[FM] [Kink] My Time as a Whore in Japan, Pt. 2: The Panty-Lover

Hi again! First of all, thank you all for all the kind words and feedback on the first chapter of this (hopefully) long memoir. It was my first time writing any serious sexual lit since like.. over a decade ago so that’s been fun. If you haven’t read the first part, this won’t really make much sense, so you can check out the first part [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qt8xc/fm_my_time_as_a_whore_in_japan_pt_1/)

I’ve been so excited to write again, I was going to wait until the weekend but reading some of your comments and what my story’s done to you and stuff.. well, it made me want to write even sooner! I may even be sneaking off during work to type things up. Oops. Maybe I’m really not as good of a person as I say I am.

Just a heads-up, this one is a little… weird. It’s got a very panty-fetish loving guy and so if you aren’t into that, maybe skip this one!

Anyway! On with part 2!


The weekend after my first time, Hana and I celebrated over some pancakes. It wasn’t like cheap iHop pancakes, either – it was at a super fancy pancake place in the city, a place where we had to wait an hour in line for pancakes that are roughly $20-$30 each. I’d wanted to go since arriving in Japan as it was super “in” at the time, but of course I couldn’t justify going there when I was on a tight budget. It was incredibly delicious, and whatever hangup I had about how I had earned the bonus cash to do this just kind of disappeared along with the pancakes on my plate.

I told her everything that happened, making it sound like it was just a night with a date in kind of a hushed tone. After telling her the whole story, Hana just laughs and says “You’re pretty vanilla, aren’t you?” in a pretty loud voice.

“What?” I say, a little flustered that she seemed to not care about the people around us. Granted, the restaurant was bustling and the nearest table was probably out of earshot, but, I was still a little nervous. “I mean, I’m not, usually. He didn’t really ask me anything out of the ordinary..”

“I guess he was being polite,” Hana said. “Plus you don’t really look like the kinky type anyway.”

“Neither do you,” I tell her. “And you can tell him, I’ll let him know when it’s too much so he can ask.”

We talked a little bit more about the night and then on to a bunch of stuff over our breakfast. I wanted to do some shopping for books (I love reading, and wanted to improve my Japanese reading and writing), so we split ways.

And life just went on. It was weird, though – my what used to just kind of fall into routine life suddenly felt spiced up. It was exciting to be so.. sexual? Erotic? I don’t know. It was not all glamorous though, and I developed a weird bit of paranoia that somehow, someone around me would know my secret. Men staring at me on the bus or train went from minor annoyance to a bit of fear. *What if he knows?* Of course, there’s no way. But then my mind would wander, and if all the stars lined up in some twisted, cruel way, I’d imagine myself being approached by one of them, being slipped a stack of money in my purse, and surrendering my body….. And then remember I’m on a public train and just silently yell at myself for being this way in public.

I was texting Hana after class one afternoon about hanging out when she asked if I was interested in doing *it* again. I told her that of course, yes, I’d do it again, and so she invited me over that night to discuss it.

Hana was waiting for me that night in her apartment with another man. *Wait,* I thought, *I didn’t think it would happen so quick!*

As it turns out, this guy wasn’t a client. He introduced himself to me as Mr. Yanagi, a “friend” of Hana’s. He oftentimes accompanied her to meet new clients, or just tagged along on some of her more routine nights, too. “One thing you never, ever want to do,” I remember him warning me, “Is to be alone in these situations. It’s easy to think you can trust someone after a couple good nights. Don’t. It’s to protect you, and it’s also to protect them. Remember they’re crazy enough to do this, and you’re crazy enough to do it too.”

Mr. Yanagi was a businessman in his early 30s who had met Hana online a few years ago. What at first started as what I understood as a sugar-daddy situation eventually evolved into the relationship they had now. Hana thought that he could also help me, too. He normally wouldn’t, but agreed to do so for my case.

I spent the night talking a lot of logistics with Hana and Mr. Yanagi. I told them my class and part-time schedule, my sexual history, what I was good at, what I was willing to do, what I wasn’t willing to do. I told them what I loved: oral sex, cum, and getting rammed hard and deep doggystyle.

*Are you open to kinks?* Yes, of course. I’d try most things.

*You shouldn’t promise anything you don’t really know about.* Okay, fine, well, ask me on a case by case basis?

*Do you like to be dominant? Or submissive?* Definitely submissive.

*How rough have you done it?* I don’t know, like, spanking and little bits of choking here and there with a boyfriend.

*Could you get turned on by an older man?* Yeah? I guess as long as he doesn’t smell weird or has gross hygeine.

*Multiple partners?* I’ve thought about it but maybe just let’s keep that in my head only.

*Anal?* Only fingers or a tongue.

And on and on and on, answering question after question sitting on Hana’s couch eating a tangerine. It was the weirdest job interview I’d ever done.

When we finished, Mr. Yanagi asked me for my number, and I was scolded when I gave him my actual cell number. Always use a temp phone. I asked Hana if she had one, and sure enough, she pulled out two phones. I didn’t have the slightest idea how to go about getting one, so Hana said she’d get one for me.

And that was that. I left the apartment to let Hana and Mr. Yanagi probably do some really awful things. For some reason, it really didn’t feel all that weird knowing they were having kinky sex after having kinky sex reduced to a job interview half an hour before that.

I got a text from Hana one day saying that there was someone who would like to meet me. She said she had been with him before once and it wasn’t risky, but that I’d need to go with somebody. I contacted him and set up a time and place, and it turned out Hana was able to accompany me. The potential client asked me to call him “O-san” (Mr. O) and I wasn’t sure if he meant O as in the letter O or literally like Oh, a common Japanese last name. Oh well.

Mr. O was.. very weird. I’ll just lead with that.

He gave me instructions on how to meet him. I was to meet him at Denny’s at some time, and he wanted to know my waist and panty size. He said he loved panties, and asked me to wear a cute pair. Oh, and it sounds super weird to just say Denny’s but I guess I should mention that Denny’s in Japan is like, way nicer than American Denny’s.

The day rolled around, and Hana and I met up with him outside of the Denny’s. He was definitely older than my first client. I never got his actual age but I’d guess he was in his mid to late 30s. He had a bit of a “I’m always stressed” sort of look about him with short, black hair that seemed both really kept and disheveled at the same time. Not too ugly, not dashing either, I thought. *Thanks, Hana,* I said to myself. We introduced ourselves and headed inside.

We order, and immediately Mr. O turns to me and says, “So, Miss Kate, you like semen?”

If there was ever a sitcom-esque spit take moment in my life, that was it. Compared to the pancake shop, this Denny’s was practically empty. I can literally feel my face turn red and I cough up a bit of the iced coffee I was drinking.

“E- excuse me?”

“Sorry, was I wrong?” He says with a quizzical look.

“No, I do, but.. I mean, I..” at this point, all I can do is just laugh. Hana’s laughing too. Mr. O just looks around and looks at me like “Okay, so do you or not?”

“I do love it,” I whisper back. “I love semen.” *Please, don’t let the waitress be beind me.*

He nods in satisfaction and we have a pretty good conversation with the three of us. He asks when I’m free for the night, and we try to schedule a good time for the upcoming weekend as we eat our lunch. He tells me he’ll have a hotel room ready for us that night. As our meal is wrapping up, Mr. O pulls out a small paper bag from his inner jacket pocket.

“I have a present for you, and a favor,” he says, handing me the bag. He motions for me to open it. “And some pocket change at the bottom,” he says with a wink.

I look inside, and there’s a tiny folded piece of cloth and a note at the top. The note asks me to go to the restroom, take off my panties, and put it in this bag for him. The piece of cloth turns out to be a new pair of panties for me to wear instead.

“Can you do it?” he asks me. I hand the note over to Hana, who shrugs in a “I guess?” way.

“Sure,” I say, and stand up, my heart beating pretty hard. This was weird. But it felt oddly sexy. I didn’t hate it. I go to the restroom, peel off my underwear, and hurriedly stuff it in the paper bag as if someone was watching. I put on the new pair, it felt good, and I walk out clutching the bag tight in my hand.

I quickly slide it on his lap as I sit down. I can feel my face turn red again. *Okay, nobody knows, I’m good.*

Mr. O opens the bag and peeks inside and gives a big smile.

“Thank you,” he says, and stands up to go pay for the meal at the counter.


Friday evening rolls around, and I’m walking towards the hotel that Mr. O had instructed me and Hana to go to. It was a very nice hotel, and it’s a reminder to me that these men I’m dealing with are those rich enough, and scary enough, to do this. It’s a different vibe than the first guy’s apartment and I feel myself preferring that kind of environment.

We make our way to his room and he invites us in. He tells Hana she can order whatever room service she wants and he’d cover it. There was no small talk, no awkward chitchat over tea this time. Almost as soon as we walk in, he gives Hana a key to the adjacent room and sends her away.

“I’ll check on you soon,” she says, and leaves.

I still feel nervous once Hana leaves. I take off my shoes and hang out awkwardly by the bed. Mr. O sits and instructs me to sit on his lap, which I do. He starts to grope me, his firm, calloused hands immediately running over my chest over my blouse. He buries his face in my hair and neck, kissing my neck, fondling my chest. I feel the nerves leave me as I feel more and more pleasure.

“Oh, that’s right, I have something for you,” he says, and taps me to get off of him. I sit on the bed as he unbuckles his pants and reaches a hand in his crotch and pulls out the panties I had given him a few days ago.

“You tasted and smelled amazing,” he says, tossing them over to me. “I couldn’t keep them off me.”

“Did you masturbate with them?” I ask.

“No, no, I just had them on me, I didn’t masturbate, I promise,” he says. “I kept all the semen for you, Miss Kate.”

Okay, this guy was weird, but holy shit, the idea of that was *hot*.

I asked him what he wanted to do. Did he want me to suck him dry? Or did he just want to fuck me?

To my surprise, he just said that he wanted to watch me as I masturbated. Sure. It was the first time I had ever really masturbated *for* someone, and that was pretty exciting. He had me lay on my back on the bed and had me strip down to just my panties. Masturbate with them on, he told me.

I obliged. I closed my eyes and I slid my hand under my panties, running circles around my clit, teasing it. I wished I had my vibrator with me, but my fingers would have to do. I kept rubbing my clit and my legs spread wider and wider. I took out my hand and rubbed my panties into my pussy getting wetter by the minute. I knew it would turn him on, and I could see his eyes widen as I did that.

As I continued to finger myself, Mr. O just stood near the foot of the bed, watching me, stroking himself with my old panties wrapped around his cock. He kept telling me how hot this was, how good it felt. That only made me finger myself harder. I groped my own chest while I worked on my clit. I let a few moans escape me, and he joined me in that.

I keep going, and I notice once in a while Mr. O will stop jerking off and just watch.

“Why do you stop?” I ask.

“I don’t want this to end yet, I don’t want to cum,” he says.

“Mm, but I want you to,” I purr. “Remember, I love cum. What’ll make you cum?”

With this, he climbs on the bed. I almost start to say “Wait, condom!” but he just slides between my legs, his face near my pussy. He’s on his knees, still jerking himself off, as he leans down and buries his face in my pussy. He groans hard and says some gibberish I can’t make out.

I lift my hips up and pull the panties off, sliding them off one leg. I spread my legs further and he puts his lips right on my clit, and thrusts his fingers into my pussy. He sucks on my clit hard, his tongue sliding down and licking me, his fingers almost violently roughing up my pussy. It feels great. I close my eyes and give in, enjoying the love. He spreads my lips open with both hands and goes in with his tongue as deep as he can. I can’t help but react to that, my legs squeezing together, locking his head between my legs. I don’t know at what point I did this, but I found myself sucking on my own fingers. I knew what my body wanted.

I back away from him a little, and he almost whimpers as I pull away. “I want to suck you,” I say, and he turns around, laying on his back. I can feel the mix of his saliva and my own fluids sliding down my inner thigh.

I position myself between his legs now and I take my old panties that were still wrapped around his cock off of him. His hand reaches out for them, so I grab the ones I was just wearing and throw it at him. He puts them over his mouth, and closes his eyes. His cock is oozing precum, already a slimy mess. I hungrily run my tongue over it from the shaft to his bulging tip.

*God, I’m just as bad as he is,* I think to myself as I hear him stiffen and grunt once my tongue makes it to the head of his cock.

I wrap my mouth around his cock and begin sucking and jerking him off for only a few seconds before he moans really loud and I feel that familiar, lovely twitch of a cock. It’s that moment where the threshold crosses and no iron will can stop the cock from unloading all of that lovely, warm, delicious semen into a young woman’s throat.

He had several spurts before calming down. The first couple spurts shot some loads into the back of my mouth that I swallowed immediately. The next few were slow oozers that I got to collect in my mouth, savoring the taste, before swallowing it. I kept my mouth wrapped around his shrinking cock, my tongue running all over the head and shaft until I struck that too-sensitive spot and he yelps and pulls out of my mouth.

“Was that good?” I ask coyly. I have to admit, I was a little proud of myself there. Of course I knew it was good… I just wanted to hear him say it.

“Yes,” he says, panting. “The best.”

We took a bath together and I attempted to get him hard again, hoping that he would be hard enough to fuck me. No dice. We watched some comedy bits on TV and I texted Hana that I was done, but he ordered me some food so I told her not to come quite yet.


When we left the hotel, I felt good, but… I wanted to feel more. I wanted to cum, too.

“It’s kind of the way it goes,” Hana said. “You can’t think of it like sex. You’re literally there *for* them. If they feel good, that’s it.”

“That’s kinda sad,” I said. I didn’t know if I would be able to do this long-term, and the sort of reality there sank in. I had kind of gotten myself caught up in a lot of the pleasures I think up until that point, but I had never realized that, well, I was essentially there to be used. I was something to be purchased, and that was it. I didn’t exactly hate that feeling, and in the right time I would love feeling that way, but that walk home from the hotel wasn’t that time. It was kind of humbling, and I decided right then that night that once I left Japan, I would never, ever do this again.

But in the meantime… there was still a lot more of me to be used.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8reyae/fm_kink_my_time_as_a_whore_in_japan_pt_2_the


  1. Hopefully you get a guy with a guy who gets off by getting you off. Lord knows that’s one of the things that really does it for me.

  2. I think your stories deserve their own doujinshi! The humbling experience of my time as a Japanese escort.

    I applaud you for your willingness and open mind to try something like this. If only Americans were this respectful to escorts, Im at least glad you have a good friend to keep an eye on you.

    Keep the stories coming!

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