[MF] Fucked my best friends mom

So I made this account literally just to share this experience because it’s just so insane for me. So I am 21. I’ve known my best friend for 7 years, and even though he’s moved to a different city we’re still amazing friends and play video games online and hangout everyday when he comes to visit. Anyways, so by association I’ve know his mom by the same amount of years. I’m so close to his family I still occasionally play basketball with her husband even though my friend doesn’t even live here anymore.

For purposes of making this story smoother we will call my friends mom tiffany. So tiffany cleans houses and takes care of dogs for rich people while there away. As a result she occasionally sleeps at a mansion by herself for 3 nights in a row. For the past two weeks she’s been texting me to come over and chill out and keep her company and drink. Now this would be totally normal for us with one exception, it would be just us 2. So I found that bit off. Her texting was also slightly flirtatious, she would even send me pictures of her sitting in the pool holding a margarita with her thighs showing. This is when I started thinking, wtf is going on. Obviously I knew it was flirting but at the same time I thought no fucking way is she trying to fuck, im her son’s best friend, I know her husband, like I had reasonable doubt here.

Another sidenote of this story is that I have a girlfriend. Well one night I’m out playing video games at a public place, and she texts me once again to keep her company. Since I’m already out on the road I decide to do it, just out of fucking curiosity to see if she’s really bout it like wtf. Anyways, it’s a 20 minute drive and I think about everything on the drive so when I get there im nervous as fuck which is not common because I’ve known her so long I’m always so calm around her. Anyways we take two shots, make margaritas and lay down on a hammock to talk (she’s in a bikini btw, she has a super nice body but her face is eh). As we talk more I start easing up and slightly getting hard. Two times during the conversation she makes sexual remarks about us fucking but in a way that it’s not obvious and she pauses and stares at me, probably trying to get me to kiss her buy I disregard all of that and continue to make conversation. I go sit down by the pool with my legs in the water to smoke and she comes sit by me.

At this time about 50 minutes have passed and it’s about 10 pm. Now shit gets real. We talk about the neighborhood of the mansion she’s taking care of. She mentions how the neighbors sometimes have girls come out and swim in the pool naked. I reply “Oh then I definitely gotta stay longer to see that”. She then says that she could take off her bra too if she wanted. Shit just got real. I told her do it. She started to take it off but was struggling, I quickly help her take it off. What great tits. At this moment I already know that my intuition was correct so I don’t delay any longer. I squeeze her tits and suck on them. She obviously liked it.

Long story short, we went in the pool butt naked, fucked multiple times (as I was fucking her she would tell me how she’s always wanted me since I would hangout at her house) we had fun, cuddled, watched movies, I slept overs, didn’t sleep much doe. Now she keeps asking me to do it again, and trust me I want to, since we’ve had such a good time. But at the same time I feel bad. I’m doing wrong to my gf, my friend, and her husband. So I’m fighting the urge and denying her.

Thanks to whoever listened, feels good telling someone about it, feel free to ask questions.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/914dlz/mf_fucked_my_best_friends_mom


  1. It feels hot because it’s so wrong. The hardest part of this the whole best friend aspect. GFs. Husbands and others come and go. But that best friend could last a lifetime. Be careful

  2. I guess It would be so hard, so she is your best friends mother, I understand your feelings man.

  3. Story buildup was great, but the action scene was one nondescriptive paragraph. You’re killing me.

  4. Super hot story. It reminds me of the time I slept with my ex girlfriend’s mom so long ago. Lots of cougars out there… more than most people know.

    On a serious note… In some ways, you’ve got the ideal situation. The rule of thumb is, never cheat with a woman who has more to lose than you do if the truth were to come out. Sounds like she’d lose a lot if she were to slip up.

    But, on the other hand, you feel remorse for cheating. Congratulations! You have a conscious! Your NOT a sociopath! The downside to this is that you’ll always feel bad about it, and the guilt may eventually eat you alive. It will get worse the longer you stay with your girlfriend and/or maintain this affair.

    My $0.02 is that you at least break up with your girlfriend (she doesn’t need to know why), fuck your friend’s mom silly a few more times and then break it off with her too. Then go on Tinder and just start smashing cougars every night, if that’s your thing and you’re into that.

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