[FM] [public] Overnight Bus Trip

This isn’t quite the kind of story I usually find on here. I probably told too much background, but I think it helped me communicate exactly how this experience felt to me. It’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but please be nice! I’ve never written anything like this before. It’s a real experience, and I feel kind of vulnerable sharing it.


I’ve never been very daring, sexually. As a teenager, I had very low self-esteem. My nose was too big for my face, and the Harry Potter style glasses I got in 5th grade didn’t help things. My breasts came early, and the attention always felt negative, though I’m sure it wasn’t intended that way. I wore my invisibility cloak of jeans and oversized shirts for years and thwarted all male attention by tactically avoiding anyone who showed interest.

Then, when I was 21, I met my husband. He was just a guy at the time, but we hit it off quickly. I had just recently realized that I wasn’t a troll- I was actually kind of cute. I had grown into my nose and started to find my own style. I slept with my future husband almost immediately (losing my virginity at 21), which felt reckless and thrilling. We dated, got engaged, married, and loved each other.

Our sex life was always good for the 6 years we were married. I’ll try anything once, but neither of us found a niche we *really* were into, so it was mainly a lot of sex in the go-to three positions and oral.

But he got bored. And cheated.

I was devastated.

Fast forward a week of sobbing and pain and anger and self-doubt, and I was on a Greyhound bus to my mom’s house, as many clothes and belongings as I could fit into two suitcases stuffed under the bus. I’d get the rest later, but I just had to get out right then. I needed to be with family.

It was a 15 hour ride to my mom’s house a few states away, and most of it would be overnight. I dressed comfortably in a tank and pajama pants, dark straight hair pulled back in a ponytail and a little mascara to mask the redness that rimmed my eyes. I’m no sex-pot or anything, but I’ve come into my looks as the years have gone by. I’m a good 10 pounds heavier than I was in high school, but it’s also 10 years later. I’m 5’6″ and 140 pounds- not bad, but a little more on my hips and ass than I’d like.

The bus was pretty full, so I had to take an aisle seat next to a stranger. I mumbled a “mind if I sit here?” when I got on, but that was about the extent of our communications. It was already dark outside when I left the bus station, and people were beginning to drift off in their seats, barring a group of rowdier passengers in the back who I’m pretty sure had smuggled alcohol onto the bus. I wrapped my neck pillow around myself and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly so the trip would be over sooner.


I woke up to bright street lamps flashing by the bus as we pulled into a town for a pick up. The deceleration and lights woke a few people up, and most stirred briefly and went right back to sleeping. A single passenger got on, carrying his belongings in a plastic grocery bag. I glanced at my seatmate in the orange-yellow light of the parking lot, and saw he was soundly asleep. Peaceful and relaxed… except for the raging erection that was pressed tightly against one of his thighs by his jeans.

I almost wanted to laugh in surprise, but I was also fascinated. I mean, I know it’s just a boner. Everyone gets them. But I was so inexperienced other than my husband that this was literally the closest I had ever knowingly been to a hard-on except for his. I admit I stared a little. It was slightly longer and definitely thicker than my husband’s. I glanced back up at his face, afraid he’d catch me staring, but he was still asleep.

Out of nowhere, my pussy throbbed- a quick, light tingle and contraction. Again- I know it’s just an erection, but this was so damn novel to me! And holy fuck, I wanted to touch it so badly.

The bus pulled out and back onto the highway, and I rearranged myself into a sleeping position that allowed me to continue staring. The bus was dark, but the stretch of highway was populated with street lamps and the light washed over his thighs and hard cock like waves. Darkness. And light. Darkness. And light. I could feel the slickness in my underwear when I adjusted my hips, my lips sliding against each other, frictionless.

I’d never really allowed myself these thoughts about someone before. As an insecure teenager, I wasn’t worthy. As a married woman, it just wasn’t on my radar. Now, I’d been single for almost no time at all, and I felt a need I never had before for a complete stranger. He was average looking. In his 20s with a little paunch and a three-day beard. I don’t know why I was so drawn to his cock, other than it being the first one I saw. Maybe that was all there was to it.

A thought occurred to me, and I checked his left hand. Phew, no ring.

And light. Darkness. And darkness. Looking up to the front of the bus, I saw there were no more street lamps ahead. It was darkness for miles.

Fuck it.

Without even really debating it in my head (which is highly unusual for me), I made a move. I was half curled up facing him in my seat already, and I let my arm cross over my body and fall- as though I were a restless sleeper tossing and turning. My fingers came to rest on the outside of his thigh. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, pretending to sleep. I knew my hand was inches away from his penis, and I my pussy thrummed with energy.

He stirred a little. I could feel his leg muscles twitch and could sense his upper body moving. I thought he was probably looking at me. If he moved my hand away, that was that. I’d keep pretending to sleep and act like I never knew it happened. But if he left it there… well, I’d see what I could muster the courage to do.

Seconds passed slowly, and then I swear I felt the fabric of his jeans get more taut under my fingers. I imagined his hard cock swelling even more as he realized the girl next to him was so close to touching it. He didn’t move me away.

I let my fingers twitch, as muscles sometimes do in sleep. My heart was pounding, terrified he’d be angry or offended if he knew this was on purpose. But in reaction to my fingers twitching, he slowly shifted his leg under my hand, sinking down in his seat and pushing his thigh closer to me so that my fingertips just barely brushed the edge of his cock.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

My body flushed with heat and excitement. This was happening. This was crazy! I had never-ever-ever considered anything like this before and it all felt so thrilling and wrong and dirty and motherfucking HOT.

My eyes remained closed, but my fingers flexed. I slid my hand over the swollen outline of his jeans-clad dick and gently cupped it. My breath hitched. It was hard- impossibly hard. Thick and smooth, the texture of denim over it somehow added to the eroticism. It flexed under my delicate touch. The ruse of pretending to sleep was obviously over, but I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes or move. I stayed in my curled up sleeping position and lightly, almost imperceptibly began to move my fingers. My hand stayed still, but my grip changed slightly in waves across my fingers. A little more pressure with the heel of my hand and less with my fingers. Then more pressure with my palm, then with my fingers.

I heard his breath change at the teasing touch. As his dick strained against his pants more and more, his breathing got slightly faster and ragged. I lifted my hand from its position and ever-so-gently traced his cock over his jeans. When I reached the tip, his thigh trembled for a second and the smallest moan escaped with his next breath.

With just a little more pressure, my fingertips grazed back up from the tip to the base. Every move was slow and deliberate. Just enough to give pleasure, but light enough to also add just a hint of frustration with its subtlety.

It was all so simple and so basic, but I was unbearably turned on. My pussy was on fire- all heat and wetness and desperation. It was begging for some relief, but my body stayed still in its position of faux-sleep. My cheeks burned as my hand slid tenderly across his cock.

As I reached the base one more time, I wrapped my fingers around it as much as I could reach with his jeans in the way and squeezed with a firm, even pressure. I heard him breathe out, “oh fuck.”

I felt him move to go for his belt buckle. I almost stopped him, wanting it to continue in this inexplicably erotic fashion, but I changed my mind. If I’m in, I’m all in. He shimmied his pants down to the tops of his legs and released his rock-hard cock from his jeans. I opened my eyes, just barely, at this point. It was dark and I could only see a faint outline of the pale skin of his penis. Looking around, the shadowy people around us all appeared to be asleep as well, but who really knows?

I wrapped my hand around his bare penis, one finger at a time, and gave a few gentle squeezes of varied pressure. Again with that frustratingly deliberate pace, I shifted my position and brought my face to his lap. My head almost resting on his stomach with his cock directly facing my mouth. I licked slowly all the way around the head of his cock once, before lowering my mouth all the way down his shaft. I kept my mouth wide open as I took him in, then once he was as far down my throat as I could handle, I let my mouth and throat envelop his length fully, hot and slick with saliva. He gasped audibly and I felt his hand on my head.

I kept up the same semi-pretense of being asleep, not moving from this position. Just allowing his cock to bury itself inside my mouth as I began to work the muscles of my tongue and throat in an undulating massage. Tip of the tongue- back of the tongue- throat. I worked his cock methodically- releasing and applying pressure in just such a way that the stimulation was intense despite the nuance of the actual motion.

I could hear him breathing harder as I worked his cock in my still mouth, and he suddenly tapped my head. I let my head sink ever-so-slightly further onto his length and painted small circles at the base of his shaft with my tongue as I felt his balls and dick twitch violently, his hot cum pumping deep into my throat. I swallowed with each emission and felt his hand grip my ponytail tightly as he came. His body began to relax after several seconds and his hand fell to the back of my neck. I gently pulled my mouth off of him as he softened, sucking off the last drops of his cum and returning to my sleeping position with a smile.

“Hey,” he whispered, “that was amazing.”

“Have a good night,” I replied. I pretended to sleep for at least an hour as my mind replayed the events and my quickened heart rate gradually slowed.

He got off early that morning in another town. He woke me up when we got near and tried to get my number, but I was content to have it be a totally anonymous and random thing. I still think it’s hotter that way.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8v430w/fm_public_overnight_bus_trip


  1. Great story! Loved the style of writing and how you slowly built up to the good part. Well done!

  2. Wow, that was great. Would love to hear more from you, and a pm would be great :)

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