[MF] How I got my first blowjob

If I’m going to tell this story, I guess the first thing you’ll want to know is what all the girls looked like, how big their boobs were, how many pounds of each of them weighed, and whether they were a size 6 or a size 12 or a size 8, and all that other stuff. But frankly I don’t know. What I mean is that frankly, I don’t see what difference it makes whether the girl was an A cup or a D cup, or whether she was thick or thin, or what her ass looked like when she walked around with only her underwear on. Besides, I’ve never been too good with measurements, and I didn’t bother to check the tag on their bras to see what their cup size was. If those things even have tags. I don’t know.

What I will tell you though is that the first girl in the story was a very good friend of mine, that we’d known each other since kindergarten, but that we’d never been that close until high school, when we really started hanging out quite a lot, with me going to her place to hang out in her room all the time. Then when it was time for college we both decided to go to the same university, and that’s when the story takes place: during our first year in a new city, during our freshman year.

As I told you earlier I have no idea what her cup size was, but one thing I’ll tell you about her though is that she had great hair. Her hair was long and curly and brown, not a very dark brown but a light brown that’s almost red when you look at it in a certain light. She was almost as tall as I was, which is saying something because I’m 5’11” and most girls barely go up to my shoulders, but with her we could look each other in the eyes and I didn’t have to look down or crane my neck like it is with most girls.

She also had a great ass, which is quite something considering that she wasn’t a big girl at all, but I knew her mother so I knew that’s where she got her ass from. Her mother was more heavyset, but she had that same ass, although of course *her* ass didn’t look anywhere near as good. Not that I ever checked out her mom like *that*, but you know what I mean. The girl had a great ass, that’s all.

All this talk about her ass is kind of my way of saying that I had a bit of a thing for her, which I guess isn’t very surprising. Probably most guys who hang around with a girl a lot will eventually have a thing for that girl, mostly because if you like someone enough to spend that much time with them, well, it’s only natural that if that person’s a girl then you’d want to do all those other things, all the sex things, with them too.

But unfortunately for me she wasn’t interested. When she first told me she wasn’t interested we were still in high school, and I hadn’t even tried anything yet, I mean I hadn’t done anything that might mean I wanted to kiss her, or touch her, or do any of the other things like that with her. But still she went ahead and let me know that she didn’t like me like *that*. That I was a great friend but that she wasn’t ready for anything sexual but that she loved it when we spent time together and all that. You know, the whole friendzone thing.

That was a bit of a bummer, and I wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear that, but ok, I understood. One reason I wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear about that is that I knew the whole thing about not being ready for sex was just a lot of crap. And just to show you I wasn’t wrong, just as high school was almost over she started dating this guy, this sports jock type of guy who drove around town in his dad’s Audi, and she even went with him to the prom and all that, so that’s how I know it was mostly crap that stuff about not being ready for sex. What I mean is that I don’t know if she had sex with the guy or not, but I sure as hell saw them kissing quite a lot, and you don’t go around telling a guy you’re not ready for anything sexual and then just a few months later, like maybe two or three months later, you don’t go meeting a guy and spending prom night making out with him where everyone can see.

But the sports jock guy didn’t stick around very long anyway. He went to a different town for college and the two of them broke up because they didn’t want a long distance relationship, or so she told me, so he wasn’t around anymore by the time this story happened. So really, I don’t mind him. If it wasn’t him it would just have been somebody else, most like.

The story happened later, I guess you could say it started during the winter of our first year in college, because that’s when she started inviting me to sleep over at her place. It was strictly *platonic*, and nothing really happened between us, at least nothing more than the two of us cuddling in our underwear, and maybe after the tenth or fifteenth night or so she started rubbing her ass against me and I would get a pretty stiff hard on sometimes, but that’s all that ever happened.

At some point I *may* have tried to push things a bit further, and I realize I probably shouldn’t have done that considering she had told me already she wasn’t interested, but I thought that had been high school, and that had been *before* she started inviting me over to sleep in her bed, and *before* she started rubbing her ass against my cock sometimes. But she just pushed my hands away and said, in this very embarrassed way as if it was all very embarrassing to have to explain this to me *again*, but she said that if she had liked me like *that*, she would have been way too shy to invite me to sleep over in her bed in the first place. You know, the usual. Anyway, that time I *really* got the message, and she knew from then on that she wouldn’t have to explain it all over again to me for a third time.

I wasn’t too thrilled about this whole *no sex* thing but I could live with it, you know? At least it meant I could spend time with this really cool girl, this really good friend of mine, and at least it meant I didn’t have to spend most nights alone, because it was still my first year in this town and I didn’t know too many people yet.

One thing I haven’t told you yet though, is that this girl I’m telling you about, she didn’t actually live on her own. She shared an apartment with a roommate, another girl I knew from high school, although I wasn’t very close friend with her like I was with the first girl.

Now this other girl (and I hope you’ll forgive me but I really have to make up names for these girls, because I can’t just keep writing about *that girl* and *that other girl*, that would get pretty boring after a while, so I have to make up a names for them and I hate made up names like *Anna* or *Beatrix*, because that’s not their real names, and they just don’t *feel* like Annas and Beatrixes, so even though it kind of spoils the story I’ll just go ahead and call the first girl Friendzone Girl and the second one Blowjob Girl, because 1) this story isn’t so great a story that it would be tragic if I were to spoil it just a little bit like that, and 2) if you haven’t seen it coming yet, I’m sure you would have in about half a page or so anyway, so really I’m not spoiling much)

So as I was saying, Blowjob Girl wasn’t a great, great friend of mine, but she wasn’t a great, great friend of Friendzone Girl either. The two of them just decided to rent an apartment together to share costs and whatnot, not because they were these two besties or anything. And the deal was, the deal they made when they rented the place during the summer, the deal was that the two of them would be very *serious*, and that they would *study* all the time, and that there were *no boys allowed* in the apartment, on account of that fact that boys would be quite a distraction, and both of them wanted to become doctors and lawyers, respectively.

So that was the deal, but that was the deal in the *summer*, when they first rented the apartment. Now in the *fall*, Blowjob Girl met a guy and suddenly the deal was off. The guy was over there all the time, and he and Blowjob Girl had crazy, loud sex at all hours of the night, and Friendzone Girl was pretty pissed at her roommate about that. That guy being over there having sex all the time put a serious dent in the friendship between the two girls.

Now all this thing with the guy, I didn’t actually get to witness any of that first hand. All of that happened in the fall, and the guy didn’t stick around very long, and by Christmas time or so, him and Blowjob Girl had broken up and they didn’t see each other anymore. I only started sleeping over there later that winter, so all this I’m telling you about the crazy sex, I heard from Friendzone Girl. I didn’t hear any of the crazy loud sex myself, is what I’m saying.

So moving ahead a few months, by spring time I was getting pretty used to sleeping over there, and both girls were pretty used to seeing me around. If Friendzone Girl had an early class for instance, I would usually get up later and stay at her place for a while before going to my own classes. So it wasn’t a rare occasion when Blowjob Girl and me were alone together in their apartment.

One morning as I was having breakfast (and this was one of those morning where Friendzone Girl had an early class so she had left already) Blowjob Girl got up and we started chatting. Me eating my cereal, her making coffee, just the two of us in the kitchen filling the silence with some idle chit chat.

After a while of us talking, she point blank asks me if me and Friendzone Girl are doing it. Are we dating? Are we just fuck friends? What’s the deal between us, is what she wants to know.

I considered lying for a second. I considered telling her that we were doing it all the time, like almost every night, because I figured that would be less embarrassing than admitting that *nothing* ever happened, that the most that ever happened is that she sometimes rubbed her ass against my dick. I don’t know why, but I thought that would be a pretty embarrassing thing to admit.

So I considered lying for a second, but really not more than a second, because who was I kidding. Of course if I told her that FG and I were doing it, she’d repeat that to FG, and FG would be pissed, and that might very well be the end of our little arrangement. And since I didn’t want that to happen, well, I had no choice but to fess up.

“Not even once?” she asked. “She never even gave you a handjob? Or just a blowjob? Not even once?” And I told her no, that she never did any of that, and I never did anything to *her*, on account of her not wanting me to. “Well, maybe someone else will, one day…” she said, referring to the whole handjob/blowjob thing, as if there was more to it than that.

That stumped me. That stumped me quite a bit. So much so that I didn’t know how to answer for a second. I mean, what are you supposed to answer when a girl tells you something like that? I couldn’t very well *imply* that *she* implied that *she* maybe, might possibly give me a blowjob someday. Because really how would that have made me look? Like an ass, pretty much. Implying to a girl that she’s going to give you a blowjob someday is a pretty assish thing to say in my book. So seeing as I was pretty much lost for words, all I could come up with was this weak “Yeah, maybe…” It made me sound like a complete idiot, of course, but I figured at least it didn’t make me sound like an ass. I usually choose idiot over ass. It’s pretty dumb of me I guess, because sometimes girls prefer asses to idiots, maybe even a lot of the time actually, but that time I wasn’t feeling it so I played it safe.

A few days went by after that conversation, and nothing happened during those few days, just me sleeping over there pretty often, but I didn’t get any more time alone with Blowjob Girl, so I figured we both kind of forgot about that morning and we just went on with our lives. But then, one night when Friendzone Girl and me we had went to bed early, that night around midnight I woke up with this huge urge to pee and this big pee boner that was just sticking out of my boxers almost.

Now if there’s any girls reading this, maybe they don’t know what a pee boner is, so I’ll just take a second to explain it (yeah, I do realize that they *do* probably know what it is, and that makes me sound pretty dumb, explaining things to people that they already know, but anyway) A pee boner is when you’re asleep and you really have to pee, and if you’re a guy your body makes you have this huge boner in the middle of the night, because as any guy will tell you it’s pretty much impossible to pee when you have a huge boner. So basically it’s your body’s way to stop you from wetting your bed, and stopping you from looking like an ass, especially when you’re not actually in your own bed but in some other girl’s bed.

So I woke up and I knew I had to go to the bathroom so I went, but on the way there I came across Blowjob Girl, and she saw my huge boner, and she probably didn’t realize it was a pee boner and not a sex boner, because she tells me something like “Look at you!” or “Good for you!” or something like that, although I don’t remember exactly because I was mostly half asleep, so I just mumbled something about having to pee and I continued on my way. Real smooth.

I’m telling you this part because it may or may not have anything to do with what happened next. What I mean is that I’m not saying that she was so struck by my huge hard on that she just had to have it, because I’m not a complete idiot and I do realize that this is pretty fucking unlikely, and yet considering what happened the next morning, it’s just a weird coincidence, that’s all.

Because the next morning Friendzone Girl had another early class, and this time I was still lying in bed when Blowjob Girl came in and entered the room. Now that was a pretty unusual circumstance. Because the girls didn’t usually entered each other’s room, at least not when I was around anyway.

So she enters the room and she sits down on the bed, right next to me, right by my waist, and she’s got one leg on the bed and her other foot just still on the floor, and she’s looking at me and she asks if FG is around. I say no, that she had an early class and that she left already, and so then she asks me what I’m going to do all by myself in FG’s bed like that. “Are you going to jerk off?” she asks. She asks me if I ever jerk off in FG’s bed when she’s not around. And I do realize that maybe this time I should have lied, because FG probably wouldn’t like it very much if she heard about what I do sometimes in her bed when she’s not around, but I didn’t have much time to consider my answer carefully and on the spur of the moment I decided to just go ahead and tell her the truth. “Sometimes” I said.

So *then* she asks me if I’d rather get a blowjob instead. That got me pretty stunned. I really had no idea what to say to that one. I mean of course I wanted a blowjob, I’m pretty sure that every guy everywhere will always want a blowjob when a cute girl offers them a blowjob, so it’s not about *that*, but she *was* FG’s roommate, and I knew that if word got around to FG that her roommate gave me a blowjob right in her own bed, well, I knew she might not be too thrilled about *that*. So just to let you know that I’m not *completely* stupid and I did consider all of that before making a decision, but considering that I only had a second to answer, since I figured it wouldn’t be very suave to keep her hanging too long after she offered to give me a blowjob, so while all of that did zoom through my head pretty quick, in the end I’m not too sure if my brain had much to do with how I answered, or with anything else that happened after that. “Sure,” I said.

Once she had my answer she didn’t wait too long after that. She pulled my boxers down and just immediately, casually grabbed my cock like it was no big deal. And all I could think of is how oh my fucking god this is actually happening, and how this girl’s hand is actually on my cock, and as nervous as I was it really didn’t matter much because I was hard in about two seconds flat. Then she bent down and put my cock in her mouth.

And everything that went through my head before about her touching my cock, suddenly it was the same thing but times a zillion. Her mouth was really soft, and so really fucking wet, and my dick felt so fucking hard, my brain just sort of conked out for a while. I took my shirt off, partly because I didn’t know what else I should be doing and I thought maybe that would make it easier for her, and partly because I felt like an old perv with my shirt on but no underwear. And I just kept staring at her going at it, wondering what else I was supposed to do. Was I supposed to say something? Like “oh yeah baby that feels so fucking good?” Well, it did feel so fucking good, but I was kind of worried that saying so would make me sound like a bad porn movie and that she wouldn’t appreciate that too much. So I figured I couldn’t really say anything. I also thought maybe I should be running my fingers through her hair or something, maybe to get it away from her mouth and away from my cock, maybe that would help her out, but that too felt too much like porn, and she didn’t seem to be in any need of my help anyway, and I didn’t want her to think I was going to press her face down against my balls, like I wanted her to deepthroat me or anything, because I didn’t, I didn’t want that and I thought she might stop if she thought that’s what I wanted.

So in the end I just laid back and watched the ceiling and tried to enjoy it. Which is my way of saying that I have no idea what she did exactly, because I couldn’t see exactly, but all I know is that it felt pretty damn good and I probably didn’t last too pretty damn long.

When I felt I was about to come I said “I’m about to come,” because even though I knew I didn’t know much about sex, I was pretty sure that girls don’t like it when you come in their mouth without telling them. And lo and behold, sounds like I was right for once, because once I said that she took my cock out of her mouth and started jerking me off.

As hard as I was and as turned on as I was, it probably wasn’t much more than ten or fifteen strokes before I was coming all over the sheets. I won’t say I shot *buckets*, I won’t pretend that cum was just shooting out *everywhere*, but there was quite a decent amount of it, enough for quite a lot of it to get right on the sheets and leave a big wet spot, right on FG’s sheets. I wasn’t too thrilled about that of course, but I must say I didn’t care too much at the time, because boy did it feel good, coming like that.

I was so overwhelmed by the whole experience that I just lay there for a while, you know? And I thought once I recovered we could do something else, like I could do something for *her*, but she didn’t stick around long enough for any of that to happen. She asked me if that had felt good, and I told her that it had, that it had been pretty damn great actually. She seemed happy about that. She just kind of smiled and said “good” and rubbed my stomach a bit, rubbing the cum into my skin a bit, then she got up and went back to her own room.

So this is pretty much the story of how I got my first blowjob. I do realize that I don’t come off too well in that story. I mean I do realize that I come off as a pretty big ass, what with getting a blowjob in my friend’s bed and whatnot. It *was* a pretty dickish thing to do. I’d like to say it was just because it all caught me by surprise, and really it did, and if I’d had time to consider what was going on I would have said no, or at least I would have tried to make it happen in some different way, but I don’t know. Sometimes when you’ve never had a blowjob before, it feels like you may well be one of those guys who will *never* get a blowjob from a girl, *ever*. Especially when you’ve seen all your friends make out all over the place, and you’ve heard all about the crazy sex that other people have, when that happens sometimes you worry that you’re one of *those* guys, one of those guys for who it takes forever for them to experience any of that stuff. Sometimes all those crazy thoughts in your head can make it pretty difficult to say no, that’s all.

I wasn’t a total jerk though. I missed all my classes that morning because I spent the whole morning at the laundromat cleaning FG’s sheets. I realize that doesn’t make up for any of what happened, but still. And if you’re wondering whatever happened between me and FG, well, the summer after our freshman year she met another guy, although not a jock this time, not that it matters anyway, and that was pretty much the end of that. I didn’t sleep over there anymore, and she was spending most of her time with him, so while we did keep in touch, it was nowhere near the same as it was before. Also, in case you’re wondering, I never got any more blowjobs from Blowjob Girl. She wasn’t angry about it or anything, she just never offered again, and I wasn’t about to ask.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/90z6ip/mf_how_i_got_my_first_blowjob