This just in… [FF]

**Note:** So yes, this *is* a throw-away account. I’m fairly certain I’d be recognized on my main and I’m not ready for that just yet.

Anyway, I’m 28, half Caucasian and half Hispanic. I am about 5’6, ~128 lbs., 36D’s (if its a good day), and I have straight, shoulder-length black hair. I’ve recently become somewhat *obsessed* with two things (no idea why tbh): I fell in love with sexy underthings and glasses (OK – I’m lying – I just actually need glasses now). I’m straight with some sexual experience, and the recent heat in the NE has had some interesting effect on my libido.I guess that’s a good enough segue into this story. Oh wait – one more important deet – I’ve had some weird sexual hang-ups *and* I have always struggled to find panties and bras that fit me well, and make me feel sexy (open to suggestions on that btw). OK, let’s go…
It’s a typical Saturday. I throw on some leggings and a t-shirt and hit my crossfit class. I come home, veg on /r for a few minutes, strip, shave my legs, shower, and make an unusual decision. I decide to omit panties, rock my fave black sundress and a really nice bra. Keep you’re pants on though – going commando is, from my understanding, not a big deal for most females (I just never do it). I holla at my bestie and we make plans for brunch and agree to meet in a couple hours at a nearby mall. I showed up early, waited, and waited, and waited. I cannot get in touch with her and I was pissed. She finally texts me about some blowup she had w/ her boyfriend, we exchange sentiments, and I’m on my own. It’s about 6 PM, and this mall closes around 8/8:30 on a Saturday. I decide to go shopping, and find myself in the intimateslingerie department of one of those very ‘upper echelon’ department stores which I won’t name (but word on the street is they are going OOB soon).

I’m feeling sexy for no apparent reason. Maybe it was feeling the breeze up my thighs as I walked, or maybe just knowing there was nothing under this black sundress. Who knows. I’m browsing around looking at lots of lacey, semi-transparent things. I come across this onesie (leotard sort of thing) and I’m transfixed. It’s nothing crazy, just black, *very* transparent, and I’m trying to picture it on me. I grabbed it off the rack, look at the pricetag, and just as I am about to put it right back….. a voice from behind.

“No, stop – that would look so good on you”, is what I hear from behind me. I think this jolted me a little, but then I feel a hand on my hip. I’m actually scared to turn around, plus slightly embarrassed. “You have the peeerrrrfeect body for that. I am so serious, and it’s on sale. You need that.” Whoa. I turn my head slghtly, and the hand is still resting on my right hip. As I turn she drops her hand. She is attractive. I’ll dare say ‘hot’ I guess – Similar height, she looks a couple of years junior to me, blue eyes, great complexion, apparently super confident, and the cutest pink long hair which is condensed into a pony tail that I can remember. Our eyes meet and I smirk. She introduces herself as Jenny, quickly apologizes for freaking me out, and lets me know she manages this department. She also mentions what a deplorable place this is to work, citing how she spends more time trying to detour some of her ‘larger’ clientele away from certain purchases (she exemplified this while looking at a manequin wearing some sexy lingerie setup which included thigh-highs and a garter). Jenny was rocking black slacks and a black button-down, yet (just out of curiosity) *I* was trying to figure out what *she* had underneath *shrugs* . Jenny and I hit it off immedfiately and joked about whether or not I needed any help (dur, of course I do).

Jenny and I peruse the department, laughing and admitedly, flrting ever so mildly. She asks my sizes, and continues implying how much my ‘boyfriend would just love you in this’. I must have told her 20 times, no boyfriend. She is still carrying around the onesie thing, and has now *also* collected a few more items. I’m making cute remarks about having a personal shopper, and she is getting super focused. Instead of pulling things off racks however, she keeps running into the back to grab whatever item she assumes I will be purchasing. “You never know who or what rubbed up on this stuff. Wait here and I’ll grab one from inventory”. OK, cool? I like this chick. At some point I dropped my purse, and kneel down to retrieve it, and my phone which fell out of it. I did not realize I was in front of a mirror. Momentarilly the cat (so to speak) was out of the bag. I didn’t know this until minutes later when Jenny remarks that she waxes her vj… too. My perplexed look, then she explains that I wasn’t the first girl to come in here trying to ‘pick her up’. I was embarrassed and Jenny tells me she is just playing and it’s all good. Good. The store announces they are closing shortly, so we go to the register, and I drop a hundred bucks on I don’t really know what (the onesie is in there though). Jenny rings me up, and asks if I have plans later. We agree to go grab some laughs at this new local comedy club, tells me where she lives, and emphasizes that I should remain in my outfit because “it’s so cute” .

For whatever reason, I end up just following her home instead (she told me she has this amazing tequila from a recent trip to Mexico and I ‘have to’ try it)(yes, we discussed drinks and I have an affection for really good tequila). She has a pretty nice place, and she wastes no time pouring me a glass (of water), then *telling* me to go grab the shopping bag. More of me oddly flrting and telling her ‘nah’, but I cave rather quickly and agree that I will try some of the stuff on in her bathroom.. alone thanks. She was in the shower when I returned, bathroom door half open. “I’m just taking a quick shower – why don’t you play with yourself on the couch until I’m done. Or come join me”, is what I hear upn entering the apartment. “Uh, I think I’ll pass but thanks for the offer”, I responded. “Suit yourself but you can’t say I was a bad host… or personal shopper”, she retorts. And then… “I hope you don’t mind; I’m just getting myself off in the shower while thinking about you”. Oh. Jeez. Maybe that’s my cue to bounce.

As you can likely surmise, I didn’t leave. No people, I didn’t go jump in the shower with Jenny either, but I’d be lying if I said the thought didn’t cross my mind. I *did* hear some moaning coming from the bathroom, became immediately turned on, and was *almost* curious enough to go watch. Perhaps if there is a fictional adaptation in the future, I’ll throw that in. No, I sat on the couch, fucked around on my phone and chilled. Jenny emerges about 20 mins later all done up. She has a similar dress on, also pink with orange piping around the hem. It’s much shorter than mine, and she has her hair pulled back like mine. She is also rocking some black-rimmed glasses like mine, and admittedly she looks stunning. Even if girls were my thing, she would be way out of my league.

“Which shoes?”. She has one foot in a matching pink pump, the other in an off-orange colored one. She also may have good taste in shoes, and obvs deep pockets. “The pink”, I suggest. She tosses the orange pumps and wiggles her foot into the other pink shoe, then quickly flashes me pulling up her dress and swaying her hips before dropping it revealing a very small, see-through orange thong. “I’m not as badass as you – I can’t do commando”. I didn’t bother responding, instead, I’m trying to figure out why I am turned on and how the fuck did I end up here. Jenny is shuffling around the kitchen, and returns to then living room with two short glasses and a (blue) bottle of the tequila. She sets them down scurries off, and returns with a bong, a bag of weed, and a lighter. No offer made there – before I can say ma-ri-ju-wanna she has plopped down next to me, packed the glass, and has the piece in her mouth with the lighter readied. I recall those blue eyes at that very moment always. And as she is about to spark that bad boy, some of her hair, left unsecured falls close to the flame. I instinctively, and without hesitation use my index finger and guide the strands behind her ear as she goes down on the glass bong. She inhales, makes a silly face at me, exhales, coughs, smiles, sits back and says, “I think I just came. Again”. We both giggled, and I grab the bong, and take a much smaller pull. “Hmm, I didn’t get the same reaction man”, is what I say after my turn is over.

Here is where it starts to get interesting. We delve into this deep conversation about orgasms and sex. Jenny used to be a sexual introvert, and now, according to Jenny, is insatiable. I tell her (over sipping tequila and bong hits) about how difficult it is for me to orgasm, and how frustrating this can be for me. Jenny tells me how she gets wet so easilly, and is constantly horny. During this conversation, and as I started lowering my guard I couldn’t help to notice that I was also feeling particularly tingly. After the second round of drinks was poured, Jenny sat down, pulled the top of her dress down just enough to expose her bra, and pointed out that her nipples were hard (left one pierced). I had already observed this however as it was painfully obvious even earlier. “Touch it, don’t be shy and don’t insult me”, she continued. Before I can react or decide to decline (or not), Jenny has my right palm over her “bra” (subjective btw because this bra served no purpose). I comply and cup her breast as she compresses my hand leaving my middle and index finger pinching her nipple. Jenny leans into this with her pretty head pausing just below my left ear and whispers, “pull it”. I pull gently, losing my grip a bit. I feel her breath on my neck, feel a soft lip sucking. She pauses then says, “harder. Pull.It.Harder.Ohmygosh”. Jenny is trembling. She pulls away and starts convulsing her legs and while I watch, puts both her hands on my cheeks and stares me down with those beautiful deep blue eyes. Jenny was orgasming and as she climaxed I felt her hands tighten on my face, then loosen. I was speechless.

There is no doubt that I was a little buzzed, definitely high, very relaxed, but also hyper-aware of what was going on. I must have had the most ridiculous look on my face as well. I’m not extremely comfortable with my sexuality as is probably aparent to you readers. I was however, turned the fuck on in a way I had not been – maybe never before. Jenny looks like she might have also surprised her own self, but adjusts herself, and starts rolling up a joint, her eyes focused on the task. There was definitely some uncomfortable silence happening, and mid-joint-roll, she breaks it. “I’m sorry Jess(ica) – that was fucking a-mazing. You got me so fucking wet. See?”. I was smirking and ready to say that I didn’t do anything, but before I do, Jenny breaks her concentrated rolling (which was kind of cute to watch by the way), taps my shoulder, opens her legs, and with her free hand, pulls up her dress and wiggles herself to the edge of the couch. Wow. There’s a prominent wet spot on her panties. The orange, semi-transparent panties had, by themselves already left little to the imagination. Now moistened, it was easy to see the outline of her labia. I felt my blood rush through my body. I take the joint from Jenny, grab the lighter, and spark it up. While I sit there inches from Jenny and smoking, she is starting to play with herself. What struck me was the narrative she offered while doing so, pausing abruptly and pointing things out. I watch her tug on her panties and pulling them tight against her pussy and then pull them slightly to the side exposing herself completely. “On or off?”, she asks me staring at me dead seriously. I’m fixated but reply, “On” as Jenny drops her focus to between her legs. She is spreading her lips apart with two fngers and using a third to pull back her clit hood, exposing her pink, tiny clit. “See how swollen she is?” . I almost ask who before thinking better of myself, and instead, just nod.

Jenny’s face is hidden pointing between her legs. She is tapping and circling her clit, deeply focused. I’m watching only inches away from her. My knee touching her leg before I notice my own free hand has found itself just above my own knee, on the inside of my left thigh. Jenny is letting out these adorable little moans, and then pauses. Without lifting her head or moving her hands from herself she says, “Go put on that onsie-” [heavy breathing] ” – I want to see…. I want to just see it… on…. you”. Whew. Saved by the bell maybe?

The saga continued – if you folks want the rest, let me know. I’m open to questions as well I guess.Thanks



  1. Whether or not this is real or fake, it is excellently written and I implore you to right more. This story or another

  2. You write delightfully, and I’d hate to imagine you being left there hanging – please do continue!

  3. Has this event made you more confident of your sexuality or even less confident?
    Loved it so far! ^^

  4. Seriously? You cannot just leave us hanging like that. You are a cruel cruel person.

  5. What why, why! Please don’t stop there. You’re writing style is amazing. What a “fucking” cliffhanger.

  6. This is plain torture! Whyyyy would you stop the story there?! This story is amazing! Perfectly written (maybe not, but i don’t have the authority to grade anything lol) and really enjoyable! Pleeeaaase Jess, write the 2nd part already!

  7. Thank you. I came just when you gave up and started touching yourself…. please, continue.

  8. Ya had me a FF…..great story, and yes, please finish so we can, ahem, finish.

  9. Great story and it comes across as very real. Well written and a total turn on

  10. Please continue this. It started out hot so I decided to read it to my wife in bed this morning. She responded well and we were about to get things gong when … The story stopped.

  11. Soooooo looking forward to the rest! Soooooo glad you are getting so turned on writing this!

  12. Hottest story I’ve read in a while. Awaiting the next installment with baited breath.

  13. Holy smoke batman. Get the bat mobile. We have to track this female down before she falls hopelessly in love.

  14. Absolutely love this story, and vastly looking forward to reading the next part. Thank you for sharing it with us ?

  15. Oh yeah?? ? I’m a “straight” girl too, but have been curious about being with a woman. The way your story has happened so far… wow ? I also must add, that I loved the “style” of writing. It was funny and very enjoyable too read.

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