The night I found out my gf is a retired pornstar [mf]

I’ve been dating a woman, I’ll call her AJ, for about seven months. Things are great and it’s some of the best sex I’ve ever had. She’s gorgeous with long dark hair, 5’11, thin build with long legs and some spectacular DD’s That fact really surprised me once we began having sex on a regular basis because outwardly she seems like a normal, sweet single mom….turns out once you get her naked she’s a horny, dirty talking, blow job-giving wild woman. It was a little surprising, but being that I was the one reaping the benefits, I wasn’t going to question it! Fast forward to the beginning of May, we were all at my brother’s house drinking and playing beer pong. We’d all gone to the same school, my brother, his friends and AJ had gone a few years after me, although none of them knew her. We were talking about various places we’d worked and AJ mentioned a certain store in which she’d worked for about a year. My brother starts talking about a girl that had worked at the same store that had had a website where she’d make masturbation videos and post nudes, etc. I commented on how awesome that was and that I’d never heard about it, then we went back to playing beer pong. About 15 minutes later all that beer was begging to escape, so I went inside to the bathroom. When I came out I realized I hadn’t seen AJ in a long time. I checked the house, out front and out back and couldn’t find her anywhere. Finally I called her, and to my surprise she was in tears. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that obviously my brother knew her secret and was trying to tease her about it. I told her I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. She told me that she was the girl my brother was talking about, and then gave me the name she had used. I was floored. I swear I got dizzy for about 10 seconds. She told me she was almost home but had to go because her phone was about to die and that she’d text me when it got on the charger. I went in to my brother and explained what happened and asked if he’d been teasing her. He was visibly upset and said he’d had no idea and wouldn’t have said a word if he’d known. I decided I needed to go talk to her ASAP. I grabbed another beer (for my nerves lol) and started heading that way. As I was driving I started googling the name she’d given me and sure enough. There was my sexy, gorgeous girlfriend, naked, masturbating, posing….and then, HOLY SHIT girl-on-girl!!!! And then…..there it was. A hardcore scene. For the second time in 15 minutes I was stunned. I pulled into a parking lot, downed half the beer and hit play. It started off with the typical “who are you, show me your tits, blah blah blah”. Then they brought the guy in….I started to get butterflies. Then, 60 seconds in I was rock fucking hard and completely turned on as I watched my girlfriend sucking some dudes dick. I was HOOKED!!!! I skipped around a bit, getting more turned on by everything I saw, and finally skipped to the end to see him blow a healthy load all over her amazing breasts. I high tailed it out of that parking lot, straight to her house. I held her for a few minutes and told her i had no problem with any of it. Made us a couple stiff drinks and let her tell the whole story….then when she’d finished I explained what happened and what I’d seen and how turned on it made me….and then we fucked like maniacs for an hour straight. It was amazing, it’s like I’d finally gotten her to completely show me who she was. The sex was mind blowing, we talked dirty, shares fantasies….it was perfect. Since then, as good as our sex life had been before all of this, it’s become AMAZING!!!! From what I can tell it’s only going to get better. I’ll start sharing the more fun stories and experiences as they come, but for now thanks for reading!!!!!



  1. For now I’m leaving that out. She’s managed to stay pretty anonymous and has a professional career now, I’d hate to do anything to jeopardize that.

  2. I’ve tried to encourage her to embrace it more, she knows I wrote this, so ultimately it’ll be up to her.

  3. Don’t tell anyone… Don’t fuck this up… You found an amazing, open minded, sexy, sexually open and by your description, beautiful woman… support her, love her and keep her secrets…

  4. Very nice story and it appears you have found yourself one hell of a woman. I have one request regarding any futher stories you may regail us with:

    Paragraphs, please.

    Otherwise keep them coming, and i wish you both the best in the years to come

  5. My bad, I typed it in the notebook on my phone then copy/pasted. That’s a fair criticism.

  6. Oh fuck this story is amazing!!! So hot, I can’t imagine how fucking nervous and sexy it must feel to get to watch a video of your GF sucking cock and getting pounded like that, I’m so jealous

  7. Question: you said it turned you on. Had you ever known that watching your partner with someone else would turn u on?

    I always thought my partner had never slept with someone (thats what she initially pretended, we were in teens at the time), when she admitted that she has and I asked her for graphic details, I was shocked and turned on at the same time. Before that I was very possessive and would never imagine how she could fuck someone.

    However, since then I have developed this fantasy/urge to watch her getting fucked… Did you go through the same?

  8. r/hotpast. Might be for you but use only a side account for these stories. Doxing happens.

  9. The first time I realized it was a turn was about 10 or 12 years ago. I was dating a woman that was pretty experimental, eventually it led to us inviting other people in and even checking out a few swing clubs. I never got jealous because she always made sure I was involved, we both stuck to the predetermined rules and Ioved watching her enjoy herself. So it’s been a turn on that’s stuck with me for a long time, but this is the first time since then that I’ve been with someone that shares those types of interests.

  10. I for one would be overjoyed to find out that a new girlfriend was in the porn industry (because she wanted to be of course), the one piece of advice I can give you is that pretend that she never was, basically saying “I do find your past extremely hot however I liked you before I knew that and I was happy with who we were then too”

    reason; my wife used to be an exotic dancer, the girls that most of the hottest girls she danced with settled down with guys who liked them because of them, not because they were bisexual and into girls and had threesomes and stuff like that..

    Freaky shit in the bedroom is entirely up to her, if she doesn’t want to have sex with the lights on, then they don’t come on..

    Play your cards right, show her that SHE is what’s important and not her past and I can guarantee you you will not regret your future

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