A wonderful sex positivity evening between [f]riends [group]

So this is my first post, so I thought I’d tell you about a fun and quite innocent experience I had in college not that long ago. My name’s Helena and I’m doing a PhD in French literature. A year or so back, we had a ‘sex positivity week’ on campus, which was a great idea and a lot of fun. There were speakers on body image and the importance of consent, and there was even a feminist porn screening in one of the dorms. There were also representatives from companies like Ann Summers giving workshops on their vibrators and other toys, some of which they gave away for free.

My circle of girl friends thought this was all hilarious and great fun, and one of my friends, Natasha, who’s very feminist, suggested we hold our own ‘sex positivity evening’, watch some steamy films and try out the various goodies we’d all been given. Some of my friends were a little bit reticent about the idea, and two of us had boyfriends, but in the end four of us were keen and we decided to hold the evening round mine.

I made us all cocktails and we settled down to watch ‘Unfaithful’. It wasn’t a bad movie, but in the end we kept talking over it so eventually we turned it off and decided to give the second half of the evening a go. Natasha took on the role of ‘sex positivity hostess’, and suggested we start by sharing how often we have sex and masturbate. I started by telling everyone about a hot date I’d had the week before with my former gym coach, which had ended with some rather energetic exercise in my bedroom. Natasha told us that she hadn’t had sex in over a month. Amy, my French PhD buddy, giggled and told us that she and her boyfriend had sex almost every day, which did not surprise me in the least knowing how hot her boyfriend is. Clara, who’s doing a PhD in English and is a little more reserved, blushed a bit and looked away. “Quite a lot”, she eventually giggled.

We were now having a great time and were at the giggly stage of drunk. Natasha asked us to get out our new vibrators, and then she slipped down her skirt so we could see her hot red panties. We all screamed with delight and one by one followed her lead. I made us some more cocktails and we hung out for a while in our underwear teasing each other and trying to persuade Clara to drop her skirt too, which she eventually did, revealing her bright blue underwear.

Soon we had switched on our vibrators, and with a lot of nervous giggling touched them hesitantly between our legs. Natasha obviously felt she had to make the first step. She slowly rubbed the tip of her device over her underwear, and bit her lip slightly. There were drops of moisture starting to appear through her panties, and I gently spread my legs and felt the familiar buzz between my legs. We still couldn’t quite believe what we were doing, and kept looking at each other for approval. Clara hesitated for a little while, watching us using the vibrators. She didn’t turn hers on, but slowly slipped a finger down to her panties and made slow circles over them.

Natasha made the next step. With a grin, she lifted her legs in the air and slipped off her panties.

‘Natasha! Cheeky!’, Amy giggled, but soon she was slipping off her own, and I followed. The buzzing sensation resumed against our naked skin, and soon our laughing started giving way to gentle moans of pleasure.

‘Don’t be shy, Clara’, said Amy, encouragingly. Clara looked hesitant, but she had slipped her finger under her panties and was touching herself faster now.

Now, I don’t consider myself to be bisexual most of the time, and I would probably only ever date a guy for a serious relationship. There’s definitely a type of lust I sometimes feel that only a man’s body can satisfy. But I have my moments, and something in the air made me suddenly feel very experimental. I grinned at Clara, bent over her, and kissed her thigh. Amy and Natasha whooped behind me.

‘What are you doing?’, whispered Clara.

‘What do you want me to do?’, I replied.

Clara bit her lip and looked at me, and I sensed a tension in the air. I kissed her thigh again and she moaned softly, so I decided to go one step further. I leant forwards until my mouth was almost over her panties. She was touching herself harder now and I could smell her wetness. I reached up with my hands until I was cupping her ass gently, and slowly peeled down her panties. She started breathing heavier, but kept her legs pinned close together so I could just see a light blonde fuzz of neatly trimmed hair.

Amy and Natasha were being quiet now, and I could tell they were watching me and Clara. I heard the buzz of their vibrators behind me.

‘What do you want, Clara?’, I said. ‘Would you like me to…?’. I left the question hanging.

‘I…’, she began, then stopped. I smiled at her, and gently took her panties off her feet, feeling their moisture on my fingers.

‘I do kind of have a boyfriend at the moment’, she said. This I knew.

‘And do you think he’d mind? It doesn’t really matter if it’s with another girl, you know.’

She looked at me, then at the ceiling, and, without saying a word, slowly spread her legs in front of me. Reader, I took that as a yes : )

That’s everything I’m going to tell for now. Suffice to say, that we all had a thoroughly satisfying evening, and in an odd way it actually felt quite innocent and almost platonic, like between friends rather than lovers. It wasn’t weird at all the next day, and we’ve actually had several more similar experiences since then.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the read – maybe there’ll be more to come! x

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8r5fk1/a_wonderful_sex_positivity_evening_between


  1. I hope you do a part 2 & get into the details of everyones excitement, pre-orgasm , and orgasm. It made me hard & excited to read more. ?

  2. Wait, why did it end there?! That was a splash of cold water on an otherwise hot story.

  3. only overflew the whole thing, but noticed one thing

    > And do you think he’d mind? It doesn’t really matter if it’s with another girl, you know.

    I would 100% care, dont go around fucking other people without permission, dick or pussy doesnt matter

  4. Hot story but serious question. Your advancement on Clara is probably the archetype for how a man will ever get laid (at least with any degree of consistency) and it intuitively makes sense since it’s building sexual tension and it’s taking the lead, etc.

    But, since you brought up sex positivity and importance of consent, and this has bugged me probably my entire adult existence… What you did breaks the foundational rule of consent. You did not get an enthusiastic yes.

    Please explain, where is the line? Like actually. You’ve clearly taken initiative to advance things sexually, as mentioned, in much the same way that guys essentially have to behave in order to get laid at all, yet this is text book non consensual. And it seems to be entirely ok when a woman does the same.

    I don’t mean to take away from the story, cause it’s dope sauce, but it’s the perfect opportunity to set some things straight (perhaps I’m the only one who doesn’t really get it?). Anyone can chime in btw.

  5. Good to see strong empowered feminists cheating on their boyfriends. Yaaasss kween! Sex positive!

  6. This was very well written and an exciting, sexy little story. Of course we want more!! Need you ask?!

  7. Cheating absolutely counts if it’s with a girl. Fuck off with that heteronormative bullshit.

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