[MF] I finally fucked my friend’s younger sister. [LONG]

I was a junior in college and hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft. I’ll try to focus on this aspect as little as possible. Anyway, I first got to know Ella through the game. She was the younger sister of one of my best friends and we all played together. She played a ton as well. Despite me being 5 years older she was always very talkative. We’d mostly chat about the game and sometimes life in general. We stayed as in-game buddies for a long time. Never thought much of it.

Fast forward 4 years. I was living on my own near my hometown, Ella is home from university after her sophomore year. I was severely overweight due to years of eating like crap and not exercising. I express my desire to Ella to lose weight. Ella has always been athletic. She played soccer all through high school and played intramural soccer at university. She was so excited that I finally wanted to get in shape. Her brother was in similar shape to me and she always wanted HIM to get in shape and thought that I could be some kind of inspiration. That entire summer she helped me with food, exercise, and motivation. Her plan wasn’t to drastically change my lifestyle (I couldn’t cook), but to at least pick healthy options at fast food places and not drink sugary soda or alcohol. She also helped me with some exercise from her soccer training.

There was one very intimate moment towards the end of the summer, where I was frustrated, on the verge of tears, because that week was hard and I had actually gained a bit of weight on the scale. When we met up I told her and even talking about it got me all emotional. She took my hands and told me how proud of me she was for trying so hard and that this one, single week, wasn’t anything to worry about. It really helped. I think that was the first time I saw her as something more than a friend.

At the end of summer, she went back to university and I continued to lose weight using her plan. Although more slowly because I didn’t have someone slapping junk food out of my hands anymore. Over her school year I started playing WoW less, so Ella and I talked more over Facebook. Feelings for her starting to well up inside me. Thankfully we had been close friends for a long time so no one, not even Ella, could tell. Ella came home for Christmas break. I was VERY happy to see her. Every year my buddy has a huge New Years Eve party and everyone goes over to his massive house. Someone brought Just Dance. I thought the game was stupid, however Drunk me thought it was a great idea. Drunk me finally made a wise choice. We were doing 4 players and swapping out with whoever wanted to play. It can be a workout if you play a lot. Anyway one of the songs had a waltz section where you’re supposed to grab the person next to you and dance for a few beats. I grabbed Ella and tried to copy the moves as best as I could. It was awkward. That part came around again and I must have hit that peak drunk state where I’m actually better at stuff than I am sober. This brief moment we’re together I saw her big beautiful hazel eyes and as I breathed in I could tell she still smelled sweet. I was in love. I don’t remember the rest of the song. I was basically glowing the whole night from that moment (also the alcohol).

During her next semester things started to get flirty for the first time in our chats. Between the weight loss and the WoW talk we’d talk about more adult things and I finally felt like I could make more sexual jokes. I REALLY tried not to go overboard because 1) she’s still my friend’s little sister and 2) I didn’t want to scare her away. One night she got home from a party wasted and starting chatting with me. I thought it was pretty funny. She ended it with telling me she’s going to go masturbate and fall asleep. I was pretty shocked, it’s one thing to make jokes, it’s another thing to just come out and say that. I think I just replied, “haha, have fun” and then went followed suit. She messaged me the next day saying how sorry she was and how she was drunk and didn’t want to make things awkward. I said it was fine, don’t worry about it, we’ve all been there. Despite my assurance, things were kind of awkward for a few days. Eventually they went back to normal.

The next summer, she’s back from school again and I’ve stared training to run a half marathon. Ella agreed to help run with me, so we would go twice a week. She always had the cutest running shorts that showed off her toned butt. This was really nice, even if we didn’t talk much.

One night she calls me (odd already). I can tell she’s not quite right. She asks me how I’m doing and then starts telling me about this dream she had. In this dream I tie up her arms with my belt and then we start having sex on her bed. As she’s telling me this I can tell she’s touching herself. I don’t know how I should have responded, but I just went in the bathroom and furiously masturbated to her describing this dream and touching herself. She eventually hung up and I quickly finished. The next day, similar to before, she messages me saying how sorry she is, how completely inappropriate it was and how it’ll never happen again. I tried to convey that I didn’t mind. But she just seemed so embarrassed.

We usually talk every day, if only briefly. We didn’t talk at all for over a week. She wouldn’t respond to any of my messages. I tried to limit myself to one, “hey, what’s up” per day. I was getting pretty sad about it. What could I have done differently? Eventually she finally sends me, “hey, wanna go running tonight?” I did. I was scheduled to do my long run for week so it was 7 miles. I didn’t tell her that, I wanted to see what would happen. We went slow, ~9:30/mile pace, and she kept up w/ me the whole way. Towards the end I could tell she was getting tired/wondering when it would end. I stopped about 4 blocks away from her house, took out my earphones and said, “That was it, seven miles.” She walked over and playfully punched me, saying she was wondering how much longer we were gunna go because she wasn’t going to last much longer. I told her that was the longest I’ve ever run and she said she’s done 7 miles a few times for soccer training. We walked home and chatted about whatever. It was like before and felt so good to just talk to her again. As we approached her parent’s house she got kinda quiet. Right before I said goodbye she said, “Hey, Sarah is having a party on Saturday and you should come.” Sarah was one of her friends from high school who still lived in the area. I never interacted w/ her High School friends much. She assured me that people I know would be there. I said okay. She gave me the details and we parted ways.

Her friend Sarah was having a kind of going away party. She was going to be studying abroad for a year and her program started early. When I got there Ella ran over and gave me a hug and said she was glad I came. She looked so cute. She’s about 5’4″, pale skin, long brown hair, big, beautiful hazel eyes. She was wearing a black tanktop and short jean shorts with black flip flops. Her toes were painted light blue. I always notice that cause: reasons. We chatted briefly and then she went off to talk to some of her friends. It turns out I did know people. Since Sarah’s brother was there he invited the older siblings of Sarah’s friends and I knew some of them from high school. The party was okay, but I don’t know how to act around people I’m not already friends with. It started getting late and I went to dispose of my trash. Ella met me in the kitchen and asked if I was having fun, I said I was but I was getting tired. She emphatically said I had to stay. I said okay. Eventually people start to leave and I just feel super awkward standing around. Ella asks me to help clean up and I do. It wasn’t a rager, but some people had passed out on the couch/floor. Ella seemed totally fine. I hadn’t had a drink in hours in the hopes of leaving. After filling 2 garbage bags with trash we took them outside. Then she grabbed my hand and lead me around Sarah’s backyard to an old trailer in the back. She said she still had a key. I was honestly, thoroughly confused.


We went inside and it smelled like all the old boxes I could see stacked up. She started nervously talking about how Sarah’s family used to live in there while their house was being built and how they gave her a key so she could use it as storage when the house was done. We kind of meander to the bed and it’s the only thing that doesn’t have boxes on it. She kinda stops talking and suddenly everything adds ups in my head. I SLOWLY move closer, trying to read her, and inch my face closer to hers. (If this were a movie, they’d have to do a re-shoot for it taking too long) I see her close her eyes and I just go for it. She warmly embraced me and her lips felt so soft and tender on mine. I was in heaven. She pulled away briefly before grabbing my face and we began making out vigorously. We kind of fell onto the bed and were still going at it, I was wrapping my legs around hers but I kept my arms rigidly at her sides, not wanting to screw things up.

We repositioned to where I was sitting against the wall and then she lunged at me. We continued making out and my hand slipped a bit and went on her butt. She moaned softly right in my ear; driving me wild. My hands wandered all over her back and butt. I made sure to get healthy grasps of her moderately size but perky behind. This kissing and groping was wonderful, but I was starting to get a cramp in my leg after a while so I pulled away. I kind of jokingly threw out, “So what do you wanna do next?” She immediately put her hands over her mouth. “What, what is it?” I probed, hoping she wasn’t having second guesses now. “I want to suck your cock” she replied. I couldn’t get my pants off fast enough. In my madness I took my shirt off too and threw it, my shoes, socks, pants and boxers to floor. I hopped back on the bed and laid down on the very flat pillows completely naked. She took off her top and shorts, leaving her in a light bra and panties. They matched her toes, I don’t know if this was intentional.

I was painfully hard and she crawled over and started putting her lips on my cock. They were so soft, it was wonderful. She didn’t seem terribly experienced (honestly, neither was I), her teeth hit a few times, but when she shifted down and started licking my balls while slowly stroking me I got hard as diamonds again. As I’m watching her work, licking and sucking, she looks up and our eyes connect. I almost came right there. I had to stop her. She played it off like she was disappointed, but also seemed a bit relieved. I told her, “now it’s your turn” and she took her panties off revealing her freshly shaved pussy. There were still some small bumps from the razor. I thought it was cute. She had a bit of a tan line from wearing shorts so often.

I scooted back and placed both of my hands on her feet. I had to stop myself from sucking on her toes right there. I started at her ankles and began to kiss and lick my way up right leg. As I got to her inner thighs I began to go slower. Here’s where she started to softly moan. I kissed right above where he leg connects to her body before shifting over to her left leg around her knee. She looked up, but placed her head down again when I started to kiss and lightly nibble on her inner thigh. She was extremely wet and I happily lapped up the liquid that she had on the outside of her vagina. This time when I made my way to her pussy I started licking along the outer bits before moving my mouth to her clit area. As I began flicking it with my tongue she began moaning much louder. However as I kept going, and trying new moves, she moaning got softer and less frequent. I tried to move myself such that I could get a finger or two inside her. As I slowly worked one finger in she began moaning in a deeper tone and saying my name. I then worked a second finger in, but it was an uncomfortable position. I hadn’t tried using both my mouth and fingers at the same time and it wasn’t really working. So I pulled back and pushed both fingers inside as far as they could go and started doing that “come here” motion. She started to aggressively pant and mumbled, “please just keep going.” So I kept it up. Looking above her incredibly beautiful body twitching and shaking out of pleasure just drove me nuts.

At some point my fingers began to ache, but we were 5 “keep going I’m almost there” commands in and I had to see it through. Soon her body began to convulse and I could feel her tighten on my fingers and she began loudly moaning, “AH, AH, AH” before finally closing her eyes and collapsing. I slid my fingers out and wiped them off on the sheets. She opened her eyes and smiled widely at me. I was over-the-moon that I could make her feel like that. I was happy just stare into her eyes. After a beat she sat up and took her bra off and started pulling me towards her. Her breasts were maybe c-cups and milky white with perky nipples. As I’m staring at her chest and said, “get inside me” so I moved over her and tried to move my penis inside of her. I figured since she was soaking wet still I could just kinda thrust my way in. After two misses she sat up again, grabbed my cock and positioned it right at the opening and I deliberately slid myself in.

I kind of instinctively started thrusting, slowly at first, before picking up speed. I had my hands on either side of her and I was staring down at her tits jiggle up and down. I moved my head up and see her face smiling from ear to ear. Have I mentioned I love her smile? Anyway it made me take a moment to realize how lucky I was and how much this moment meant to me. I ended up slowing down a bit and she gave me an encouraging, “keep going”. It was this moment I remembered 2 things. 1) my pants were on the floor, 2)it didn’t really matter because I don’t wear a belt w/ these pants. So I took my hands grabbed onto her arms and moved them above her head and put some of my weight down on them. This caused her to let out a kind of guttural moan. I picked up the pace a bit and now she was really into it. I had to adjust her thrusting back now. Eventually we found a good rhythm and I brought her wrists together above her head and put them under just my left hand now. This increase of pressure on her arms caused her to let out a faint, submissive “uh, yeah”. I then took my right hand and slowly traced down her arm and moved over her shoulder and towards her neck. She nodded and gasped and I applied gentle pressure. She was now aggressively repeating, “yeah, fuck me, fuck me harder” Shortly after I could feel convulse again and I knew she was cumming. Seeing her body in the midst of her orgasm had me just about there. I pulled out and starting stroking myself.I felt a huge rush of pleasure and shot several ropes all over her cute stomach. She just laid there, smiling. I was spent. She teased me later that I let out this really quick, “i’m gunna cum” the millisecond before I started cumming.

I kinda shifted over and crashed on the bed next to her. As she got up to get a towel, I realized I probably should have taken care of that, but I couldn’t really move at the moment. I just laid there like a blob on the bed. She cleaned herself off and got back onto the bed.

Considering this is almost 3000 words, I’m going to end it here. There’s some more stories with two of us though.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/91c9xw/mf_i_finally_fucked_my_friends_younger_sister_long


  1. I think maybe your 4th sentence has an error. Really changes the dynamic of the story.

  2. You mean Fast forward? I dont mean to insult. I just got a bit confuse. And i feel like the introduction story had too much build up. Too many unnecessary information. Sorry ✌

  3. Such a sweet story. I definitely want to hear more!

    From my experience, she definitely planned everything beforehand: shaving, matching set of underwear, matching nail color to umderwear, and the bed conveniently not having any boxes. :)

  4. This is one of those stories where I think it would be awesome to see it told from her perspective. Seems like she was falling for you as you were for her.

  5. I love your story bud. Love the details too. It’s almost like readying an erotic story. Do tell us more stories.

  6. That was one of the sweetest stories. You didn’t fuck your friend’s younger sister… you made love, brother… and I’m not even disappointed. Congrats!

  7. “She took off her top and shorts, leaving her in a light bra and panties. They matched her toes, I don’t know if this was intentional.”

    Yea, it was intentional lol. Congrats!

  8. Congrats on your weight loss and getting laid. Do tell more stories with her…

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