[FM] Second Best Blowjob I’ve ever given

As a followup to my first story in an AskReddit thread, somebody asked for a followup. Here it is! I fixed the grammar in this one.

>>>Givers of blow jobs, what’s the worst and best blow job you’ve ever given?
>>[First Story]
>Okay, now describe your second best experience.

Ok, it’s difficult to pick out a clear second best, but I’ll pick one out.

So this other dude, we met on OkCupid just a few weeks before. He’s super cute. We’re at his friend’s apartment, just sort of recently “facebook official”. We’re all playing some xbox game where you murder everyone and just having a good time (they were all vegans). His friend and the other dude step out to meet someone about something and bring back some meatless pizzas. I get for some people that sounds awful, but they were actually getting the really good ones (good establishment, good ingredients, etc.) so it’s just me and my man and the game is paused. I know how far away the pizza place is so I know we have an 30 minutes at the minimum but I have no idea how much extra time the other errand will take.

I put down my controller and wait to hear the door lock after they leave. I had been thinking about this guy all week and this was our first moment together and our first moment alone since the weekend started (it was Sunday!!! WTF). I stood up and slithered my way onto the couch sitting on his lap facing him and put my arms on his shoulders. He was very responsive and puts his hands on my back. We start making out and I dig my knees into the back of the couch to get closer to him. We’re about the same height, so because I’m on top I’m facing down and he’s facing up. He slips in the tongue and mine comes out to play. I feel his chest up and grope his reasonably hairy chest. His hand naturally rubbing my back somehow finds itself to my ass were he gives it a gentleman’s squeeze.

Without losing any attention to the making out, one of my hands helps his hand down my leg then back up my dress, which lead to me feeling the sensation of his hand caressing my ass with no fabric in between. As his other hands follows the first under my dress, I reach to his jeans trying to get a location on his dick. He jumped when my hand found it, probably I was a bit rough. He was erect. While still kissing I undid his belt with one hand and unzipped him all the way. I really wanted to start stroking his cock but when I tried I don’t think it was working out, it was just crowded down there with his jeans not all the way off. I slid my hand inside to just get a grip on the situation, but I really just couldn’t. There was no angle or space for it. He eventually started to rub my vagina through my thong, he was really bad at it but it was better than nothing and he was a real cutie and a great kisser so I was basically emptying my storm drains onto his fingers.

After a few minutes I had had enough of this and stood up. I started to pull his jeans down from the bottom. I obviously couldn’t do it on my own and he started to help from the top. His jeans were laying at his ankles, his boxers also at his ankles. I got on my knees in front of him, pulled one of his legs out of the jeans so I could part them and move in closer. I grabbed his cock and started stroking at a slow, but not hopefully not boring pace. We started talking about how our week went. I nearly had a meltdown at work because a stakeholder was trying to go behind the other’s backs requesting something blatantly illegal. I do marketing automation. He did something called tensor flow but I don’t remember anything more than that, but he talked a lot about it while I stroked him and looked at his eyes.

His cock was well designed and one of the nicer ones I’ve seen. It didn’t fit right in my hand but I suspect that was the angle. His whole body and face were also nice to look at. I held his shirt up with my other hand to get a peak at his chest. He wasn’t super ripped or anything, but I’m not exactly perfect and he was definitely at the top of the range of guys I should expect to ever date. I would rub my hand on his chest and feel his chest hair between my fingers and feel him breathing. He asked me if he should go out and buy a condom. I said there wasn’t time, which was technically true. I asked him when the last time he came was. He said he hadn’t masturbated since the last time we had sex, which was basically 2 weeks ago. Asking guys to save up for me is kind of one of my things, so basically I guess I was going to find out if he really did it.

I moved my face down and got started licking the underside of his head and moving my lips over the drop-off of his head. He had a pretty good penis head, it felt right in my mouth. At this point I’ve moved my hands to the sides of his legs and butt and I’m feeling them. They’re pretty awesome, but they don’t hold the same magic of the other guys. After sucking and making love to mostly the head of his cock, I start to bob my head further and further his shaft. This is about the first time I start to hear a good moan, the conversation we had earlier prevented anything I wanted to hear from happening. I don’t think enough people have said this, but when I’m pleasing a man and he moans, it’s great, especially if he’s got the right moan and even more so if I really feel like I’m the one giving it to him. It turns me on A LOT. Even bad or awkward moans are usually better than dead silence. But this guy had sexy moans. I was digging it. Literally with my mouth.

I wasn’t able to go all the way, and it was kind of stuffy down there, so I put one of my hands on the side of his chest and with the other hand started to his butt in an upward gesture. He deciphered the signal that I wanted him to stand up. As he stood up, I worked to keep my face as deep into his crotch area as possible, forcing him into me with my hands gripped tightly to his firm behind. His cock hit the back of my throat and my eyes dropped a tear on both sides. I closed my eyes and started slurping back and forth on his cock. Every iteration I felt the bottom of his shaft sliding on my tongue and my lips gripping onto it for dear life. I don’t know if he liked it, but I started clawing into his legs with my nails just a little bit, not even a whole pinch.

His hands were awkwardly just sort of in the air flopping confused as fuck while my hair was fucking around in my face. I grabbed his hands and guided them to hold up my hair. He ended up dropping my hair twice before he figured out why I keep micromanaging his hands on my the back of my head. We started approaching the moment of no return, where his moans were world-changing for me to listen to, and pretty much made my lips suck even harder on his beautiful cock. He stopped my head from moving with his hands and said “May I?” I opened my eyes, then garbled a mumbled “what?” with my mouth full of cock. He asked if he could guide my head and then I mumbled out a “yeah okay sure”. He started gently moving me back and forth on his dick. I wasn’t sure how this was any different than what I was doing but it was at least easier for me to just let him have his way.

I gazed up at his magnificent chest for a while, then he started to move me a little faster. He was letting out sexy gorilla grunts and moans left and right. At first he was slowing down as he reached my throat, but eventually we kind of worked out a rhythm where I could take and he felt like he wasn’t going to hurt/choke me. I kept my hands on his body and kept feeling his legs, ass and chest when I could. I could already hear and feel this, but he announced that he was about to cum and asked me where i wanted it. I didn’t attempt to say anything. He started a new pattern of thrusts where he only put half of his cock in my mouth, sometimes just rubbing his head against my tongue and lips. I put in some effort on my part, which he felt and relinquished control to just holding my hair (honestly a lot of brownie points for not just dropping my hair).

I finished him off just slurping his head nearly as fast as I could go. This guy’s final moan was like an earth quake you could hear a minute ahead of time. He kept building up. I didn’t know when it would stop building up, but it made me really fucking horny. I’m probably always hallucinating this, but I’m pretty sure his cock grew a size bigger and it was like a squirt gun destroying the inside of my mouth. I kept slurping as best as I could. He let out the big long moan and it was pitch perfect. I opened my eyes a few times to get a peak at his climax face, which is still one of my favorites to this day. His load was pretty huge and very hot. I don’t know why but the heat of semen always surprises me. After the first explosive moan from his mouth, several smaller ones came out and it was amazing. I felt like a conductor running an orchestra.

I worked it a bit more to get the last bits out. When I thought he was done, I disengaged with my mouth and started to stroke his cock gently with my hand while looking up to his face to try to see him recover. This boy was SHAKING. My first stroke on his cock caused a leftover squirt of cum to shoot above my lip. As I kept going a few drops drizzled on my dress, which was fortunately a crazy pattern nobody would every spot a cum stain on. As I stroked him, I moved in to his other side hugging him and rubbing my face on him, and groping his hot body with my other hand. I gave him some chest kisses and he was still in the moment stunned and saying random things like “wow” and “fuck” and “holy shit”. I was horny as fuck though. It was an entire extra 45 minutes after that before the others came back with the pizzas. Damn.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8x1ryy/fm_second_best_blowjob_ive_ever_given

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