Viper’s Kiss part 1

The wind swirled about Aliyah’s exposed body and the stones beneath her feet were hot. She was naked but for the chains which bound her hands and feet and the slave collar locked around her neck. She was a warrior of the sands, the spear and the whip of the shah, but now she was a slave as well.
    The Man who had so humbled her was a viper of a warrior.  Slim yet strong, fluid yet rigid at an instant. She had almost escaped. She had grinned as she leapt towards the window, past which her horse waited to carry her from the doomed city. She had abandoned her post in the besieged capital, broken her oaths to her lord and master, but she cared not. Long ago she had learned that dishonorable acts were the only way to save herself from the grievances of the world.

But she had not bounded through the window, she had not rode away on a stallion to the desert. Mid leap a hand had seized her hair. She had screamed her outrage as he dragged her away from escape. So close and so far away.

Now she was here with the other slavegirls. They too were stripped and chained and collared like cattle. Unlike her they wept and whined and raged at their fate. She did not. Whatever else she had lost she still had her pride, didn’t she?

The victors began to return from the looting, carrying gold and a few more trussed up maidens. Immediately the other captives began to beg and plead before the men. They offered themselves, their dignity, they bowed and groveled, a few even licked their conquerors boots, still stained with the blood of their brothers, and fathers, and lovers.

Aliyah was disgusted by them. Several already had the docks of the most eager men in their mouths. Whatever else they took from her, they’d never have her submission!

Several were already starting to notice her, the way she held her head high even now. A few had gathered around, teasing her, groping her. A sound rang out as a man smacked her was like a prize pony. He said something she didn’t understand, but she thought she could tell its meaning all the same.

Suddenly another wedged himself through the ring around her. The viper, or so she had begun the think of him, grabbed the man that had smacked her on the was and punched him in the throat, sending him to the ground. The viper turned around and spoke a few words to the others. She couldn’t understand him but she could hear the threat, the others backed away reluctantly.

He wheeled around and flashed her a grin. Even though the hot winds whipped around her and the sun beat down on her naked flesh, that from made her shiver. This man was a scorpion, and she knew in his hands was a worse fate for her than any the simple brutes who had first ringed her might offer.
