[group] Some little sexual moments I remember from my teens, you can share yours too

These are a few sexual related moments that can’t be really expanded too much to become a full story but that are fun to share:

-I had a crush for a girl from college who usually wore unusual clothes. One day she was wearing a kind of brown sweater with lots of holes, like a net. I was talking to her when I noticed something in one of the holes… it was one of her nipples! She wasn’t wearing a bra. I had to tell her I had to go to a class and I went to a bathroom stall and I wildly jerked off.

-One night, in a pub I used to play, one kinda famous soccer player was having a drink there. A lot of girls were trying to speak with him. Later I noticed he wasn’t there anymore and I thought he left. I had to take my keyboard because I had to leave and I went to the storage room. When I opened the door I saw the soccer player fucking a girl doggy style (she had her t-shirt pulled up and she was wearing a skirt) and another girl in topless watching them. That girl saw me when I opened the door (the other two didn’t even notice me) and I just stood there for two or three seconds and I quickly closed the door.

-After playing in a pub a girl approached me and told me she wanted to get one copy of my covers album. I said “sure” and told her its price was 5€. She asked me if she could get it for free (with a lot of “please, please” and the eyes of the cat in the boots from “Shreck”) and I politely said that it had a fair price and that I needed the money because being a musician it’s a hard job, etc. Then she said if I would join her to smoke outside and we got out. There wasn’t anybody outside (it was very late). She said “If you like this you’ll have to give me your album for free”. I asked “What’s this?” and she pulled her t-shirt up and showed me her boobs for maybe two seconds. They looked really awesome and she saw my face and of course she noticed I liked it, so I gave her my album for free.

Do you have any short stories like that? I love to read sexy real stories!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8x9gzy/group_some_little_sexual_moments_i_remember_from

1 comment

  1. Fun stories! Here’s one I can provide in return.

    A few weeks ago I was in Vegas and it was the night before I was leaving and I got super drunk. I was leaving a bar with one of my girl friends and there were two guys that said something to us. I blacked out after that and have no idea what happened. The next thing I remember is waking up naked in my room and some random guy next to me, also naked. I had packed the night before so I just got dressed and left. I asked my friend and she said that she had stayed at the bar with one of the guys and I left with the other, but the guy she described was definitely not who I woke up next to. I still have no idea what happened.

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