Full Day Of College With A Vibrator In My Panties. (xpost from stupidslutsclub) [F]

So I recently got a Vibrator I can control through an app on my phone and decided it would be super fun and slutty to test it out for the first time in my classes today and also next weeks classes when I don’t have end of term exams. The rules I made for myself were…

1. The first and last five minutes of each class it was to be on.

2. Between classes it was to be on at least twenty five percent of the time between classes.

3. I had to turn it on for three minutes whenever I talked to someone. So if a friend/teacher talked to me and I responded it meant it went on. If I was to need to have conversations with classmates during class I would need to start the vibrator at the start of the conversation and stop it three minutes after the end.

4. If I was about to cum I had to stop the app. For every time I stop the app it means I will have to punish myself later next week. Ill get to whats next week at the end. Lets just say Im super excited! :)

And with all that out of the way the story starts…

I arrived at class early in the mourning like any other day a bit tired but ready to start. The only difference was today when I sat in my seat I was all to aware of the toy on my pussy. “Im so excited to start!” I thought to myself feeling like a little girl in a toy store about to try a new toy, (which I guess is partly true, I am trying a new toy.)

The clock on the wall was moving super slow it seemed as I watched it waiting for the time class started. After what seemed like forever it finally hit the hour and I activated it with my phone.

I was instantly aware of the stimulation my pussy was now receiving but while it felt good I was confidant I could remain looking like everything was normal as the teacher began making announcements. “This isn’t to bad. I think I should be able to even take notes today.” I again thought happily to myself. I’m able to remain calm for the first to or three minutes but soon enough the teachers voice is just background noise as the pleasure stars to get more intense. I begin to clutch my notebook in front of me in some sort of effort to remain calm and still as my wetness begins to start to dampen my slutty blue panties I chose to wear today.

I keep saying in my head, “Focus on what the teacher is saying and not on the party that’s going on between my legs.” Over and over in a false hope that it would work.

Finally five minutes pass and I turn it off with both relief and disappointment. I become aware that I’m breathing a bit heavily from holding my breath some and know instantly that next time I am going to need to control my breathing better if I don’t want to be seen gasping for breath when it gets more intense. I groan to myself in my head wondering if I bit off more than I could chew today with the rules I set for myself. I’m actually able to get through most of the remainder of the class without being called on till about twelve minutes were left. The teacher asked a question to which no one responded. My class isn’t small but its well below average in terms of students there. After asking someone else that didn’t know he called on me to answer and thankfully I was able to answer. I may be a dumb slut but I’m not completely stupid and I am actually a good student. I turn the vibrator on with again and am able to get through much easier since it was only for three minutes and I had a good break in between now and the start of class. I was able to not go into much of a haze this time and turned it off with eight or nine minutes left giving me three or four minutes till I needed to turn it on again for five more minutes.

Knowing what was coming didn’t allow me to cool of much and I could feel my arousal remain waiting for it to start back up. I turned it back on and the next five minutes became hell trying to remain calm. While it took my cunt a few minutes to start to affect me the last two times this time it was ready to go and I immediately had to start switching between controlling my breathing and holding my breath to stop myself from letting any moans escape.

I had to forget all about listening to the teacher now because I knew if I my attention got a way from myself I would start letting on by squirming and panting. It became a really vicious cycle of concentrating on what to do and I’m glad I didn’t get called on again because I honestly don’t think I would have noticed. When class finally ended I turned it off again thankful to be finished and unnoticed and I gathered up my things and left with what hopefully looed like a normal walk from being a bit light headed.

I had a tiny break between classes in which I went to the bathroom before my next class started and spent awhile turning it on and off in a manner that would let me fulfill the twenty five percent of time requirement and let myself be a bit looser in letting myself squirm in the privacy of a stall. I was able to give myself a good break luckily before my next class started. I didn’t know it yet but it was going to be a very brutal hour and a half coming up.

I shuffled into my seat just before class got started ready for a new round of fun torture and once more turned the vibrator on and enjoyed the sweet sensation it gave me. It was more stressful because this was a bigger class than last time so I had to be in even more control of myself or else risk being caught and possibly labeled the class slut. (Would that be a bad thing?) I got through the five minutes in silence and without shaking and was relieved to once again turn it off. I was only given a few moments break from the vibrator this time however. The teacher announced we would be working in groups of four or five today in a project and as such we would need to all be talking together. My stomach dropped at the news that I would need to be talking for the next thirty to forty-five minutes and I knew I would have to turn the vibrator off at some point so I wouldn’t orgasm. But in doing so I would have to punish myself later. We gathered together and I turned the vibrator on as we started to talk. We just got into it and I was able to not really say anything for the first few minutes as discussed our stratagies for the project. I was really hoping to get through without saying much (Which was a completely unreasonable hope since I was one of the best students in our group)

Soon enough I was asked what I thought needed to be done and I was forced to finally put my voice to the test. I think I was able to remain sounding mostly normal as I directed the work along. On and on it went as we worked and I could feel myself getting hotter as I strained under the effort to appear normal. It was getting so hard not to cum and I was getting light headed again and soon enough I had to accept that I wasnt going to get through this class punishment free and so I turned it off before I couldnt hold it off anymore.

I swear my pussy screamed, “Fuck you!” at being denied again. I looked at the clock and saw only about ten minutes had past since we gathered…

“All right Eve start contributing more. If I do a lot of work now maybe they wont ask for my advice once its time to start back up.”

I worked my ass off to get as much as I could done for the next five minutes and was even able to ignore the screaming between my legs as I got lost in the work. Soon enough though I turned it back on and continued my slutty battle trying to have my logical mind control slutty self.

Luckly my work paid off and by the time I had to once again accept that I couldnt get through the project without having an orgasm I was able to turn it off again without being interrupted. This cycle went on once more. I worked hard again for about five to seven more minutes then sank back as the others continued and for the final time in our group activated my toy.

This was by far the hardest part of my day. As I sat there trying not to moan an shake (By which point it was getting so hard having gone this long) I began to smell something.

“Fuck I didnt think of this.” I thought as I mentally kicked myself for being such a stupid slut. “I hope no one will also smell my arousal.”

I was relieved to see the others were still focused on the work and not the new smell beginning to form around us. I began to feel the unrelenting need to cum again and was about to go for my phone when I was asked to help again.

Ive never felt so much hate for my classmates before, I helped them for the final time trying with everything I could not to cum and to keep my voice sounding right. I think I did a good job but my voice might have been a bit shaky and by this point it felt like I was having a bit of an out of body experience as I heard myself talk so I’m not completely sure. Once we finished I hurried to get my phone and was barely able to turn it off in time. This time I actually couldn’t help myself and I had to take a few really deep breaths to calm down.

Also I am SO FUCKING GRATEFUL someone else in my group talked about what we did. I don’t know if I would have been able to talk anymore yet alone in front of everyone with all the attention on me.

I was able to have a break for idk how long maybe thirty more minutes before I had to go again for the last five minutes of class but I cooled off enough by then again that I survived. I had a late lunch between class and during that time I too the vibrator out and hid it in my school bag while its wire was plugged into the wall my lab top was also charging at. I finished my lunch and went to the bathroom. I resisted the urge to jill and put it back inside then headed to my last class of the day.

My last class was actually really tame. I didn’t get called on so I only had to deal with the first and last five minutes before I went home.

So now to explain what my punishment will be for having to stop the vibrator. On Tuesday is the last day of my main classes so to celebrate getting through I’m going to my first ever glory hole. I will be using the vibrating panties every day I don’t have any big projects till Tuesday. The average number of times I have to stop the vibrator is the number of cocks I have to suck off between orgasms. The catch of if I cum from the vibrator at school is I don’t get to go to the glory hole at all.

The reason I’m doing all this is to build my excitement and frustration before then. And I’m going insane right now from not cumming. Just typing this all out is making me desperate again. (As of this sentence I have done it two more days.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8rch9j/full_day_of_college_with_a_vibrator_in_my_panties


  1. Yeah whenever I go to class early I’m in mourning too…… jk but honestly such a hot story!! This was an awesome read

  2. What was the toy? The one I have tends to get the signal blocked by skin (which is obviously a problem)

  3. What toy did you use?! Was it quiet enough no one looked at you funny or kept checking their phones??

  4. Jesus.

    Also, today I discovered that while I never really gravitated towards the “dumb slut” thing, apparently I have a serious thing for *smart* sluts. Careful & precise rules, performs well in class, effectively self-dominating? I am *down* for that.

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