Finally got to fuck [M]y crush, at the expense of cheating on my G[F]. Part 2

Link to Part 1

I started getting up to get dressed when Rose grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned back to look at her and she planted one big kiss on my lips and smiled. “I know, this was wrong, but fuck it I don’t care. That was everything I imagined and more, and I don’t want to just let you go, but it’s not fair to try and steal you away like this. I’m sorry too. You can go, I know you probably should.” I nodded to acknowledge her, got dressed and headed out of the tent.

Luckily no one was around the tent outside, I’m sure people heard things from inside their tents but I don’t think anyone could’ve made out that it was Rose and I hooking up. I saw some people by the fire so I walked back to hang out a bit more before going to bed finally myself.

4am rolls around and I head to bed. I’ve started to sober up at this point and feel so shitty and so guilty for cheating on Angie, but I also felt relieved to have finally hooked up with Rose and got it out of our system. I said to myself, what’s done is done, you just have to wait and see what the consequences will be.

Now for the part that makes this all worse… My gf woke up around 8am, horny of course, and woke me up by fondling my cock trying to get me hard in my sleep. Let’s just say it worked, I got up, my cock got up, and we had morning sex in the tent. I was a bit dazed from drinking the night before and getting woken up to fuck, so I forgot all about Rose and fucking her the night before. About 10 minutes in I’m wondering why I don’t feel like I have to cum yet, when it hits me and I remember what I did last night. Fuck. My cock was still coated in Rose and my cum and now had been thrust into my gf. This made me feel extra fucking guilty, but also admittedly very turned on. I went into overdrive and just fucked the shit out of Angie, choking her hard, slapping her ass, making her cum over and over again until my orgasm finally built up. I pulled out and came all over Angie, covering her from neck to pussy. She just let out a little giggle and started licking my cum off her body with her finger, while I was panting and thinking about how I fucked up.

After a little snuggling and small talk, Angie and I got cleaned up and dressed and started packing up camp to head home. A lot of people were still passed out, including Rose and everyone sleeping around her thankfully. I packed everything up as quick as I could and got out of there with Angie. I continued to feel guilty as fuck, but wanted to just forget what happened and move on. Apparently that wasn’t in the cards…

Everything stayed normal with Angie the next week, she suspected nothing, but Rose wasn’t letting things go. At first she was trying to be friendly again, I thought about being just her friend again but thought that would be pretty difficult considering all that had happened. As the week went on she was trying harder and harder until Friday when we were hanging out in our group of friends. They all wanted to go clubbing downtown, but I wasn’t really feeling it. They kept pushing and pushing until I finally agreed to go out. Angie was either working or didn’t want to go out, I really can’t remember why she wasn’t there, but I think it was a happy surprise for Rose.

Once we made all the plans, everyone went their separate way from where we were hanging out. I had to go home to change and since I was planning on being DD anyways, I agreed to drive Rose to her condo to get changed and then hitch a ride with me downtown. Everything was fine as Rose’s condo, she lived with her older brother who was home at the time, so he and I shot the shit while Rose got ready. She didn’t take a long time but damn, when she came out my jaw dropped. I had only every seen Rose in regular clothes (and naked of course lol), but now she had on a short, tight black dress with black tights on and her makeup done nicely. Fuck did she look good, and smelled incredible too. I kinda already knew I was fucked from there, she had something in mind.

We said goodbye to her brother and off we went to my house. We chit chatted about whatever on the way to my house, but her smell was lingering in the car and driving me nuts. We were both stealing glances at each other but trying to be not challan about it. We pulled up to my place and headed inside so I could get changed and maybe have a drink or two before going out.

My mom was home and watching TV downstairs when we came in. We said hi then went upstairs so I could change. Rose stayed in my room while I went to the bathroom to get ready. She was just sitting on my bed when I came back, still looking sexy in her clubbing outfit, and staring at me intently. I asked “What’s up?” Rose dropped her head then in a small voice said “I can’t stop thinking about what we did camping, I thought doing it once would get it out of my system but it hasn’t, I just want more of you.” I shook my head a little and replied “I know, it was amazing and sexy and passionate and everything else, but I’m with Angie. I like her a lot and I can’t just break up with her now. It’s not fair to her.” This started a little argument between Rose and I about everything that had happened, our feelings, what could happen in the future. Everything was getting heated, we both stopped for a moment and just stared deep into each other’s eyes and before I knew it I was grabbing her forcefully and shoving my tongue down her throat.

We were making out fiercely, and now that we were sober I couldn’t blame the alcohol this time. I dropped her down onto my bed and quickly unzipped to drop my jeans before jumping on top of her. She lunged at my lips again while I slid her tights down. There was no foreplay, no teasing, just straight to animalistic fucking.

I got the tip of my cock wet like she did the first time we fucked, and then slammed deep inside her. All I could say was “Oh fuck!” as Rose moaned with a screech. I quickly covered her mouth, remember my mom was still downstairs, and started to slowly pump into her. I was using long strokes and then slamming back into her, a whimper escaping her lips with every thrust. My hand fell from her mouth and my lips replaced it.

We kissed heavily as our pace picked up, Rose now meeting my thrusts as I slammed into her. She broke the kiss to speak the first words again “Oh God, please don’t stop, fill me with your cum again please. Please.” Then bit my lip hard. “Oh fuck” I replied with a groan. I knew I wasn’t going to last long without the alcohol, so I just let her have it. We locked lips again as I fucked Rose as hard as I could. I maybe lasted another 10-15 strokes before I came hard inside of her. I don’t know if she was coming before, but Rose was shaking hard from her orgasm as I kept milking my cum into her.

We were both breathing hard, bodies pressed together, just taking in the moment. I stood up, grabbed some tissues to wipe up quick and handed some to Rose. I got my jeans back on as she slid her tights back on, and she asked to cuddle for a bit. At this point, I had cheated twice and knew I was fucked, so I just went with whatever happened. I got back in bed and we cuddled for awhile. Nothing was really said, I feel like neither one of us wanted to say anything and ruin the moment.

We eventually got up, rearranged ourselves to look suitable to go out, and headed out to my car. We said a quick goodbye to my mom and headed out to go downtown. Honestly, everything seemed to go back to normal once we got there and had a good night with our friends. But of course the drinks started flowing and things started heating up as we dancing. The club we were at had 3 floors so she grabbed my hand to take me away from our friends on the top level. She pulled me into the crowded dancefloor and kissed me hard as she swayed her hips to get a dance going. I went with it and kissed back and just enjoyed the rest of the night dancing and making out with Rose.

I knew I had to be honest the Angie after everything that happened, and I had to decide on what to do about Rose. I was having an internal battle for the next week, trying to figure out what to do and when to do it. I was feeling like shit about cheating because I really did like Angie and saw a future with her, but I had fucked up so badly that I didn’t think she would take me back if I was honest. And with Rose, I knew there was something there between us and I already had strong feelings for her to date her, but with the way everything happened and how we came to fuck for the first time, I would feel guilty the entire time we dated.

Now for the final fuck up, and I swear I’m not making this shit up. I find the coincidence funny as fuck now and it’s classic for living in a small town. Angie’s mom and Rose actually worked together, and Angie’s mom was technically her boss. Apparently Rose was talking to her friends at work about me, and Angie’s mom overheard throughout the week while I was trying to sort my shit out. Well of course she told Angie, and I got confronted.

We had a long yelling match, mostly her yelling and me back pedaling. I was trying to give a nicer version of the truth to her but she wasn’t taking the bullshit so I told her the truth. I obviously didn’t include ever detail, but she found out about the night camping and clubbing. I explained as much as I could to make it sound better, but of course there wasn’t any reasoning with her.

I eventually left and figured Angie and I were over for good. I called Rose right away and told her what happened, and that I was pissed that she was going around work talking about me and us hooking up. Now here’s where the truth came out from Rose and she admitted to planning the whole thing camping, and hoped I would give in, then break up with Angie so we could date. She was also tired of waiting for me to make a decision or fess up, so she took it upon herself to get the wheels moving. I was not impressed, told her I didn’t want anything to do with her and that our friendship was over, never mind dating. She got very upset, saying she thought this is what I wanted and a bunch of other nonsense. I hung up and left it at that, then went home to wallow and feel like shit.

I ended up just driving around for hours and hours, thinking of making my way to Calgary to just get out of town for awhile. I eventually turned around and went back home, drank a bunch of whiskey and passed out. Life went on for a couple weeks, I was depressed, and kept running all the events that happened through my head.

Then the biggest surprise happened, Angie called and wanted to meet up to talk. We met down at the beach and had a long talk about everything that happened and hashing things out. At the end of it she actually decided to take me back, and I was happy as fuck. I was still feeling guilty, and did for a few months into the relationship, but we ended up have a pretty happy relationship for a year. Of course though karma came around, and she cheated on me with her ex boyfriend, and moved back to his town to move in with him right away. At that point we had fallen apart quite a bit, had a miscarriage about 5 months in, and I kinda knew she was cheating on me so I called her out on her bullshit this time.

Cheating sucks, it’s not something I would ever do again. It felt way worse to cheat than when I got cheated on, so I could never put someone through that again.



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