Having Another Go At The Mall Challenge. Also Cumwalk. [FM] (xpost from stupidslutsclub)

So I made a short post yesterday and someone commented about the mall challenge and that got me thinking about doing it again. Luckily Finals are finished so I have more free time on my hands so Ive been thinking about trying to get a lot of goals done in my free time.

Before I left I decided to set some goals for the day.

1. SSC Pride Walk Redo… After blowing your guy, keep his cum in your mouth. Walk a lap around your mall, stopping to get at least 1-2 selfies showing the cum still in your mouth. Then take a video of you swallowing and talking about it. The video is for the slut to cherish… If you have read my first mall challenge you might have noticed that I being the stupid slut that I am failed to read the challenge properly and didnt show everyone the cum in my mouth and only held it inside my mouth thus no one knew what I was doing thus defeating the purpose.

2. Also a redo from failing last time…Seduce a woman

3. Get with at least three people throughout the day.

4. No more notes asking to get fucked. I’m more experienced now. If I want something I should ask politely.

Anyway onto the story.

So I got up really early this morning to drive to a mall that was a bit further away form my house so there would once again be a smaller chance of anyone I know seeing me there. I was a bit worried about how today would go since the last time I went it was the weekend if I remember correctly. I wish I have the patience to just wait till the weekend again but I cant help myself.

The Mall isn’t as busy as I would have liked it to be but it is busier than I was expecting. And today I have the advantage of not needing to scout out which stores are of best use for this challenge since I have some experience this time.

“How am I still nervous?” I ask myself surprised I still had nerves. “Come on Eve. You have done this before and since then you have had sex with more people, Gone to your classes with a vibrator in your panties, Tried your first glory hole, Gave another girl her first time with you and done other things as well. How am I still a bit nervous?”

(Also holy crap as I’m writing this I just looked at the date of the first Mall Challenge. It hasn’t even been two months… It feels like so long ago. So much has happened since then.)

“Ok Im pretty sure I can get with some guy without to much trouble. I should probably try and seduce some lady since that will be the hardest.” I thought.

Unfortunately half the women there where with kids it seemed. Again I probably should have gone on a weekend. I talked with a few women and no one bit for the first few till eventually I found one cute girl We talked for awhile and when I mentioned going onto the dressing room she was a bit flustered but agreed to it. “YES! I finally did it!” I thought but an employee past as we were going in the store and she lost her nerve and was worried about getting caught so she left much to my disappointment.

The silver lining is I got her phone number because she asked for a rain check for when we could have more privacy. Also I don’t know how but somehow I ended up with two womens phone numbers in two days. That’s something that has never happened before. The other one was the girl who had her first time with me yesterday. ( A story I might tell another time since its cute but pretty tame.)

I had small talked with about six different women throughout the morning that I was interested in but by the time I tried to seduce them I got turned down by them all except the one I just mentioned. (Again for any sluts reading this success doesn’t always happen. You get turned down more often than you succeed in challenges like this. So if you are reading this don’t feel bad if you fail after seeing every ones success stories on here. You only really see the victories we have here for the most part but I promise we have a boat load of failures.) Sorry if that breaks the flow of the story but Ive received a few questions about this and I think its something everyone needs to know :)

Anyway after a fail with an older guy I asked to fuck me I found someone closer to my age who was a bit startled when I asked him to fuck me in a changing room but his face lit up when he figured out I was serious. I brought him into my favorite stall and began making out with him.

I removed his pants and sucked him for a minute or two deliberately keeping it quick since I haven’t been fucked by a guy in a while then got a condom from my purse for him to use. I know you guys are shaking your head at this and while ninety percent of the time I prefer bareback I just really wasn’t in the mood to have to clean up afterwards for some reason today. He bent me over so my hands were on a bench inside then finally entered me. He wasn’t the best ever but he did alright. He was a bit of an idiot though and made a bit more noise than Id have liked and I kept having to remind him to be quiet but soon enough I was able to cum with only a tiny bit of help from my hand and soon after he finished inside the condom.

I thanked him and gave him one last kiss before I left. I ended up having an hour or so where nothing really happened. It was a bit quieter at this point and I actually was going to go home disappointed that I didn’t get a chance at the SSC Pride Walk redemption I was planning. I was kicking myself thinking I got to greedy and over confident that Id find another guy after the last one and that I should have just given him a blowjob at the end so I could do it.

I’m so glad I stuck it out a bit longer. After another failure I found the lucky guy finally. He was middle aged and had a stern but also handsome and kindish face. I decided with some regret to abandon my goal of three people today since I wanted to make sure I actually did the SSC Pride Walk right. I knew once I started the pride walk it should be the last thing of the day as it would have the highest chance of me getting caught if I stayed around.

Still feeling nervous despite myself. I walked up confidently and asked, “Excuse me Sir, Would you be interested in me giving you a blow job?”

He just laughed in my face and said, “Yeah Right.” and mumbled something under his breath. It took a bit longer than I would have liked but eventually he agreed and soon enough I ended up on my knees sucking him in a new changing room. He was rougher than the guys in the past and held my hair as I went occasionally pulling rather hard to control me as blew him. After a while and a few tears from pain (Not that I minded. it was hot) He started breathing heavier and I had to pull against his grip so he wouldn’t shoot down my throat. He ejaculated into my mouth and I held it safely inside.

When we left we went separate ways I exited the store and started making the walk back to my car with my mouth open carefully holding all his cum for any passerby’s to see. I didn’t pass anyone for the first minute or two but eventually I felt my stomach drop as I passed a group of women who gasped when they saw me and glared at me as if I was the most disgusting thing they had ever seen in there lives. If I could have bowed my head in humiliation I would have but that would risk the cum spilling so I just tried my best to pass by looking confident even though my face must have been really red.

I probably past about thirty to forty people on my way out and I received more reactions of disgust some occasional interest and two wolf whistles from men I passed. I was also called a whore once.

When I got outside I crossed the parking lot and walked to my car. (I parked a ways away incase of cameras) When I got in my car I swallowed the cum and masturbated to another orgasm since exhibitionism and humiliation get me horny.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed my second outing to the mall.

If anyone wants to see my stories in the order they happened [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/EveTheSlut/comments/8bnzqs/list_of_my_adventures/) is a link for the list in the order the happened…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8ubofk/having_another_go_at_the_mall_challenge_also


  1. So this is the new level of achievement for today’s people, huh?

  2. The fact that people actually believe any of this is real is hilarious. It’s a creepy guy behind a fake reddit with a little too much free time.

  3. What a great story! I love how you can hold it that long and still swallow. True cum lover! Keep the stories coming!

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