The sexual experiences I can’t tell anyone else about [Triggering?] [M][F][Groups]

*I wrote this two years ago, in response to a question about unusual sexual experiences, so if you’ve read this before and recognize it perhaps you should get off Reddit?*

The sexual experiences my sister and I had together made both of us unusually sexually mature and experienced. Especially as teenagers, we ended up showing a lot of our partners the ropes, so to speak. I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, in part because of our histories.

tl;dnr Humans are horny. We messed around as kids and early teens, and we had a lot of sex in each other’s presence later on. We did other stuff later. She became ridiculously hot around the time she was late 13 or early 14.

To give some background I’m two years older than her and my brother is two years younger. I’ve generally been closer to her than to my brother, and the same is true of her to me. I had to share a room with my brother because our house only had three bedrooms.

As kids we squabbled a lot, but we would also play “house,” which entailed us taking off our clothes and pretending to cook, clean, and wrestle. Like a lot of kids I was very interested in anatomical differences between boys and girls. When we’d play I’d feel a sense of excitement that I wouldn’t exactly call sexual, because I didn’t have any conception of sexuality, but I would call it exciting. We’d sometimes play with other kids, too, when we could, and I don’t think any of us really appreciated what we were doing. We knew it was wrong and something that had to be hidden from adults, but we couldn’t precisely say why.

When I was 10 we moved, and playing house petered out, perhaps because we were starting to understand more about what we were doing. My sister and I had a fairly normal relationship for a while. I started puberty in earnest when I was late 12 or early 13, when I began getting erections and masturbating. Like most kids that age I had no outlet for sexual energy, aside from porn (which was hard to get at the time, this being the early Internet era).

My sister started developing breasts when she was 11. The summer between seventh and eighth grade (for me) and fifth and sixth (for her) was the first time I started noticing her getting hips and breasts, since we spent a lot of time on a family vacation in swimsuits. On that trip my parents wanted to drag us to do something we considered boring, and because of my bitching they let me stay at our cabin, and because of my sister’s bitching about double standards my parents eventually let her stay. My brother was too young to put up enough of a fight, so my parents dragged him with them.

My sister and I hung out and must’ve gone to the pool or something, because when we got back we fought for the shower. Neither of us would get out of the bathroom, so I said something like, “I’m taking the shower.” I shucked my swimsuit and got in. She didn’t really know what to do; I don’t think she expected that maneuver, and she left the bathroom. People write things like, “My mind was racing,” and in that moment mine really was. After a minute or two I called to her and asked if she’d wash my back. She seemed ambivalent but eventually she took off her swimsuit and got in with me, though I mostly faced the front of the shower and she was behind me. She washed my back and I had a pubescent boner borne of shock and excitement.

After she washed my back and my torso I turned around, trying to be nonchalant. She looked at me and giggled. Neither of us really knew what to do, so I offered to wash her back. She did, and we switched spots. I let my penis brush her ass. When I was done with her back I “did” her front, which mostly consisted of me playing with what tits she had. I played some with her labia and vagina, though I had no idea what the clit was at the time.

She asked a lot of questions about my penis, and I explained that it wasn’t always hard, and she touched it. We got to facing each other and touching, to the point where I came (which startled her, because she didn’t understand what was happening). Opposite sex mechanics were pretty foreign to both of us.

We kept messing around like that for the next year or two, whenever we got a chance, which wasn’t all that often due to my parents and brother. We never had PIV sex then, but we did watch porn together (what we could) and we did talk about sex, and who of our respective friends we were attracted to. We learned a lot from each other. I learned to slow down, let it be about the journey and not the destination, and how to perform proper oral sex.

I also noticed her friends, many of whom were becoming attractive. Eventually I had sex with a girl my age from the neighborhood, and we had a “relationship” to the extent kids can have a relationship that young, but it eventually foundered due to the usual teenage bullshit. My first “girlfriend” did give me a reputation for A+ cunnilingus, which I now realize is unusual among guys that young.

When I was in ninth grade and my sister was in seventh we’d establish who of my friends she liked best (Mike) and who of her friends I liked best (Rachel). We arranged for them both to sleep over on the same night. The adolescent sexual tension was high, but none of us knew what would happen besides “hanging out” that night. I anticipated as best I could and bought condoms, which was a traumatic experience because of my own inexperience. I didn’t realize how small a deal it really is.

My parents went to sleep at some point, and Mike and I waited for my brother to be asleep enough for us to go to my sister’s room. We ended up with me and Rachel on one side of my sister’s bed and Mike and her on the other. Somehow we started making out with our respective partners. That morphed into clothes coming off and that morphed into sex. Being in the same room with another couple excited me, and the moans and sex noises from both girls turned me on. I liked the voyeurism and the exhibitionism (my interests in group sex have never abated, though they are easier to arrange as an adult). Seeing my sister’s tits bounce while she had sex turned me on. I gave Mike some direction/suggestions, because I was more experienced than him.

My sister and Mike started “dating” and so did Rachel and I. We became familiar with being naked around each other and having sex around each other. My sister and I never had sex at that point, that early, but we did pretty much everything else, and her attractiveness turned me on. We wound up covering for each other, a lot, and our sex lives aligned many of our interests, and at that age finding a place for sex is hard, so we very often had same room or same car sex.

Physically, my sister turned into a girl who didn’t have a particular standout feature, but her whole package was amazing: nice, medium sized boobs; tight, medium-sized ass; long legs, and so on. Seeing her naked and seeing her having sex aroused me. When no one else was around we’d go down on each other.

I heard all the dumb comments from other guys about my sister, and I learned to ignore them. People could tell that Mike, me, her, and Rachel had an unusual relationship, but though I heard insinuations I didn’t respond. The group sex situation continued until Mike and I both got regular, easy access to cars; once we had cars we didn’t have group sex as much, and my sister eventually got bored of Mike, cheated on him, and broke with him. She went through a long, wild phase fueled by her looks and her sex drive. I eventually broke up with Rachel when she got tired of me pushing for threeways (not w/ my sister).

I helped my sister with rides and logistics, and she helped me sleep with her friends (an awesome trade in my view). I saw a lot of impromptu lingerie shows at Victoria’s Secret, where I’d often take my sister and a friend to buy lingerie. Her setting me up with her friends was amazing. I did some of the same for her. We went on many group dates. This made it easier for both of us to have sex: my dates’ parents would think my sister made the date safe. My parents thought me being along made it safe. In actuality, we covered for each other and had frequent sex next to each other.

My sister was a sister, a girl, a woman, and a sex object. I saw what non-related guys saw. I learned how she liked her nipples played with. I learned how she likes doggystyle best, and how to put a hand on her lower back / upper ass in order to help her come. I put her first authentic buttplug in her. I learned how much the right women can like the right sex. In college she’d often come to visit, bringing a friend for me so she could hook up with my friends. Sometimes, when I knew my roommates would be gone, she’d come alone. I liked her visits. We were each other’s releases.

For me, having a super attractive sister worked both of us through our most awkward phases in private. It taught us about the opposite sex. It gave us someone to talk to. I learned the terrors and wonders of adulthood. I learned that fear is the mindkiller. I learned that girls want it too, though they’re conditioned to hide it. I learned that lifting / sports are hugely important to most hot girls. The more I lifted the more girls liked me, so I lifted a lot. I learned that having a woman to vouch for you is incredible.

A super attractive sister is great. It’s been a long time since we did anything together. But we did some crazy shit. We never got fully caught. At the time it seemed both less crazy and crazier at the same time. Part of me should maybe ashamed, but I don’t feel any shame. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still masturbate to the things we did.

After writing this the other day I started a much longer, more detailed version, but it doesn’t fit in reddit.


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