs before…*
*Her thighs are just sucking my hands in… I can’t stop!*
*Her boobs are pretty big for her age…*
*Ugh, I need to lick her stomach so bad…*
*This face is mine… I’m gonna slobber all over it for days!*
It was when the fifth man started slapping her in the face that she screamed and started to struggle like before.
“You assholes!” She yelled, “Let me go! Let me go right now!”
Tears formed in her eyes.
“Stop this… Stop this right now! I don’t want this… I… I know what you’re gonna do! Please don’t!”
“Ohhh,” said the man near her face and pressed his mouth into hers.
Her heart skipped a beat as this smelly mouth began to kiss and lick hers, and she did her best to avoid him, but it was no use. He gripped her head and moved his head into hers, forcing a kiss onto her. However, she would never open her mouth for this man.
He didn’t seem to care, taking breaks to speak.
“Ugh, this is so exciting,” he breathed between kisses, “Always dreamed of having a young girl vulnerable like this… Keep crying and begging, bitch, I fucking love it,” and he continued to assault her face with kisses on her mouth, cheek and neck and his tongue went to work as well.
“Time to lick, it seems!” said one of the men, she didn’t know which, as her eyes were closed.
Then, goosebumps formed across her body as the men at her legs wrapped their mouths around her skin and began to lick and suck.
One of them rubbed her thighs and licked to his heart’s content, occasionally sucking in a portion of flesh to suck and bite on. This made her want to shriek but she knew if she did, this man kissing her would get his wish.
The other man licked up and down the entire length of her other leg, biting her calf and digging his nails into her skin.
“Finally!” said the man at her torso, and he began slurping her stomach and digging his tongue into her belly button. His hands pressed into her sides making her flinch and react.
Another man wrapped his mouth around her closed boob and bit down and licked while playing with the other one with his hand.
Soon the man kissing her began biting her face, hard, making her cry. She kept her mouth closed, however.
“Make her cry, boys!”
The men moved on to harsher treatment, still feeling and licking her but now biting her and jabbing their fingers into her in multiple ways.
The men at her legs bit and tugged at her leg’s skin in every area they could think of. One of them was slapping her ass as he did so. The other started punching her foot.
The man at her torso was scratching her violently and biting chunks of her belly.
The man at her breasts bit down harder and chewed as though her were starving.
Soon, it was too much. Her tears flowed and she screamed, making the man standing with her flinch. Then, he took his chance, and his tongue stabbed into her mouth and he slurped his meal while squeezing her cheeks with one hand, helping to keep her mouth open.
She trembled and cried as this mysterious man was forcing her first kiss upon her. His breath smelled like onions and sometimes his scruffy face rubbed up against hers.
A spike of anger came over her and she snapped her teeth together, catching the man’s lip, but he managed to pull away. However, she tasted blood and the man grabbed his lip showing she had at least hurt him.
He punched her in the face, hard, something she should’ve expected but didn’t. Now, she tasted more blood, and he followed up with squeezing her nose and covering her mouth.
Her eyes grew wide and continued to struggle, but the man got close with wide, crazy eyes of his own.
“We own you, girl! See, so I can control your breath! If I want you dead, I’ll gladly kill you slow. We can easily kidnap another one of you high school cunts!”
She struggled and suffered, her body begging for breath. He smiled evilly before her, and her tears flowed over his hands.
He sighed, almost sweetly, as he released and she gasped for breath.
“This is heaven on earth,” and he forced his mouth around hers again.
This treatment lasted for another twenty minutes, and her body was soon stinging from bite marks and she felt soaked in saliva.
She breathed heavily and broke down into tears as the men released her to wipe their mouths and grab their crotches in excitement.
“I want her pussy!” exclaimed one of the more heavier men.
“I’ll take her ass, then,” said another.
“I want to kiss her too!”
“Hey, me too, so you gotta share, man.”
“I’ll use the whip, then. I wanna hear that sweet voice scream.”
And so, the men assaulted their young victim once more.
She did her best to keep her legs together, but she was feeling so weak. He easily moved them apart so he could gaze upon her spankies beneath the cheerleader skirt.
“Wow…” he said, as though seeing the most amazing sight in the world, “This can’t be real… I can’t believe I get to do this…”
She felt someone come behind her and slap her ass, and squeezed hard making her inhale sharply. He then started sucking on her neck.
One man started to kiss her cheek and someone else came to the other side began to lick her lips. She scrunched up her face and tensed her entire body.
The man below inhaled deeply near her pussy. Then, he shoved his face into it, feeling his nose dig inside, and he moved it around rapidly.
“Oh, this scent! It’s so soft! Wait!” he stood up and started to feel it with his hand while looking into her face, shoving the men kissing her aside.
She looked back with teary eyes. She looked up at him with weakness.
“I fucking love you!” he shouted, pulling her close and kissing her as well. His fingers moved in circles, pinched and went inside, pushing her spankies inside her crotch.
The sensation was something she had never felt before. She had masturbated before, but having someone else touch her down there was… different. A moan escaped her mouth, allowing the man to stick his tongue inside.
He moaned with her, growing more rigorous with his hand, rubbing it back and forth like a vibrator. He could feel it becoming more wet and slippery down there.
The man behind her still massaged her ass.
“Dude, move it!” said someone to her left. “Stick to your own lane!”
The man made a sucking sound as he released her from the kiss and she sighed heavily as he did. “Sorry man… this girl is just too much.”
“Yeah, well, it’s our turn with her face. You kiss her down there. You get the best part you lucky bastard!”
The man did so, kneeling back down and began to lick her through the spankies, wiggling his face and sucking as hard as he could.
Jessica couldn’t stop moaning. “Stop…” she muttered, “Please, just stop…” the tears came again.
“Aw, so cute,” said one man gripping her face and kissing her.
Fingers entered her ass making her tense harder and squeal out between kisses.
The two men standing with her took turns forcing her head to each side so they could lick and kiss her face.
The man behind masturbated her clothed asshole, while the man in front devoured her clothes pussy.
Next, came the best part for the men. They took scissors and removed her clothes down to her underwear. A pretty pink bra was revealed, and the man below removed her spankies to see the most beautiful young, bare pussy he had ever seen.
Actually, this was the first pussy he had ever seen, at fourty-three.
“Oh!” was all he could exclaim before shoving his face into the soaked pussy.
Jessica bent forward at the sensation, moaning loud and her legs vibrated.
Now two fingers were shoving in and out of her ass as well and she could feel herself tighten around the man’s penetrating tongue.
Something sharp and stinging struck her at the side making her yelp.
A flog.
The flog continuously struck her torso and she was held in place by binds above, two men gripping her head, and the man below squeezing and massaging her legs as he ate her out.
She started to become weaker from the cunnilingus, penetrating fingers and forced kisses. The flog was frustrating and painful.
The man below started to bite her vulva and pull, and did the same to the outer flesh of her pussy and any other part he could discover, making it stretch and burn with his teeth.
The man behind had now knelt down to dig his tongue inside her ass and ate her out down there too.
The two men continued to kiss her and she no longer had the strength to refuse them. Their tongues explored her throat, gums, teeth, insides of her cheeks and rubbed against her tongue.
The flogging man became crazed, whipping her harder and harder, making her entire torso red.
The man below ravished her clitoris, sucking and biting it, and something warm vibrated and rose up from within Jessica. Soon, the pleasure and pain overcame all thoughts. She let loose, as saliva poured from her mouth, her entire body vibrated and she pumped out fluid from her pussy, drenching the man below.
She hated how good it felt. Her mind awash in pleasure and pain, but it was all good in that moment. She shook her hips voluntarily to the motion of the man’s mouth upon her pussy and orgasming while she was eaten out, kissed and whipped, in that moment, was the greatest sensation of her life.
Then, the men backed away, and she felt nothing but shame and depression over how she just felt. The feeling of desperation was back and she remembered where she was – captive in a strange basement where no one would hear her scream.
These things were being forced upon her, and if she didn’t escape, she shuddered at what these men’s intentions were for her when they finished…
They weren’t even close to being done.
##To be Continued…
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/997mq7/jessicas_torment_chapter_1_rape_bdsm_teen_age
Reminds me of something i wrote once.
It plays out like a manga in my head which is interesting