[MF] Fucking, and then regretfully cumming in, the chubby girl in my Econ class.

**This one got a little away from me, and the part of the story I wanted to write about was how we ended up hate fucking so hard, right before we broke up, that we put sizable holes in the wall by my bed. But, this got long, and if y’all like it, I’ll share the hate fuck.**

College. College! Fucking college. I swear every post on this sub starts with ‘college.’ Except for the ones where “I was banging this ‘firm DD, no DDD, titted girl’ I met 2 minutes earlier with four other dudes, no five, seven(!), and my wife, and her wife… and three piglets, my dick is yuuuuge, also she’s my secretary. ”

That being said, It was like 2003 and I was in college…

I had sat next to her in Econ 110 or 1110 or political science or some class I had in college (I swear I’m not making this up). The back of her head had looked good when I had first walked into the class. I sat down next to her. She was prettt… ish, but pretty in the way the girl who folds clothes at The GAP is pretty. Pretty in the way your mom is like “you should date this waitress I met at Chile’s” pretty. Pretty in ‘it’s 230 am, I’m drunk, I bet Tara will drive over here and leave when we’re done” pretty. Maybe she’ll even bring pizza.

On the second day of class she nonchalantly leaned over and whispered in my ear “I’m a moral hazard” and then just as fucking nonchalantly went back to taking notes- about what I’m not sure. I had been playing Snake on my Cricket Nokia 3310.

We both had the hour off after the class so we’d go to my place and watch Elimidate (RIP), or Blind Date, or Next! and eat Totinos pizza and drink Natty Light. You know at 10 am. She was nuts. Like certifiably crazy. She might not have had an actual certificate, do those even exist, but we’d be eating our wafer board pizza and she’d be like “do you ever think about cutting off a finger?” No… No, I do not think about doing that.

So then we fucked.

I’m not sure why. It seemed easier to fuck than not to fuck. She climbed on top of me while we were sitting on the couch. Elimidate had got to the inevitable hot tub scene. Which was always the best part, because boobs. Is it rude to try to look over her shoulder? She started kissing my neck. She won’t notice. She kept kissing my neck. A commercial came on.

She was built like a high school gymnast who had stopped doing gymnastics and took up drinking instead. Her gymnast body was still under her college body. If you squeezed her hard enough you could imagine what she looked like a year or two earlier. She was barely 5’0 and her ass was sitting on that razors edge between a “fat ass” and a “big ass.” I kind of liked it.

I ran my tongue up her neck. She had kicked off her platform flip flops and had unbuckled her studded belt from her Abercrombie super low rise jeans. She wasn’t wearing underwear. “bite me” she whispered before shoving her entire tongue into my ear and then what felt like through my brain. Fuck. Wait. What?! She’s being literal. Like literally bite her. I nibbled her. “No!” she sat back, putting her full weight onto my thighs. Too heavy. Awkward ankle. Please stop. “Bite me!” and then threw herself back into me.

“On your neck?” I kind of pushed my teeth against her skin.

“Yes fucker! On my neck!” her hair kept getting in my mouth. Her hair smelled nice. Like my shampoo. Herbal Essence.

So I bit her and she screamed and then slapped me in the face and smiled. “Like that!” No had slapped me. Did I like that? I think I liked that.

Off came her jeans and my jeans and her American Eagle shirt with like “Forever Summer” or some shit on it. Her pussy was completely smooth. Also a first. No question. I liked that. Then her bra and her tits were in my face. Drowning in tits. Death by tits. Jimmy Eat World was playing on a radio somewhere.

Her cleavage tasted like Victoria Secret lotion and sweat- but mostly like sweat. Then my pants were on around my ankles. Fuck I shouldn’t have worn these boxers for a second day. I wiggled those my ankles as well. The couch, which felt like it was upholstered with burlap and steel wool, pressed into my skin. “On sleepless roads, the sleepless go, may angels leads you in…” Man this is a good song. My hands ran under her ass and between her crack. Also smooth. Amazing.

“You’re on birth control?” I came up from her tits for a breath like an unwilling scuba diver wishing he was still down there with sharks and shit. Her skin was sparkly. She looked better naked than she did in clothes.

“Oh yeah totally” she was grinding her slippery pussy against my dick “Since I was 14…” My face was smashed into one of her breasts. I latched. Do adults latch? I fucking latched. I started sucking like a starving new born. She pushed my face even harder into her. I was swimming in tits. They were everywhere. I couldn’t breath or see. Is she trying to kill me? Kill me with her boobs. Fuck. She is. She prrrrrrrrrrobably isn’t on birth control. I’ll pull out. That will work. Is it rude to ask if she has herpes? Probably rude. In I went. What’s the worst that can happen. She was tighter than I expected.

It was over quick. Real quick. Real fucking quick.

She ground against me like she was trying to break my dick off. Keep it as a souvenir. Should I have shaved too? She started moving back and forth on me. My dick was a light switch and she was flicking it on and off like she fucking had OCD. Off. On. Off. On. Apparently it can bend like that.

“Bite me a little” she growled.

“Don’t break it” I whimpered.

I moved my mouth off her nipple and and sunk my teeth into her.

“Harder” she was starting to squirm and was grinding slower, she was keeping the her pussy locked on to the base of my dick. I bit a little harder. Man I hope no one walks in. I was deep in her. Spelunking. I wonder who the last guy who was in here exploring? My dick hit end of the passage. Dead end. I could feel it. She kept grinding.

My dick was still oddly hard in her and I could feel those initial pulses. Hold it together son! The dam started to grow leaks. Pressure building. Trouble. Danger! Danger!

“I’m cumming” she moaned and threw her head back in way I thought was a little to theatrical. Fuck. Pre-cum.We’re still good. More pre-cum. We’re still good. Again. that might not have been pre-cum. Pull out! Pull out! Her pussy spasmed on my dick. Pussy’s can do that?! I tried to shove her off, but she just put more of her weight on me. “Get off it” I was clenching my balls as hard as I could. She moved her hips in a circle. Too late. Fuck. Too late. How much are abortions? Does student health care cover them. Too fucking late. She kept grinding her hips into me. I had never cum in someone before. Fuck. It hurt. It hurts! My dick hurt. I clenched my ass. didn’t help. It was all in her now. Too much. I could feel my cum start to slide down my dick and on to my balls. I slumped back. She leaned forward and her tits were in my face again as she slid off me. She left the tip in her for a second longer and my dick, as a final “fuck you Tommy,” let off one last pathetic spasm.

She grabbed my shirt. I was staring at the ceiling. An ad for a car dealer was on. She started wiping my dick off. “Wow” she smiled, “that was aloooot (she dragged the ooooo out) of cum.” I watched her chubby ass and thighs bounce down the hall to the bathroom. Fuck. That was my last clean shirt. I probably shouldn’t have done that.

So I did it again the next day, and the day after that, and twice a week until one day she came over with a legit picture of me fucking another girl and made me describe in detail how I had fucked that girl as I fucked her. Slapped me in the face and never spoke to me again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8wmpg5/mf_fucking_and_then_regretfully_cumming_in_the


  1. Great story – I love your writing style… puts me back in college too

  2. Dude your writing style is hilarious and fits this story perfectly.

  3. Love it. Looking forward to whenever you follow up the story about the Russian girl and her mom too ;)

  4. Marvelously written dude, I would more of read your writing even if the smut was absent. Please keep it up

  5. Great story of your first time nutting in a girl! Really enjoy your writing style. What was the picture of you and another girl about?

  6. Dude- you are awesome! I am bookmarking this. You should start a blog.

  7. That was fun and funny. It’s been awhile (ahem) since I was in college, but I remember doing silly, hot stuff like that!

  8. This shit is definitely real and mirrors my experiences in 2005. Identically. Cheers

  9. This is the best gone wild story I’ve ever read in my life. God bless you for writing this masterpiece.

  10. Fantastic story. Had me laughing the whole time. Please give us more!

  11. Great story. You should tell more. Your style had me laughing so damn hard.

  12. Amazing writing style and a fascinating story. Thank you.

    One question, how did she get a hold of the picture and why did you fuck that up? She sounded fun.

  13. > She was built like a high school gymnast who had stopped doing gymnastics and took up drinking instead.

    This story deserves a Pulitzer Prize.

  14. That’s one of the funniest stories I’ve ever read on here! Thanks for sharing.

  15. WARNING: Side effects of this story may include *Death by Boobs*.

    Haha, this was so good. I laughed so much I got a funny boner.

  16. Yep…have to agree with the others. You are very creative and fun to read.

  17. Definitely an exemplary writing style. Do you do anything in particular to practice/improve besides the obvious read a lot and write a lot? Hoping there’s something there I can replicate, aside from the vaguely eidetic memory (no shot at that I’m afraid…).

    I get the sense you write these stories as a release from the day job and because chronicling the debauchery is itself cathartic. And doing so publicly probably encourages you to put out better work. Fwiw, and with the caveat that your writing might not be so inspired were you trying to monetize it, you would probably kick ass as a blogger/author.

  18. I don’t know, I coulda used some more early 2000s pop culture references.

  19. Jeez, your style of writing is phenomenal. So happy I read this!! Write a book!

  20. You dirty slut of a man. I loved it. Reminds me of the time I met a girl from Kentucky. She actually looked way better with her clothes off which shocked the hell out of me. I proceeded to bust inside her with reckless abandon.

  21. You write like what I imagine a young, not fucked up Rorschach would write like. It’s great

  22. I am cracking up. At least she didn’t lie about birth control?

  23. Finally a fucking masterpiece among the sea of fake fairy tales, lmao. I toast to you good sir.

  24. Great writing style! Funny to ready! Easy like my friend was telling me a story~ looking forward to more.

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