This just in… Part III – Why Do Bees Make Honey? [FF]

[Part I is here](

[Part II is here](

Part III is .. uh.. look down.

Bee-cause! That was right off the dome btw.

The pizza was really good, I’d recommend that place anytime. But better than the pizza was that Jenny and I seemed to be vibing well. The sun is just setting, we’re devouring pizza, and playing this ‘I flash you, you flash me’ game. My smile is ear to ear. Oh yeah, oops – there was a bottle of wine involved as well. Maybe two. She sneezes the most horrendous sounding sneeze I’ve ever heard, and I’m dying of laughter, like tears and all. She’s laughing too, but I have actual tears running down my face. She stops laughing rather abruptly, her expression turning serious. I’m puzzled tbh. “How about I really make you cry?”, she half implies\half asks me. I’m sure she’s fucking with me, and I raise an eyebrow and attempt to finish off the remainder of the cab in my glass. Jenny grabs the glass by the stem, which is midway to my mouth. “I’m not fucking with you Jess-I-Ca”, more adamantly now. I regain dominance over my glass, throw the bitch a dirty look, and put the glass down.

“You’re just teasing me. Seriously”, Jenny exclaims. I squint my eyes, replaying the recent events in my head. Meanwhile, Jenny starts what I can only interpret as monologue-ing – “You, you come to my store looking all cute” (aww thanks) “looking for, for I don’t even fucking remember. Grammaw panties or some shit” (ouch, and false, albiet fuck if I remember either) “and and I spend like an hour with you around the whole damn place, flirting with me, and I help you pick out all this cute stuff and” (cue that 80’s song.. I know thaat mch iiiiisss truuuuue. I know I know I know that much is truuuuue) “I ring you up with my manager’s discount, and invite you to my place!” (um nope, as I recall we were supposed to go to some comedy club and she suggested this idea but I’m saying nothing). Jenny is like bawling, and I’m like uh might be time to go. But those eyes! So here’s the thing – Some people, even the *best* people are simply terrible drunks. Some can hang with one thing, but not the other. Case in point – Jenny and I had consumed a couple of healthy pours of tequila earlier and she was fine (horny and crazy in a good way). Two, three, four glasses of wine though, she seemed to have transformed. She was a bit dominant earlier, so give me *that*, some tequila, and some weed, and it was working. Now, not so much…. Hindsight is 20/20, so I *think* I handled it well, but I’ll let you guys form your own opinions.

I moved onto the other side of the couch and sat down right next to Jenny. She is still ‘upset’, and like something my niece would and does do, refuses to look at me. I just put my hand around her waist and leaned my head on her shoulder. I think we just sat there for a while in silence. I’m sitting on her right side, left arm around the small of her back, very much observing some surprisingly toned abs. I am unaware that I am nestling closer to Jenny and it’s really nice. My tingles are occurring again and each time they come back stronger. In (almost) any other situation I would have solved that with a self-inflicted orgasm or a conveniently located guy might have been available. I can’t recall being so aroused, so frequently, in such a short span of time and *not* having had an orgasm (yet). My body feels like it’s literally about to explode, which is making it tough given my insecurities about being ‘with a girl’. That sounded so porny. Jenny’s hands have remained in her lap throughout her tantrum, and remain there for my ‘silent treatment’. I have found my right hand has wandered to Jenny’s knee, my thumb just under the hem of her (short) pink sundress.

We remained in this position for quite some time, then I had the urge to pee (happens yo). I take a deep breath, get up, go to the bathroom, fiddle with this damn onsie (oh btw, CW corrected me late last night via text and told me it’s a ‘bodysuit’. A onesie is what a baby wears? I’ll get Jenny’s feedback on this). I unsnap the ‘bodysuit’ (sounds like some kind of fucking armor), do my thing (also realizing how incredibly wet I am), button back up, wash my paws, and return to the couch where Jenny is still sitting all somber like. I lie down close to her, on my back and rest my head in her lap. Her hands remained at her sides for a minute, then she smiles looking down at me. I’m still fighting the overwhelming horniness which, quite frankly, is torture. Jenny puts her right palm just below my neck and is caressing me behind my left ear with her left hand. My immediate instinct was to wax sarcastic, maybe say something like ‘Your tp was so soft’. I think this is described as ‘deflecting’; it’s a defense mechanism I use when I am uncomfortable or anxious about intimate situations. You readers may have noticed this earlier in my other posts. I’m working on that. I say nothing however, instead just raising my hand up to Jenny’s soft cheek and moving my thumb across her lower lip. The tingles again as I feel that rush through my body. I can tell my nipples are hard; I can feel them and I am also ever so slightly writhing around as she is touching me. Our eyes are locked again and I feel her hand slip from my neck down over my right boob, my right index finger has slipped between her lips and Jenny is sucking on it slowly as I caress her bottom lip with my thumb. My pussy is throbbing.

I think another hour must have passed as I was lost in this ecstatic wave of whatever this is. My head in Jenny’s lap, my free hand having wandered under my own dress pressing against myself and struggling to unsnap the two remaining buttons. My other hand having wandered down her neck to her boob as I circled around to define her nipple. Jenny’s other hand has slid down the top of my dress resting on top of my own hand making it even more of a struggle to unsnap the bodysuit completely, adding ever more frustration. I feel her index finger slip between my own fingers, landing just below my clit – the tingle again; more writhing. My legs which had been stretched straight out, bending as I pull my knees closer to my chest, simultaneously lift my butt just a touch, and allow my dress to slide up as high as my hips. This chain reaction pops open one of the two remaining buttons leaving the last (middle) one as the last guard standing. I raise my hips and push Jenny’s hand hard against me, palm open and hear the faintest little ‘pop’ as button number three is defeated. My toes are curled, legs apart, feeling her hand pushing mine away and then resting her index and middle fingers on either side of my labia. There is a breeze from the ceiling fan just above us, and I can feel the air on my lady lips. This, causing me to tremble and tingle even more, and most shocking is how it **feels** like she *knows* and is reading my mind.

Jenny moves her torso closer to me at this point, adjusting both her and I. I’m left peering over my boobs at my pussy. I note her hand has me spread apart then momentarily glance upward watching her watching me, causing that fliw of electricity through me again.I attempt to touch myself with my left hand but Jenny bats it away. I feel her leaning over, perhaps for the view or leverage, and I watch her start to play with my swollen pussy. I think the orgasm started even before she touched me, but all I know is I felt this massive *SWOOSH* go through me, my legs trembling big time. Jenny has the hood of my clit between her thumb and index fingers and she is squeezing\massaging me. I orgasm just as she starts tugging and I let out these silly little ‘mews’ as I shake. I see Jenny dripping some saliva (ok ok ‘spitting’ if you insist) down there. This lands on my belly and runs down my side (during our debrief later I learn there was successful target acquisition, however said target was out of range at the time of impact). “That’s it, there we go”, Jenny is encouraging me and squeezing harder. A second wave, then a third, and I’m feeling completely out of control while my hips shake. Jenny is not letting go, instead, as my head is tilting towards the ceiling (fan), I feel pressure against my butt (hole?), and I let out a moan. More shaking, and then the world slows down. All the air in my lungs is exasperated, so I take a deep breath. Jenny has slid her hand slowly up to my tummy and is (finally, Jesus) smiling. The sun has set, darkening the living room, and as I lay there half naked like a fool, Jenny and I pillow-talk for a while. Hashtag #gotwithagirl #camelike5times

Well, there you have it. If you enjoyed this, I thank you for that. If you did not, I thank you anyway because I know I am not that great at self-expression. There **is* a **part 4** which occurred the same evening. I’m not sure it’s worth writing out but I’ll let **YOU** , the audience decide. I hope I didn’t offend anyone thus far. I think I was a little ‘abrupt’ about not being interested in your dick game (guys), and it’s not personal, and I still totally appreciate you’re comments and suggestions as to where I should buy panties and bras, so big up. I *am* on the East Coast (you should have guessed that at Mobb Deep tho) and I have no plans tonight. I’m around for some discussion is what I’m saying, probably. As for all that talk about CW – forgets that; he’s being a prick for mentioning his Highness’s’s’s’s name (like you all are detectives or something; all I said was Camry, derp). I guess the take-away here : **If you want the remainder, show me some love and it’s yours (as soon as I can like transcribe it obvs) (not dick pics – I’m good on those but TY) ** . If not, hey it’s been real, so thank you and please do cum again, I will (cough part 4 cough) . – Jess-I-Ca



  1. Your writing’s such fun to read – you could probably put up a post about doing your grocery shopping and it’d still be hella entertaining!

    Look forward to anything more you have to share!

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