Growing up in front of his eyes: how I caught my “unicorn” [FM]

Sebastian was my unicorn- an unattainable creature whom I always lusted after and worshipped from afar. It took me almost a decade to catch my man, even if it was only for a little while. My Sebastian stories are some of my hottest but, for now, let’s start with the first night we spent together (Skip to ~Our First Date~ for the juiciest part!)

~The Backstory~

I met Sebastian when I was freshly 13 years old. We had just moved to Texas from Washington and we didn’t know anyone except my uncle and cousins. The oldest was my cousin, Marc, who was only 4 years older than me. I spent that first summer counting down the days until I could start 8th grade at my new middle school and spending time with my cousins at their house.

Two things to note here: 1) I was a late bloomer, but I was blooming nonetheless. I was 5’2″, slim, with barely a waist and hips, and had only been a 30 full B cup. I’ve had breasts since I was 10 but I wasn’t quite at my full C capacity at the time. The other thing to note was my cousin Marc had a best friend named Sebastian who was also 4 years older than me. They were gearing up for their senior year of high school which was basically on the opposite end of the universe for me. I had nothing in common with Sebastian- on paper. But, holy crap, did we have chemistry (and I know now I wasn’t imagining this because it was later confirmed by Seb). Since we all basically spent that entire summer under the same roof, Seb and I occasionally found ourselves alone together. We all liked to spend time together now and then but since they were significantly older than me and the younger cousins (well, it was significant then), I never did get to grow too close to Seb. However, whenever we all DID hang out, he would always poke fun at me, or try to be witty, but I was thankfully able to return the favor with quick, witty comebacks of my own and I could tell how unexpected and intriguing it was for him.

Things continued like this for YEARS. He was my cousin’s absolute best friend so we always crossed paths. House parties when they were in college while my uncle was out of town, birthday gatherings at the movies, graduation celebrations, pool parties, just crashing at my cousin’s place, you name it. Sometimes, I wouldn’t see Seb for 8-9 months and every time he saw me, I was “more and more [his] kinda woman”.

Finally, one day, I was in my freshman year of college and I started dating a guy I met through mutual friends. When I ran into Seb just a few weeks after, he playfully asked, “And you’re dating this guy because…?”

“Because he’s cute and into me.”

“But, I’m cute and into you too!”

“Sure you are, Seb.”

“I really am! And you know he isn’t going to treat you half as good as I can,” his voice and demeanor made it SEEM to be in jest.

“Well you had your chance, so deal with it. You better hope this guy isn’t ‘the one’, Seb.” I walked away from him, proud to finally be the one who was the unattainable unicorn.

~No Longer A Little Girl~

Well as luck would have it, I ended up dating that guy from freshman year for 3 years. I went through a lot during that break up and it definitely did NOT help that it was my last semester in design school (for those of you unfamiliar with a design student’s lifestyle, it’s HOURS of grueling work without even a hope of sleep). I was cooped up in my studio the night before my 22nd birthday and I was feeling very sad.

Suddenly, my phone rings (it must have been about 10pm). It was Seb! How did he get my number?? (I found out later he snuck it out of Marc’s phone). He was calling to wish me an early happy birthday and wanted to know if I would like to go out to a late dinner to celebrate (just the two of us)! I was totally taken aback. I hadn’t seen Seb since months before my break up, and I honestly had not given him much thought- my mind was engrossed with my loneliness and final projects. I looked down at my work table and at all of the things that I was SUPPOSED to be doing… and graciously agreed!

Seb took me out to an awesome little burger joint just down the street from my school. We spent the entire evening eating, laughing, chatting, joking, and sipping on beer. Finally, it came time for the kitchen and bar to close so we meandered our way back to the car. As we got buckled in, he slyly stated, “So I heard that you finally dropped that douchebag boyfriend of yours. Finally realize he was no match to me?”

I chuckled at that ever-familiar grin of his and said, “You know damn well he dumped me.”

“Nah. He THINKS he dumped you, but all he did was realize that you were too good and strong of a woman for his pussy-ass to handle.” No truer words were spoken! :P

We drove into the almost deserted parking lot of my school’s building. As we got out, we looked up towards the third floor where the only lights glowed from the luminance of various computer screens and desk lamps.

“Thanks for dinner, Seb. You made my birthday miraculous. I hate being a finals baby.”

“Well I thought I’d be selfish and steal you away from your important work for a while. What’s finals without procrastination, amirite?”

I laughed, gave him a little wave (trying to play hard to get), and said “well good night”.

“Hang on there, princess,” (I’m not sure why or when that started but he’s called me that for years and always with a hint of sarcasm) and he grabbed me by the hips and yanked me into his arms, my back to his stomach, and clutched me in one of his signature bear hugs. I could have melted into butter right then and there!

I laughed and wriggled around until I was facing him, and gave him a big hug right back… and then he pulled my face to his and kissed me.

I have one word for that moment in my life- PHENOMENAL. I won’t get into crazy detail but we basically devoured each other’s faces for an hour in a dark corner of the school grounds. We were ALL OVER EACH OTHER. He lifted me up and pinned me against the brick wall of an outdoor stair, his hands were in my top, feeling my breasts, I had my hand in his jeans, moving all over his hard dick. It was getting hotter and heavier. I told him in a breathy whisper “let me down”. He hesitated, too happy with me being cradled in his arms like that, but he obliged. I guess he thought I was going to go back to class because he had a slight frown as I hopped down onto my feet… and then I dropped to my knees and started unbuckling his pants.

The look on his face was PRICELESS as I gave him a wicked grin. His eyes were wide as I pulled his jeans down and began fishing for that magnificent dick that I had been fantasizing about for 9 years. I pulled his boxers down and his cock, no, his MONSTER was released from it’s cotton prison.

He. Was. MASSIVE. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was only about 7 inches long but he was THICK. I could barely put my hand around it. I stroked him for about a minute while my tongue gently played with the beads of precum on the tip of his dick. I never took my eyes off his as I tickled his balls with my fingertips and breathed heavily on that throbbing mammoth cock.

You would not believe the look of defeat and intensity that flickered onto his face when I suddenly stood up, pecked him on the cheek, and said “See you later”.

“Oh hell n- you are EVIL!” he said as he tried to buckle his pants up and run after me.

“And you, sir, were LATE. If you want me, you gotta work for me.” His devilish grin was back as he took me into those manly arms and kissed me roughly.

“You’ll pay for this, Claire,” he said as his chin rested on top of my head.

“I plan to,” I said with a smirk. Seb claims this is the moment he fell for me.

I went back to complete my project in my studio. A few mins later I got a text from him that said, “I’m taking you out on an official date the MINUTE you are done with finals” along with a very sexy pic that left JUST enough to the imagination.

I knew exactly where this was heading.

~Our First Date~

Fast forward 3 days and I am done with the semester. I called Sebastian to help me clear out my studio space, then we took off to the artsy side of downtown for dinner. He ended up taking me to an awesome fusion restaurant and then for a walk on the popular strip of bars in the trendiest part of downtown. I went all out in a tight dress and strappy heels, prancing along side him, knowing damn well that I was not going to let him gain the upper hand easily. We popped in and out of bars, listening to live music and just being the usual goofy Claire and Sebastian. In one of the last bars on the street, we found a cozy booth in the back corner of a jazz bar. A trio was playing upbeat music, and the crowd was growing. I made sure to wait until we were absolutely boxed into the corner before I nudged him to get his attention.

The bar was romantically lit by candles on tables and soft mood lighting on the stage. No one but Seb saw as I pulled my dress up to my thighs, spread my legs, slowly slid my tiny little black thong down my legs, and pulled them off. I let the stringy thong hang from my finger as I gently placed it in his hand that was now resting next to a very noticeable erection. His breathing became ragged as he leaned towards me, and whispered, “Oh really? You’re ready to go home already?”

“In a minute,” I said as I allowed my legs to part a little more, barely exposing my immaculately shaved pussy. He wasted no time. His warm fingers slid inside of me with his right hand as his left was pulling me closer to him, hungrily. I let out tiny little giggles and sighs as his fingers grazed my clit. I was already dripping! I had never wanted anyone so badly and for so long. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to be with Sebastian. He was (and maybe still kind of is) my dream man.

I let him play with me for a couple songs but then it got to be too much even for me. He paid the check and we practically RAN to the car so we could finally be alone together after YEARS of sexual tension. As we leapt into our seats in the car, I began working on him immediately with some semi-innocent ear nibbling. I ran my hands along the front of his pants, gripping at his hard on. As we stopped at the final light before getting on the highway, he grabbed me gently by the hair and kissed me with such desire that I nearly caved into him in that moment. I could feel the want, the NEED to have me in his kiss. A horn blared behind us and we took off under the glow of the green traffic light, onto the highway. I took the opportunity to recline my seat and unbuckle my seatbelt. Seb heard me and I could see his curious eyes pull to the right, hoping to catch a glimpse of what I was doing. I smirked as I pulled my tight dress up my thighs and over my hips, fully exposing my pussy to the soft glow of the street lights that illuminated our way home. Seb’s eyes bugged out as he tried to quickly absorb what he was seeing- a perfectly shaved pussy, wet and ready for him to devour. I was looking him dead in the eyes as I slid my fingers down towards my clit.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned softly, “I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” I let my fingers wander, gingerly sliding up and down at my little slit.

“Oh my god…” he said with a sharp exhale, “So have I.” I bit my lip and my middle finger slowly dipped into the hot wetness.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you for nine years now, baby. I’ve wanted you for sooo long.”

“Oh fuck…” his tempted hand swiftly grasped the inside of my left thigh as my legs opened wider and wider, giving him a magnificent view. Our exit was coming up quickly. I could feel the anticipation building as he signaled to get to the far right lane. I let my fingers glide gently over my clit, making it tense up, pleading for more. I let out little moans and sighs of pleasure. Sebastian was losing his shit trying to speed 15mph over the speed limit.

“I used to touch myself whenever I thought of you. It was the first time I ever masturbated.” It was totally true. Seb was the embodiment of my sexual awakening and desires. I took the hand he had on the inside of my thigh and placed his fingers directly on my dripping slit. His fingers went right back to work, sliding inside me, pushing my g-spot. I couldn’t help but moan as he pulled into a parking spot in his apartment complex.

He leapt out of his seat and raced around the car. He threw open my door and found me there, still exposed and panting in my reclined seat. He knelt down so his face could be just above my waiting pussy. He looked adoringly at it as if he was seeing the sun for the first time. I had never (and still haven’t ever) had anyone look at me with such hunger, such lust before. I stroked my pussy one last time before he leaned in and kissed my clit so gently and yet so assertively that I let out an involuntary little squeak. Then, without any hesitation, Seb grabbed my legs, wrapped them around his hips, and scooped me into his arms. I clung to him like a wet towel. My dress was still hiked up over my hips. I could feel the breeze on the dampness between my thighs as I kissed him vigorously and he paraded us into his dark apartment.

Before the door even shut behind us, Seb had me pinned up against the wall opposite of his sofa. I held onto him with all of my might as he fumbled with his belt and jeans. Shoes went flying, his button-up shirt was thrown off, and I could feel him tearing at the defenseless spaghetti straps of my dress. Before I knew it, my dress was bunched up at my hips, my full breasts, pale and perky, were pinned against his bare chest. He was now in nothing but his boxers, his pants and belt a tangled mess around his ankles. He stepped out of his pants and lovingly walked us to the couch. He sat down onto the center of the couch with me straddling him. He looked me up and down, absorbing the view. I could see the gears in his head spin wildly as his eyes wandered. I leaned back, and brushed my hair back behind my shoulders so he could get a better look.

“You are sooo fucking sexy, Claire,” he whispered. I could feel his massive cock pressing against me through his boxers. He leaned his face to my chest and began kissing and sucking on my nipples. It was the most amazing feeling, having his body molded against mine. No chaperones, no hiding. Just the two of us finally giving in to temptation. “You have the most beautiful tits,” he said into my cleavage, “I could kiss them all night.” I leaned my head back and gave a long, even sigh.

“They’re all yours, baby,” I whispered. His arms tightened around me a little more. I rolled my head forward and looked him dead in the eyes, “I’M all yours,” his eyes flickered with glee, “No one else’s baby. I. Am. All. Yours.” With that, he twisted so that I was now on my knees on the couch, in doggy position. He got down on his knees and gave me some of the GREATEST (dare I say, magical?) oral I have ever received. His tongue flicked and tickled at my clit mercilessly until I was practically screaming (the poor neighbors). After what seemed like an hour, he emerged from between my legs, yanked my dress off of my waist, and pulled my ass up in the air, arching my back into a dramatic U shape.

I watched from the side of my eyes as he finally freed that monster cock of his from his boxers, and let it hover over my ass, taunting me. I writhed as I braced for the impact- but he took his sweet time! He had his dick in his hand, and traced it over my butthole, my slit, my clit. I was in erotic agony! I could feel myself flexing with need every time he teased my dripping pussy with the tip of his cock. I didn’t even realize how much I was moaning, and he had not even put it in me yet! I was getting more and more desperate as he began gently slapping his dick on my ass.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded breathlessly.

“Paying you back for what you did the other day.”

“Oh you bitch…” I groaned. I could hardly keep still, “I will get you back, BIG TIME.”

“No you won’t,” he said confidently. Suddenly, he pulled away from me completely. I listened as he walked away, then around to the back of the couch. He was facing me now, his pelvis at almost exactly my eye level. He let his dick rest at the top of the couch, just a few inches below my waiting mouth. I didn’t even wait for him to make any demands. I leaned down, my ass up high in the air, then began sucking on his dick with all of my might. I was sucking, licking, slurping, and stroking- nine years worth of sexual frustration fueled me as I pushed that thick cock to the back of my throat. I was setting out to prove to him that I was worth every minute that he waited for me.

Seb’s hands ran down my back and one of his fingers ever-so casually found my asshole. As I pushed him deeper and deeper into my throat, his fingers began pushing deeper and deeper into my ass. I could feel him flexing in my mouth as I gagged and gawked on him. A trail of saliva was flowing onto my chin as his hands grabbed me by either side of my face, encouraging me to go faster, deeper. But just as I could feel him pulling me closer and closer onto his dick, he pushed me away. I prepared myself as he ran back around to the front of the couch, grabbed me by the hips, and positioned himself behind me.

I felt him hesitate. I looked back at him and said, “Hey. Don’t stop now.” I used my left hand to pull my cheeks apart, showing off my waiting pussy.

“Mmmmm… did you really mean that?” he asked as he grasped me by the hips.

“Mean what?”

“That you’re all mine and nobody else’s?”

“Absolutely, baby. I am all yours. Nobody else is going to have me. I’m yours only.”

His dick was pressing against the opening of my vagina with the pressure of a soda about to pop. “Good.”

And with that, his spectacular dick slid inside of me like a grand crescendo in a symphony. I could do nothing but SCREAM. He pounded into me with a rapidity that echoed the years of him watching me go from awkward pre-teen to custom-made sex partner. I was his kryptonite and he was mine. He spanked me hard enough to leave my skin pink and puffy, but gentle enough for me to know that it was with more love and care than can ever be described. We were moving as one, thrusting and humping like animals, making the most orgasmic moans and gasps as I took in every last inch of him. He was holding me as best he could with whatever he could grab: my breasts, my hair, my neck, my hips. Everything! I was being fucked better than I had ever been before, and only a few seconds in, I was already starting to cum. The strangest and yet most perfect things escaped my lips, “Oh god baby you are so fucking thick! I want it in my mouth again”, “Oh fuck yes make me cum for you like a good girl should”, “Oh god baby is this what I get for being your good girl?”

I had never said anything like this before. I was in a relationship for 3 years and had nothing but vanilla missionary sex. And here I was, on my hands and knees, getting fucked the way I’ve always wanted to be by my “unicorn”. It was no surprise that I was almost immediately crying out, “Oh god baby I’m gunna cum! Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god don’t stop! Yes yes yes yes yes just like that!” I came all over his lap. He let out a half moan, half growl as he flipped me over onto my back. He jumped on top of me and slid back in without hesitation. He drilled into me until I could swear I was a permanent addition to the sofa. With every thrust I could feel myself grip him tighter and tighter, readying for another orgasm. My fingernails dug into his back, greedily. He grunted rhythmically into my ear as he watched my breasts bounce vigorously with every thrust of his pelvis. I wanted him. I needed him. And here he was. I could feel my mind buzz with the passion of it all. I could hardly tell what I was saying anymore. “Fuck. Oh god. Deeper. Yes. I’m so damn wet. Fuck me. Just like that. Do everything you’ve always wanted to do to me. Don’t hold back. Fuck me. Fuck me just like that. Oh god yes.” The electricity was building within me again as my legs spread farther and farther apart. He clutched at my thighs, pushing deeper still.

My head flew back, my back arched, and my hands tensed as I let out another heavy, breathy cry. I came all over his dick again but this time, it was a little too intense. He slowed down and gave me one, two, three long, strong thrusts as I squirmed beneath him. He was smiling that devilish smile as I laid there, panting. He was still rock hard inside me, his dick giving little tremors which sent shocks through my entire body. I gave a satisfied sigh as he leaned down and began kissing my neck and collar bone.

“Oh my god, you’re amazing,” I said.

“No. THAT was amazing.”

“Yes it was. But I’m still waiting for you to cum, Seb.”

“Oh don’t you worry. I have every intention of taking care of that.” He began to stand, holding his hand out to me. I took his hand, and he pulled me up to my (VERY weak) feet. My knees trembled and as I tried to step forward, I stumbled into his arms. He laughed as he collected me into his grasp saying, “Am I that good?”

“No! I just have poor circulation.”

“More like poor self control.”

He lifted me and carried me into his room. He laid me down in the center of the bed, then walked to either end table, lighting candles. There was no other source of light as he crawled into bed with me. I giggled as he burrowed into the blankets with me, our bodies entangled with a level of comfort I knew was secretly always there. We exchanged sweet kisses and our hands explored each other. I grasped him by the face with both my hands, breathing his cologne in. Eventually our kisses became hot and heavy again. I hopped on top of him and kissed him zealously. I made sure to grind my wet vagina against his rock-hard dick. I could feel him yearn to slip inside of me right then and there, but I had a better idea.

I hopped off of him, turned around so that I was facing away from Sebastian. He held me by the hips as I grasped his dick and slowly sat on it, giving a quick gasp of satisfaction. In our reverse cowgirl position, we began to surge into another round. I bounced, twerked, and pumped that dick with every ounce of energy I had. His pace quickened more and more as I began to breathlessly talk dirty to him again, “Mmmmm. Yeah. Don’t you wanna cum for me, baby? Oh god, I want to feel you cum inside me, baby. Do you like how that big cock of yours squeezes into my tight little pussy? Mmmmm you’re gunna make me cum again. Don’t you wanna cum inside of my tight little pussy, baby?”

It was finally too much for him to bear. I could feel him tense up inside of me as we went full force, pulsating, grunting and moaning uncontrollably. His hands shot up to my hips and squeezed tightly as he cried out, “Oh fuck I’m cummi-”

A hot surge of cum shot deep into me. Ropes and ropes of it filled me as I twerked on his dick. I moved slowly, up and down, until he was totally empty and starting to go soft again. I fell off of him, unable to move after that. We panted simultaneously, two limp bodies in the soft glow of candlelight. He collected himself and scooted up behind me, spooning me. I giggled as he began kissing me on the neck.

“Thank you,” he whispered to me, “I’ve wanted you for so long, and that was so much more amazing than I ever anticipated.” I rolled onto my back so I could look at his face. I put my hand on the side of his face and kissed him deeply.

“I know exactly what you mean.” He crawled on top of me again and wrapped me in his arms. We made out for a few minutes before he pulled away from me.

“We are going to have to do that again,” he said with a cocked brow.

“You bet your sweet ass we are,” I answered.

TLDR: Grew up in front of cousin’s best friend (4 years older than me) and finally got to have hot, bare-back sex with him once I turned 22.

Stay tuned for more steamy Sebastian stories!



  1. Oh my god, I fucking love this story. As a (mostly) heterosexual man, let me just say, “YOU GO GIRL!” The chemistry y’all have just oozes out of your words. My penis started to feel quite nice reading it, but much more than that it gave me real joy and emotional pleasure. There are so many unrealized romances and unfulfilled love stories in this world, good on you two for making it happen. Sounds like it was all worth the wait. Like I was legitimately happy reading that story, and these days I don’t feel that innocent, crush on the multiverse, kind of happiness very often. So thank you.

    This is also confirmation for me that I prefer reading these stories from a female bodied perspective. Not that reading guy’s stories isn’t cool, I just think the writing tends to be more detail oriented from a female perspective more often than not. I am sure there are lots of examples of the opposite being true, that is just my opinion. Or maybe I prefer the ways in which the details are worded? Anyways, thank you so much for sharing this story. I think this is also very inspirational and can hopefully encourage people to follow their hearts and tell their crushes and fancies how they feel about them. I have a unicorn, but she lives far away, and I really need to make some drastic changes in my life before I would ask her out, but this is inspiring as I said before. I don’t want to say it gave me hope because that just sounds like a little much from reading a story on the internet. Kudos Claire on recognizing your desires and living your best romances. I will be looking forward to more stories.

    P.S. You are a great writer. Do you write in any other capacity?

  2. Agreed. Very well written. Easy for the reader to feel what you were feeling. Long posts can be unpopular for readers to get through but this was an “I couldn’t stop reading” type of story!

  3. That is an amazing story that has been amazingly well written! Great job, girl! It’s as beautiful as I can tell you are! No, seriously, this whole scenario sounds like a dream come true for both of you that could have been sadly detoured because of the number of years before you both finally found each other. Please tell us more and I hope your future is as beautiful and bright as what you tell us that the present is! ?

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