[MF] Sneaking away, the first day that changed my life

I had something happen 12-13 years ago, I think that affected my mindset toward anything sex related more than anything else in my life ever did. I think it was one of those sort of things where the context around it just maximized the impact. So I don’t want to trim the story down any more than I already have even though it is quite long. I feel like what happened is going to seem rather subtle, maybe even disappointing, but I still feel drawn to share it because of how STRONGLY it has been staying my memory. I actually do have some more “intense” experiences to share, but I want to start at the beginning. The day that started it all, sort of.

I was 19 or 20 (male) and my family, my friend’s family and a few of my old school buddies all met up in in the Florida Keys. Key Largo, in particular, at a place which I THINK was called “The Great Outdoors.” Sadly, it does not exist anymore (shout-out if you remember it), but it was an RV/Camper park that we had previously visited as a middle school summer trip years back. Our group took up two camp sites and a party of strangers were already setting up in the site across from us when we first arrived.

The strangers were a group of about 7 girls (I don’t remember all of them) with an RV and they came over and asked for help because they couldn’t get the canopy to roll out on their vehicle. We learned that they were part of a college group for some church up state. Since my family and the rest of my group were also Christians, it was like instant friendship. It also probably prevented my mother from slut-shaming them just for being females around my age range… so uh… heh.

I guess this is a good opportunity to mention that at the time I had never had any sort of relationship with a girl, and I was a lot more religious than I am today. That is to say, at the time I was just barely recovering from being deep in on the whole “purity” mindset. Though it had been over a year since the last time I had been trying to quit masturbation. For some dumb reason, I decided again to try not to fap for this entire trip. (Maybe it was just nostalgia? If that’s even the right work in this context?) Also I was a pretty average, slightly nerdy looking, skinny white guy with like 0% tan. And that’s about all I remember about 19-year-old me (except for what is coming up).

Anyway, we spent the day off and on talking to these girls and went down to the beach and waded around in the water a little bit. I remember 4 of them. There were 2 blondes, one was fat, tall and sounded like she came straight from Alabama, and then the other was shorter, very skinny and was the most social girl in the group. There was also a woman in her 30s that we confirmed to be the leader. And finally, there was a short tan girl with long black hair that really caught my eye.

I think it was going to be a 1 week trip for our group and a 2 week trip for the girls. So we would be leaving before them. I remember we really weren’t talking to them all that much after the first day, but in the middle of the week we had cooked up a ton of crabs that we caught earlier that day and the girls were at their site so we invited them over. The girl with the black hair ended up sitting next me and we actually somehow got to talking about the game Morrowind. Then I learned she was a pretty hardcore PC gamer like myself and it just seemed like destiny that we had met. (Gamer girls seemed a lot rarer back then.)

However, I don’t remember exactly what sparked it, but we all started making jokes about my brother losing his pants on the way to the bathroom. I think they were loose or something when he stood up. Even our parents were in on the jokes, it was hilarious. The problem was… the leader of the girls’ group made some kind of remark how it was only funny if it happened to a guy and would be a problem if it happened to a girl. I made the mistake of blurting out some comment, I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I basically blamed that double standard on society while still maintaining the joking tone that we had all set.

Biiiiig mistake. That woman WENT OFF. Like she had a whole lecture, she had Bible verses, she was citing research. She seemed convinced that any female exposing her breasts risked the entire campsite breaking out into a STD infested orgy. Like, I swear even my mother, who probably agreed with everything that that woman said, was taken off guard by the context and passion in which we all had to hear it. It was super awkward, and I think that leader even used some of her girls as examples. We all got quiet, there were a few nods and grunts and we soon split up, with all of the girls going back into their RV for the rest of the night. Though I could hear the mumbling sound of them discussing things in there for hours.

Readers, I promise this is all going somewhere, just hang in there. We’re coming up on the day where the thing happens.

So the next morning I was informed that the woman had come back and apologized to everyone before I woke up. Still, this lead to a sort of awkward afternoon where the girls were on the same beach we were but our two groups didn’t exchange anything beyond shy hellos. I ended up taking an inflatable kayak fairly far out into the water and peeking down at the fish with a snorkel. I was definitely far enough away that nobody on the beach could see what I was doing in the water so I started doing what any bored, frustrated 19-year-old pasty face dork would do. I started masturbating under water. After what happened, I didn’t feel like abstaining anymore. Plus, after so many days I had gotten to the point where I was sort of uncomfortable. Though I couldn’t finish because my friend’s brother started coming my way in one of the other kayaks.

He was a super social guy and wanted to make sure I was alright after the earful I heard from the woman the night before. So I’m just hanging on to my kayak with my bottom half under water awkwardly nodding and responding to him as I am waiting for my boner to go down. After it did, I showed him the fish I was looking at so it would not seem like I had just gone out there alone to sulk over what happened. Even though I kind of did. After all, I was really hitting it off with that girl before her leader freaked out, and now I was afraid to talk to her.

A few hours later I was sitting on the beach, alone again, and I was actually approached by one of the girls. The social skinny blonde one. She had also come to apologize and she informed me that her leader had just left to go to the grocery store (Yay!) and she took the black-haired girl with her (Damn it!). The blonde stuck around and we ended up talking about the subject that set her leader off. She also told me her age, which was a few years older than I was. Eventually she made kind of an interesting joke about the night before, and how if she lost her bottom she didn’t think anyone would be turned on. This did come in the conversation pretty naturally, though, but I obviously didn’t transcribe it so I can’t give the word-for-word.

Again, I was a shy nerd so I kind of pulled back from where the conversation was going. Which accidently became kind of a good strategy. We started talking about how we were technically “adults” but we were both in situations where we had parents or guardians over us. That we were still being treated like irresponsible children. I remember joking about how we would rather be “irresponsible adults” instead. For the most part I thought we were just being philosophical, but I somehow managed to loop it back around to her bottomless comment. I regretted veering away in the first place and I was glad she was willing to revisit the subject.

Basically, what she ended up explaining was that her vulva was an innie. I told her I was surprised that she thought that was a problem. That I was sure that a lot of guys liked that, and that I liked that. Since I was still pretty young and was blue-balled earlier in the day I found it very difficult to keep down an erection in the part of the conversation. Since she had just described her vagina to me, I felt it only fair that I mention to her that I also had a physical property that once concerned me. I had not been circumcised. After I said that we had to stop talking because a bunch of little kids ran onto the beach. So we both agreed that we should continue the conversation somewhere more private.

I told her that earlier in the week my friends showed me a quiet spot they used for fishing. So I went back to get the kayak, but I needed help carrying it. Fortunately my father was at the campsite, and not my mother. I straight up told him I was going to take that girl out in the kayak and he helped me carry it. I knew he wouldn’t tell anyone what I was doing. I knew that, unlike my mother, he didn’t care if I was going off alone somewhere with a girl. Not that I had ever done it before, but I could tell he was cool about that sort of thing.

The kayak had space to fit two people and after the blonde and I got in, my father walked away and there was nobody else around from either of our groups to see where we were going. Our destination was just over the border of the campsite’s water area and we were technically trespassing onto the next property. However, there was a lot of construction equipment over there that week so that side of the neighbor’s beach (or was it a pier?) was fenced off and nobody ever came out that way except for my friends a few days before.

We shored up on a little alcove that had almost enough tree cover to keep us hidden from both beaches (unless the one side was a pier, I don’t remember really), but whatever the trees didn’t cover, the construction containers did. I didn’t know exactly what to expect. My instinct, and the constant fight of keeping my boner down, told me that we didn’t go there just to talk. However, my pessimistic side was convinced that we’d do no more than end up sharing a bunch of juicy secrets before calling it a day.

After a little bit of small talk like, “Wow, this place is cool…” she came back strong and told me she had never seen an uncircumcised penis before aside from sculptures and paintings. I told her I could show her but I warned her that I would get an erection. She said she understood and that was fine. So I rushed to pull my pants down so she could see it in its default form before it went up. I don’t know how much that would have mattered to her… It just seemed like it might? I remember she actually said something encouraging about it when she saw it, so that was a relief. More on that subject later. I have a pretty average sized package so I wasn’t that nervous about size or anything, but it was still my first time.

One thing I do remember vividly is how she looked at me, grabbed onto the button on her shorts and said, “You.. You want me to… to…” I nodded at her and gave her a resounding “YES.” We both laughed and she dropped her shorts and bikini bottom. I could see from her hip bones that she was one of those girls who probably gets constantly called anorexic, but I still think it was just genetics. Her pussy was absolutely adorable. Like it was maybe very slightly too small, but I immediately told her it was pretty much perfect. She had a bush down there, it looked like it was brown or just a very dark shade of blonde, but it looked like she had shaved it up to an even patch above her vulva.

We both kind of awkwardly looked at each other for a moment. At that time I was rock hard. To break the silence, I took my t-shirt off and said something like, “Well, we might as well see everything then.” Keep in mind these quotes are only to the best of my recollection. She took her shirt and top off. Her breasts were pretty flat at the top but they rolled into neat perky circles at the bottom and her nipples were REALLY poking out. It was just such a different dynamic seeing a woman naked in real life. Everything seemed bigger. I mean her breasts were probably in the B-Cup range, everything was proportional. I mean, it’s pretty obvious, computer screens are pretty small compared to real people. It was just kind of a feeling that blew me away at first. (Kind of like when you buy furniture online, and even though you got the measurements right it still seems larger in person.)

We started talking about breast size. I told her that I had always preferred shape over size. I was telling her about some internet opinions on that subject, and she mentioned that she had only just recently started to look at porn. So then I asked a question that had been bothering me since pretty much the beginning of time. Do girls like the look of penises? I had heard from multiple sources, including women who seemed to be super into sexy men, that they didn’t really like that part of a man in particular.

The blonde girl told me that she actually did like how they looked. She said something along the lines of, “I’m not going to lie, they do look very weird. Yet I REALLY like something about that weirdness.” She also mentioned that my foreskin made it look even weirder in an even better way.

Eventually we got around to the “you wanna touch?” stage and started shyly feeling each other up. At one point I rolled up my foreskin and she put her finger on my bare head (which is pretty sensitive) and I let go and the foreskin rolled back overtop of her finger. Then she kind of slid her finger around in there a little bit and I felt like I was really going to jizz all over her hand. I was concerned about seeming pre-mature, but I knew that if she actually wanted to do any fooling around I wasn’t going to last a minute anyway. So the truth would have come out either way. She pulled her finger out before anything happened though.

When I put my hand on her vagina, it was slightly wet, which for some reason at the time I thought was a myth until I felt it for myself. And she did rustle my balls a little bit. And that encouraged me to start squeezing her breasts. Having never felt boobs before, they were squishier than I predicted. Still, I didn’t spend much time on them or even squeeze that hard. We never really go past the curiosity stage. I wasn’t bold enough to start rubbing her repeatedly or anything.

Then we kind of backed off a little bit, talked about how weird it was, but also how great it felt to be that open. Though, I did mention how I felt like I was going to blow my load any second, even without touch. She just kind of laughed. I was honestly really hoping she would offer to help finish me off, and I would have returned the favor. She never offered, and I decided against suggesting it. I also really wanted to ask if I could taste her, but I chickened out on that one too. Looking back, that was probably a good thing.

It was difficult though. I know we both put ourselves in a position where instinct wanted to take over, but I really think we both had a strong sense of logic behind our restraint. Like we somehow both knew that our goal was to explore an opposite sex person’s body and not our actual sexuality at that time. I had hoped that with a few hours to think it over, we could get back together at the end of the day and do more. However, my traditional Christianity was kicking in a little bit too. Like I was kind of thinking to myself, “Yeah man, you proved your point that nudity is harmless. But sex is probably not harmless.”

We ended up getting back into our clothes and heading back over to the campsite beach. I dropped her off pretty far on the shore and then continued to row back out pretending I had been just doing my own thing the whole time. Just in case anyone had been watching. I also needed to get my erection down again. I have got to say, that is one thing I don’t miss about being that young. I felt like there was no way I was going to be able to get it down without finishing, so I jumped back into the water and once again kept my distance as I sort of hid behind the kayak.

As I started stroking I was hit with another one of those religion inspired thoughts. Was masturbating with that moment in my mind just as bad as having sex with her? Of course, I can see the many flaws in that mindset now, but again I was 19. Anyway, I knew there was no way around it, and I thought I could reach orgasm pretty fast and get it all over with. Somehow, I got interrupted AGAIN. My mother saw me from the beach and yelled out something about going out to eat. I tried to stall but she said we had reservations.

For some reason I could not finish nearly as fast as I thought I would. So I started to paddle the kayak back hoping my cock would just forget everything. I got up to the wall at the beach, (the sand was elevated above the water and walled off) and I started to walk the kayak toward the nearest steps. Still I could not get rid of my erection, though it had softened a slight bit. I couldn’t think of what to say, but I was going to have to get out of the water. Since my mom was going to help me lift the kayak back to the campsite, I thought I would just hold the back handle and keep the thing close to my waist to conceal myself.

However, and I am not making this up I swear, just as I got to the stairs lightning randomly struck on the opposite coast. Anyone who has ever been to Key Largo knows how close that can be. I mean it was a clear day, but there was just one little puff of storm cloud floating over and it totally saved my bacon with that strike. Everyone jumped, it was loud, and I got out of that water as fast as I could. Moments after my breath came back to me, I realized my erection had been scared completely down.

Unfortunately, this just meant I was blue-balled a second time. I now had two interrupted sessions on top of my several days of saving up. We ended up in Key West that evening, and I was just trying to eat my dinner, but literally every damn female in a bikini threw me back into the struggle of trying not to get a boner. So yeah… GREAT IDEA CHRISTIAN BOOK WRITERS. JUST FUCKIN STOP MASTURBATING AND THAT’LL FUCKIN STOP YOU FROM OBJECTIFYING WOMEN. Genius… Just genius… (Sorry, little rant there)

When we got back to the camp site that night, my first stop was the shower. Once I got in the shower, I was in the safe zone. I finally got to reflect on my day and everything the girl had shown me. I came to the conclusion that everything we had done was pretty damned innocent. There was definitely temptation, but ultimately it was my dumb no fap rule that probably did the most “damage” to that situation. However, it did present me with a unique opportunity to uh… set a personal record.

This paragraph is probably really immature, and might just be too much information, but I figure any other guys reading this will understand. Whenever I used to spend effort into drawing out masturbation, I would sometimes count the number of shots I pump out when I finally cum. If it shoots out beyond 1 inch and separates, it counts. If it’s one of the final throbs that just seeps out or drips, it doesn’t count. On that night, in the shower I decided to take it as slow as I could. I kept my hands off my penis and let the water drip onto the tip of my foreskin. I found a stream where two of the showerhead streams combined and created a constant flow. While standing under that I could feel myself getting so tense and then I finally let it all out. I pumped out 15 shots, possibly even 16 because I think the second and third combined and created like a sperm laser beam. I was neat and cleaned it up of course.

I went out to the docks afterward, hoping the blonde would see me there. She didn’t, at least not for a while. Instead, the black-haired girl showed up. As well as a few of my friends. We all ended up talking for a few hours and trading, I’m not joking, AOL Instant Messenger usernames. If I remember, this was when Facebook was not open to the public. I never had a MySpace page either.

Finally, on my way back down the road to the camp sites, I ran across the blonde again. I explained to her that we were leaving the next day. I ended up walking her out to the dock and we spent a few minutes just talking. Basically we both just exchanged that we didn’t have any regrets and I found out that she also used AOL Instant Messenger.

However, that’s pretty much how it ends. I never once saw her sign on. However, the black-haired girl who I will just codename “Molly” did sign on. And that’s kind of the reason I posted this story. I have multiple, much juicier, stories with Molly (not the blonde) that would definitely be appropriate for this sub. That is why I am giving her a name (not even close to her real one of course.) This story just sets the stage. Molly comes back into my life later.

Either way, this comes out to be about 4,000 words so I definitely won’t be getting into the Molly stories in this post. I hope this wasn’t disappointing or boring. I know there wasn’t any actual sex going on, perhaps there was also too much backstory? Let me know if you liked how detailed it was and I will try to keep it at the same level for the Molly stories. As best as I can remember of course.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8s19mq/mf_sneaking_away_the_first_day_that_changed_my


  1. Awesome story. Looking forward to reading about Molly. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It was an awesome story. I have some also but my memory isn’t what it used to be and would be afraid I would leave out to much.

  3. I love these stories of firsts. Reminds me of my own first encounters with girls. Looking forward to Molly events.

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