[MF] Co-Workers, Cheating, LA Business Trip…

Reminiscing is fun. It’s exciting and it keeps me feeling young! This story is from over ten years ago, but still remains fresh in my mind because of the exhilaration and enjoyment that came from it.

I was 25 at the time. Working for a staffing company in the suburbs of Chicago for the past few years. I had been engaged and soon to be married in a week. I was and still am a 6’1, blonde haired, blue eyed, athletic male. I was happy and enjoyed my life. Young and energetic with a bounce in my step!

She was 23 at the time. New to the company within the past year and very confident. She had been in a relationship with the same man since high school and was happy as well. She had curly brown hair, 5’6, athletic body and just enough sass and personality to make every man’s head turn. She could fit in with any crowd and could talk with anyone. She was a joy to be around. Her name was Ashleigh.

Every couple of months our company would have a trip for ‘account managers’ to act as booth representatives at trade shows around the country. To the higher-ups, these were seen as recruiting trips for potential employees and also potential clients for our services. To the lowly employees that attended them, they were seen as mini vacations in different cities where we handed out a few business cards, shook a few hands and enjoyed the rest of the time at the hotel bar or pool!

I had been on several of these trips so it was nothing new for me. I had been to Arizona, Orlando, New York, and Portland already in the year so this didn’t faze me. They were always good times and I enjoyed getting out of the office and away from the daily routines. My fiancé at the time didn’t mind me being gone as she had her own career responsibilities. Normally, these trips would consist of one or two individuals of the same sex heading out to the trade show a day early for setup and then coming home as soon as the show ended – nothing exciting, just normal business right?

It was early August and we were preparing to close out the calendar year with a meeting to go over our remaining trade show schedule. In the meeting we covered the responsibilities and who would be heading out to each show. This was a boring meeting but a necessary evil. As we sat there our Director brought up the LA Conference. The LA Conference was to take place from Nov 1st to Nov 4th. This was given to myself and a co-worker named JR. Great – he and I get along and we have been together on the road before. We are happy. However, our Director states that this is a bigger than normal show so we are sending 4 account managers – Ashleigh and Lisa will be attending as well. I should mention JR and Lisa are both near 50 years old and have well-established families, etc. They enjoy time out, but mainly confine themselves to the hotel.

Since the meeting and assignments happened in early August, we settle in and don’t talk much about it as its 3-4 months away. When the date to leave gets closer we all start to talk about plans and what we’d like to do there. The plan is to fly out early on the morning of Nov 1st, grab lunch, check-in at the hotel and then head to the conference to setup our booth. The actual work doesn’t start until the next day (Friday) so we are flying in a day early to be prepared.

Up to this point, Ashleigh and I had a solid working relationship. We’d see each other at after work functions, we both know each other’s situation at home, and we are friends. Like all friends, we would flirt and have fun, but nothing ever happened. However, you could tell there was some chemistry – an extra glance here, a brush of the shoulder, there. Let’s just say we were both aware of one another!

Finally Thursday, Nov 1st, the day arrives for our flights. I wake up early, kiss my fiancé good bye and drive to the airport. I park, grab my bags and check in for my flight. It’s early so I get a coffee and relax while waiting for the others to arrive. Soon JR and Lisa join me at the gate. We all get nervous as time ticks by and Ashleigh doesn’t show. With about 10 minutes before boarding begins, she rushes to the gate. Clearly she is hung over. She plops down next to us and we immediately understand she had a good night last night. Needless to say, she looks rough – messy hair, light makeup and slow moving, as we get ready to board. She mentions they were out all night for Halloween and she was dressed as a sexy cop. As she says this she and I make eye contact and I can’t help but say wow. We all laugh and head on the plan to our seats. We are all spread out on the flight and don’t talk until we land.

Once we land, we head to the rental car counter and get our minivan. JR takes care of this while we all sit back and wait. Ashleigh is still in rough shape. The day progresses and we grab a quick lunch at in-n-out burger. Then check-in. JR and I are in a room, Ashleigh and Lisa re in a room – different floors and not near each other – just like summer camp! We head over to the show and setup our booth. We quickly realize that we are in over our heads. Our booth is small and this show is BIG! We have no need for 4 people to be at the booth at once. Clearly we will not be getting much out of this show. So we talk about who’s working with who tomorrow so we don’t all have to be at the booth for 12 hours together. We agree – since JR and Lisa are morning people, they’ll take the first shift from 8am to 12pm. Ashleigh and I will take the second half of the day from 12pm to 4pm. Then we’ll all cut out early, get some dinner and check out LA.

As we head back to the hotel on Thursday night Ashleigh says she wants to check out the pool. It’s a nice night in LA so I tell her I’ll join her. No way in hell am I passing up a chance to see her body in a swimsuit. JR and Lisa say they are tired and going to sleep. We get back and down to the pool around 830pm. There is no one down there except her and I. She looks amazing. Hair pulled up with a few strands of curls pulled down around her ears and face. Her black and white bikini is modest, but fits her in all the right spots. She has a decent amount of cleavage with her B-size breasts. I’m in a pair of red swim shorts that accentuate my v-shaped frame and hang just low enough on my hips. We both quickly realize the pool is colder than we though. We decide to move to the hot tub. We sit and talk, relax and flirt. It’s a beautiful night and we are both clearly engaged with each other. As we talk, we randomly brush each other here and there.

Around an hour or so later, we decide to get out and dry off, but we don’t want to head up to our rooms just yet. We grab a patio bench and sit next to each other and continue our conversation. The air is cool and the light from the hotel deck is very low. What a comfortable, sensual atmosphere. We dry off and wrap our towels around us. After awhile, she says she’s tired and we need to head up. I try to convince her to stay up, as I don’t want the night to end. I place my hand on her towel-covered thigh and ask her to stay. We stay like that a few more minutes and then we decide to head up. However, she doesn’t want to walk through the lobby wet. So she says she needs to change out of her suit. This confident, beautiful, woman stands up and, with her towel still on, removes her bottoms and lays them on the bench next to me. This drives me wild. I clearly want to see her. She and I push the envelope and yet she won’t let me see under the towel. She then removes her top while semi-hiding behind the towel. As we continue to flirt we make plans to see each other tomorrow and head to the show together. Before leaving the patio and she flashes me and I see a sexy body. A perfectly shaven pussy, tight stomach and beautiful, large nipples. I immediately start to get hard and she giggles.

We get to the elevator and head up to our floors. We agree to text each other when we are ready to go in the morning. We say good-bye and that seems to be it. I’m walking to my room and I stop. I need to take a shot now. Clearly there is something there and, at this point, I’m only thinking with my cock. I need her. I quickly text her – “U+Me=Breakfast in bed”. She texts back “what time”. I respond, “JR leaves by 730a, let’s do 8a”. I get back “perfect”.

My head is spinning. While this doesn’t tell me if we are going to hook up, it at least tells me I’m seeing her at 8am the next morning. I cannot contain my giddiness. I quietly get into bed that night and go through anxious sleep. I doze off thinking of going down on Ashleigh.

The next morning I wake up early with JR to make sure we cover the plans for the day and we are all set. He heads off to meet Lisa and the room is mine. I know I have one shot to make this work with Ashleigh and I can’t blow it. I decide to shower, quickly shave my face and body so my cock looks perfect. I decide that I need to be clear headed and I get off in the shower thinking about Ashleigh in her swimsuit and bent over in front of me. I finish quickly. Since this is breakfast in bed, I still need to make it look like I haven’t gotten ready for the day. Now what do I do to convince her to join me in my bed? Well, I move most of JR’s stuff onto his bed so there isn’t much room to sit down on it. I rumple the sheets too so it looks messy and uninviting. Then I put my stuff in the desk chair so the seat is taken and I move the other two table chairs of the room back and under the table so they need work to get them out. Last but not least, I turn the air down in the room to make it chilly. My hope is that she’ll be cold and want to get under the blankets in the bed.

Once I’m done, I hear a quiet knock on the door. Showtime! Ashleigh is standing there in baggy pink/white striped pajama pants and a light blue tank top with no bra on. Even early morning, she looks stunning. Her hair is tied up again and she’s wearing no make-up. As she comes in she surveys the room and sits on my bed. I slide up and lean on the headboard with my back. We make small talk and discuss the day. Talk about JR and Lisa getting out of the room and to the show. We then look at the menu for breakfast. We decide on room service pancakes and bacon for both of us. As we wait we start watching Tommy Boy on Comedy Central. Classic movie and we both love it. We reminisce about our past and talk about random topics. Breakfast arrives and we eat together – she sits on the edge of JR’s bed and I sit on mine since so the room service cart is in the middle of the beds. While nothing as happened, we have flirted and enjoyed each other’s company. Not a bad morning so far at all.

We finish our meals and I move the cart out to the hall. While I’m doing this, she climbs on my bed and gets under the covers. I turn back and ask her “what are you doing?” She says “it’s cold, I don’t know how you men sleep with it so cold.” At this point my mind is racing. Do I climb in with her, do I sit on the covers, what do I do??! I take my chances and man up – I casually walk back in the room and slip under the covers next to her so she is on my right. We remain like this until the next commercial break. Then, I take my right hand and place it on her left thigh. She asks me “what do you think you’re doing?” I look at her and smile shyly but I don’t remove my hand. I slide it further up her thigh. She asks again, this time with a small grin creeping across her lips “what do you think you’re doing?” This time, I look at her and move my hand all the way up to her waste band where my pinky finger is just under the back of her pants and my other fingers are resting on her clothes covered mound. She looks back and me she doesn’t say anything. We hold eye contact and I take this cue to roll over on top of her. She instinctively opens her legs and we are laying chest to chest with me propped up on my elbows. We laugh and flirt and she doesn’t push me off. I then grab her hands in mine and hold them over her head while slowly kissing her neck and chest. She moans, but says we shouldn’t do this. We are both in relationships. However, there is little resistance and she holds my hands tightly. I keep kissing down her chest and toned stomach sliding my hands down her body as a I make a trail of soft kisses. I keep moving down further until I get to her waistband. I use my chin and tongue to push my way into her loose pajama bottoms and panty line. This drives her wild and she pulls me up to her mouth. We begin to make out frantically.

My hands on her face and running through her pulled back hair. Her lips taste sweet and I love kissing her. I am already rock hard and she can feel it. I sit up on my knees and begin to remove her pants. She easily allows me to take them off and then she pulls at my shirt and removes it. I look at her and see she is wearing a see through pair of light blue panties that match her tank top. This drives me even wilder. I love matching colors on sexy women. I immediately lie down and begin kissing her again. I move my self down her body kissing her breasts through her tank top while pushing it up to release them. They are gorgeous. I suck on each nipple and continue to make my way down her body. As I get to her panties I decide to keep them on her and play with her a bit. I kiss each thigh and then lick her pussy through her panties before pushing them to the side and using my tongue to slide up and down her slit. I begin to use one finger to move up and down on her pussy before gently pushing it in her. I begin to tease her clit while using my finger on her. She is clearly enjoying this and I can see her eyes closed and hands grabbing the bed sheets. I take this as a cue to remove her panties and dive in full force to her pussy. There is nothing better than playing with a beautiful pussy. I love licking, kissing, fingering, and watching a woman’s shaven pussy. I play with her clit and begin to use two fingers until she cums. I feel her pussy pulsate and her legs quiver as she cums. While doing my tongue and mouth are locked on her so I can catch all of her juices, I begin to deftly remove my shorts and underwear. As I slide back up her body kissing my way up from her mound to her neck, I ask her “what do you want?” While I say this, the tip of my cock makes contact with her slippery pussy. She looks into my eyes and says, “you know what I want” and then reaches down to my cock. She grabs it in her hand and begins to rub it on her clit. She then opens her legs more and pushes me in. I slip into her and push deep inside. I grab her legs and push them up so I am holding her knees so I am buried deep inside her pussy. I won’t last long. Even with getting off earlier, I still can’t hold back knowing I’m fucking this beautiful woman with a perfect pussy. I ask her where she would like me to cum and she takes her hands and grabs my ass to hold me in her. I begin to fuck her faster and harder. She tells me to cum inside her and I erupt deep in her pussy. We hold each other and continue to kiss while I go soft inside her.

As I pull out I see my cum start to drip out of her and I can’t help but think how fucking lucky I am. She pulls her pajamas back on and we kiss more. By this time we are a little behind schedule and need to get ready for the day. We will be working together and my goal is to fuck her more before we leave this trip. Since its already day two (Friday) I know I only have two more days/nights to make that happen. She knows it and I know it. We’ll find more time – this is just the beginning.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8r31u6/mf_coworkers_cheating_la_business_trip


  1. Great writing…take notes people!

    Any chance of a pic of any sort of her?

  2. Good story! However, you should take down that picture or at the very least obscure her face. I doubt you asked her for permission to post it, and you’re putting her and yourself at risk of being found out. The internet is a surprisingly small place.

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