Femdom Village (2)

In the main building in the Mineral Beauty spa, there was an outdoor fitness area where the submissive men had fitness sessions lead by the town’s all female police force. The Chief of Police, Persephone was in charge of the session that day accompanied by members of the police force. They wore blue tank tops with blue shorts and impeccable white tennis shoes that matched their uniforms. Persephone checked the weather online and said to her female subordinates, “Looks like there is a storm coming today.”

“We will not be able to use the cattle prods, oh well … nothing we can do about that. Tell the others we are going to use the whips today and have their raincoats ready. Today is going to be a wet day.” “As you wish, madam,” said the female subordinate as she rendered a salute to her commanding officer and left to notify the others. Chief Persephone and a group of female officers went out to the fitness area where a group of submissive men were already waiting for them. All the men were completely naked except for their respective collars around their necks and plastic cock cages.
The men were on their knees looking at the floor waiting for instructions. “Pathetic slaves, all of you look like fat pigs. You’re an embarrassment to your Mistresses,” Chief Persephone said while she cracked the whip. “But as luck would have it, you will be at my complete disposal today. Don’t worry, I have permission from your Mistresses to have fun at your expense, UNDERSTAND YOU MISERABLE PIGS!!” As Chief Persephone said this thunder is heard from a distance. “As you wish,” said all the submissive men in unison while they shivered outside in the cold. “All right, stand up, start running … MOVE!,” said Persephone. Immediately, the submissive men stood up and began running around the track.

The men ran barefoot around the track while the female officers screamed at them to run faster. Some of the female police even whipped the backs of the submissive men that slowed their pace so they would run faster. Persephone preferred using cattle prods instead of the whips but the weather made it dangerous. Fortunately, the whips gave the same effect. Suddenly, a light rain began to fall, some of the submissive men started to slow down.

“What’s wrong?” Persephone screamed, “Did we give you an order to slow down? I want to see all of you do leapfrogs.. FAST!!” Immediately, all the submissive men got in a straight line and every other submissive got on his knees while the man behind him jumped over his body. “Alright, I know how much frogs love rain, move faster!”
Meanwhile, inside the hospital, the Director of the Mineral Beauty Spa Dr. Demeter, received a group of twenty Mistresses accompanied by their submissive men. Each submissive man wore a cock cage, a collar and a mask that prevented him from seeing, hearing or speaking but would allow him to breathe.

“Welcome ladies, thank you for volunteering to be part of the study,” said Dr. Demeter. “Now follow me to the testing area,” the ladies led their submissive men down a long corridor to a room. Inside, there were a series of racks with straps on both sides. On the other side of the room was a desk with a control board. “Lie your submissive men face down, strap his feet and hands to the sides of the rack and remove the cock cage.”

Once the ladies were done removing the cock cage they were given additional instructions. “Put latex gloves on and stimulate the anus of your submissive men; to be part of this study, your sub should have a minimum of one week in chastity in addition to never having been penetrated.” A lady in the group raised her hand to ask a question, “Excuse me Doctor, my sub is starting to get an erection,” the doctor looked and indeed, his cock was beginning to swell very quickly. “No problem, it’s part of the protocol, please if your sub has an erection, leave it alone I am going to gather the instruments for the experiment.”Within the testing area inside the spa, Dr. Demeter continued with the next step of hersubmissive men study. “Alright ladies, put on a strapon dildo, you are all going to penetrate your subs while I monitor their vital signs.” The dominant women began to penetrate their subs forcefully and rhythmically. The doctor monitored the subs from the control panel and activated the tubes that stimulated their penises as if they were masturbating, making them moan louder.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8u3zos/femdom_village_2