A wider angle with a cosplay photographer [FMF]

I mentioned in my previous story that I was waiting for my friend and roommate who I’d be sharing a hotel room during the recent convention weekend with – what I didn’t mention was that the friend in question was Gemma, who had gotten caught up in a couple of my previous adventures. Gemma normally didn’t have the time and/or money to make it to this particular convention, but somehow this time around the stars aligned and she was able to make it. This disrupted my plans somewhat, as we made adjustments so that she could room with me, and it also involved changes to my cosplay roster for the weekend so that we could synchronise our outfits for the two days she’d be at the show.

Of course, in the run-up to the show she was keen to hear what I’d been up to lately, and was shocked and intrigued by my brief retelling of stories about my cosplay photo shoots. Alongside this, the convention weekend was also bringing me messages from a number of photographers interested in seeing if they could arrange something for that weekend, although eventually all but one fell by the wayside for one reason or another.

The one photographer who remained was a man in his late-30s who, it turned out, had actually snapped me at conventions before and was a regular at this particular show who was also keen for some more “intimate” photos. The only issue was when we’d meet for a photo shoot, as I’d need the room free for a relatively lengthy period of time. Explaining my dilemma, the photographer was curious who I was rooming with, and of course once he heard it was a girl… you can guess the rest.

Knowing that Gemma knew my proclivities, I figured there was no harm in passing on the photographer’s query and asking whether she’d also be interested in a little photo shoot, although I wasn’t surprised by the answer: “FUCK NO! I could never do that”. That, it seemed, was that. Or maybe not… half an hour later, the questions started. What I’d be doing on the shoot, the logistics of how it would work, what was on offer in return, and so on. What started off as “just curiosity” on her part only grew as the event moved closer, and by the time we reached the week beforehand I’d been involved in a long back and forth as a middleman between Gemma and the photographer until it appeared we had a shoot featuring both of us agreed.

Saturday was the arranged day for the shoot, but first came a morning of enjoying the convention. As planned me and Gemma had co-ordinated cosplay for the day – me dressed as Chitoge, wearing a blonde wig with a red ribbon in it, short-sleeved white and light blue blouse with a neck tie, short blue skirt and black thigh high socks with simple shoes; she as Onodera, wearing exactly the same school uniform but with brown hair and white socks below the knee instead.

We spent the morning chatting, looking around and stopping for photo requests – both of us a little skittish and nervous over what we had planned later I think, as we were both restless and giggly all morning. Eventually I got a message from the photographer saying that he was free and asking if we wanted a drink – we agreed to meet for a drink first without reckoning without the heaving, busy convention, so rather than the drinks at a bar we had in mind we instead ended up crowded around a small plastic table with cans of Diet Coke – classy!

The photographer was relatively short – about the same height as Gemma – a little chubby with a beard and a warm, soft smile as he talked animatedly to us while we found a place to sit and he handed us our drinks. We talked exclusively about the show and how we’d found it so far, before moving on to discuss our love of cosplay. Eventually the drinks were drained and others were hovering while eyeing our empty cans and, more importantly, our table, so it was time to move on. We headed out of the event hall, and found one or two relatively quiet spots to pose for your typical convention cosplay photos as he pulled a big SLR out of the bag slung over his shoulder to snap us.

Our normal repertoire of poses exhausted, we were on the move again, the photographer quizzing us both on whether we were still okay with posing for him in our hotel room. Gemma was quiet but nodded, letting me take the lead in the chatter as we made it to the hotel and headed up through the stairs and lifts to our room. Once we both entered, I invited him in, doing some quick tidying up of my bed while he dropped his bag in the corner and pulled his camera out of it.

We both nervously stood there for a while as he fiddled with his camera and memory cards, before he ushered us both to stand by one of the twin beds in the room. We posed traditionally again for a while, before he asked us both to kneel on the bed for more pictures as we knelt and sat on our feet on the somewhat cramped bed. We were then directed to sit on the bed with legs out, then legs pulled up to our chests side-by-side as he continued to snap pictures.

“Now” he said, after a short period of silence “How do you girls feel about showing off your panties?” I glanced over at Gemma to see her already flushing red – I was probably doing the same but felt compelled to take the lead with a simple “Okay”. Acknowledging my perhaps overly keen answer, he directed me to move my skirt so that he had a clear view of the white panties (with a bow one the front) underneath. “Up to you if you want to join in, no pressure” he said, noting Gemma quietly watching, but she then shuffled over and mimicked by pose to reveal her own white knickers to the photographer. “Beautiful” he muttered, and the camera shutter started to click. With this barrier overcome, we posed in numerous ways like this – on our knees lifting our skirts, on all fours with skirts flipped up, and a number of other poses with our underwear on clear view.

“I think some solo pics would work best for the next bit – do you want to go first?” I was asked. Nodding, this was the cue for Gemma to hop off the bed and move on over to her own bed, watching on to see what happened next. What happened was me posing alone showing my knickers some more in a few poses, now with more space with the bed to myself, before being asked to “pull your panties down… slowly”. Kneeling on the bed, I reached under my skirt and hooked by fingers into the waistband of the white underwear, very slowly pulling it down over my black thigh-high socks as he snapped furiously. I then awkwardly shifted onto my back to complete the process, slowly tugging the knickers down my legs, letting them dangle from one ankle for a while, and ultimately come off completely. Opening my legs at his request, I posed as he I heard him swallow hard while he stared at my already wet pussy through the viewfinder, moving around me to take photos and getting me to pose again in various ways as he took pictures.

“Are you ready to touch yourself?” was his next question. I didn’t reply, but instead let a hand move down to stroke my thigh-highs, then upwards. Closing my eyes, my fingers made contact with my pussy, and I sighed contentedly at that contact. I was soon lost in focusing on rubbing my clit, occasionally moving to dip my fingers inside me to spread the growing wetness and up the tempo of my fingers strumming my pleasure button. I lost track of time, or the others in the room – I needed to cum and think I did so quickly, moaning and writhing as I rubbed my clit frantically to tip me over the edge. I recovered to find two flushed faces looking at me, and giggled nervously as I sat up. “Was that okay?” I asked, bringing a laugh from the photographer as he told me in no uncertain terms that it had been “okay”.

“Want to try this too?” the photographer asked, turning to Gemma, and – looking flushed with arousal as much as embarrassment – she said she’d give it a shot. I got to sit on the bed – my knickers still on the floor – and watch as my friend followed the photographer’s instructions. Despite her best efforts to slowly, seductively remove her underwear she ended up pulling them off quickly before dropping them next to her on the bed. The photographer had no complaints as he directed her to pose for a while with her trimmed pussy exposed, before inviting her to “have a play”. I couldn’t help but breathe a little harder as I watched my friend adjust her skirt and get down to business. I tried not to watch too closely, but once her eyes were closed I couldn’t resist craning over to watch as she pushed one, then two, fingers in and out of her pussy, spending some time doing that before concentrating on rubbing herself. She did this for some time, occasionally sighing softly or half-moaning under her breath. I suspect she was more than a little self-conscious, and after ten minutes or so of rubbing she let out a few moans – I haven’t asked her since but having seen her with guys before I suspect she faked her orgasm just to bring things to a close.

If she did, the photographer didn’t notice, and talked excitedly about how good what he’d just seen and photographed looked. His next query was to ask if we could do more of the same but on the same bed together. Neither of us took umbrage with this idea, so what followed was a lot of awkward shuffling around on a small bed to try and find a configuration where we could both lay comfortably. Eventually, we ended up laying side by side across the bed, with cushions moved to prop us up a little while he knelt on the other bed in the room to get an angle for his photos. After a pause, he asked if we could both remove our skirts, which we duly did to expose our bottom half more readily to his lens.

Again, the request came to start playing, and we both obliged. I was very turned on again having watched Gemma pleasuring herself before, and I couldn’t resist frequently glancing across to watch her fingers dancing beneath the patch of hair on her pussy. Our legs brushed against one another occasionally as we moved while we touched ourselves, and I was soon moaning happily as I rubbed my clit. My vocal sounds seemed to bring out more of Gemma’s sighs and quiet moans (or perhaps I could hear them more clearly as she was right next to me), which in turn brought me more arousal and pleasure. Again, I lost track of time, but rather than blanking out everything around me I felt highly attuned to what Gemma was doing – it was almost as if we were playing off of one another, my efforts urging her on and vice versa. I was the first to reach my orgasm, writhing and bucking my hips as I came loudly, which again seemed to spur Gemma on – she seemed to cum for real this time, breathing hard and jerking not long after I came down from my orgasm.

Sitting up, a little sweaty now and watching the excited face of the photographer, we broke into an infectious fit of giggles that took some time to abate. When we did recover, another request was ready and waiting from the photographer. “Would you be okay doing some posed shots together? You don’t have to touch each other or anything, just look like it for the camera”. “I guess so” was my response as I shot Gemma a look, and she shrugged in response “Just a few, maybe” she added.

So it was that I ended up laying on my back on the bed with Gemma’s head between my open legs, her face just inches from my wet pussy. She stayed stock still with her eyes tight shut for some photos, opening them only when asked if she could stick her tongue out for a few of the snaps. I almost gasped when I felt her breath on my lips, and had to resist the urge to shuffle forward and accidentally make contact with her tongue – I just hoped she didn’t notice how wet just this very position made me. The roles were then reversed, and I found myself crawling up past Onodera’s short white socks to find myself in touching distance of my friend’s pussy. I admired her neatly trimmed hair, the protrusion of her lips and the glistening wetness that had come from her earlier masturbation, almost ignoring the photographer instructions to move slightly this way and that for him to get the shots he wanted. Eventually he was done, and I returned to sitting on the bed next to my friend as we had another giggle about what she’d just done alongside exaggerated, mortified reactions.

For some final photos, he asked for us to get on all fours side by side on the bed for a last set of shots of our wet pussies and our half-discarded cosplay. “You look so good… not gonna lie, I really want to touch you both” he half-whispered. Me and Gemma glanced at each other – I raised an eyebrow to ask her thoughts, and she shrugged what I now recognise as her “go for it” shrug. Sensing the pause meant we were thinking about it, he followed up “No photos, I’ll put the camera down. I’d have to!” he said with a nervous laugh. “Sure, we’re okay with it, right Gem?” I asked. “Uh-huh” was her response.

His expensive camera was soon all-but tossed onto the bed as he moved around to stand behind us. I gasped as I felt a finger run up my slit, and heard a sigh from next to me as Gemma felt the same. Feeling his finger probing, teasing and exploring, I looked back to see him stood behind us, left hand reaching down between her legs while his right hand moved between mine. The fingers exploring me eventually found my clit, and so we both remained on all fours as he simultaneously rubbed both of our clits as we moved, moaned and sighed under them.

“This is harder than it looks” he quipped, and I felt his hand leave my pussy, heard some shuffling, and heard a new soft moan from my friend. Looking around, I saw the photographer had dropped to his knees and now had his face pressed between Gemma’s legs, hungrily licking and lapping at her. His right hand occasionally returned to paw at my legs, thighs, ass and pussy, but he was mostly focused on my friend – after a few minutes of tasting her, I watched with my neck craned around as he rubbed two fingers across her slit a few times before pushing them into her. He was soon fingering her vigorously, his fingers stirring up her wetness noisily as he fucked her with them. She was clearly into this and it was the most animated I’d seen her as she started to moan properly before eventually collapsing in a twitching heap onto the bed as she came.

“Your turn now” he said a little breathlessly, and I felt two hand – wet fingers and all – on my ass cheeks before a tongue ran up and down my pussy. He clumsily, hungrily ate me from behind, desperately tasting me. After a little while he asked me to flip over, so I ended up on my back with legs spread as his tongue went back to work, more successfully, on my clit. Soon my clit was between his lips and his fingers were inside me, and the combination of tongue and fingers spent five minutes building me to my final orgasm of the day, as I moaned and bucked my hips.

As I recovered my breath, he asked for one final favour – to relieve his own arousal and cum over me. Agreeing (as I felt like I needed a shower now anyway), I shed the top half of Chitoge’s cosplay, followed by my bra to reveal my breasts to him for the first time. “Oh shit, wow” was his comment, as I lay back on the bed and he unzipped his trouser and pulled his average, erect penis from within. Clambering quickly onto the bed between my legs which I opened to give him space, he began to stroke his erection in full, firm motions. His free hand brushed my leg, then proceeded to move up it, exploring my body, stopping briefly to run over my pussy and clit, before moving upwards. Part of my brain was all but ready to open my mouth and ask him to fuck me in that moment, but as his hand began to knead one of my boobs I heard his breathing change and saw his masturbation intensify. Moving lower and closer to me, he closed his eyes and groaned as several streams of cum splashed out over my stomach. He continued until he was spent, before asking if he could snap a few final pics – he duly did just that, capturing me in just my thigh-high socks a bit sweaty and covered in cum over my stomach. Tucking his flaccid penis away, he rifled through his bag for our payment for the shoot, and perhaps a little embarrassed in the aftermath rushed out after thanking us for a great time. I left Gemma to handle the money while I peeled off my socks and wig and headed for the shower, putting my cosplay back on while she undressed and took her own turn showering. Freshened up and back in our outfits, we returned the show to look around and pose for more photos as if nothing had happened.

Gemma commented later that she’d never pose for photos like that again as it was a nerve-wracking experience. Given how she changed her mind in the first place, I guess we’ll see…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qedi9/a_wider_angle_with_a_cosplay_photographer_fmf


  1. And that’s what I call perfect timing to open GWS and find there’s a new recounting from ellesbells!

    I guess we can but hope that Gemma gets curious again, but even if she doesn’t, what a memory to have. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. You should leave links indicating your lineup of cosplay’s at the beginning or end. That way people who aren’t familiar or can’t remember some characters can see what characters you are portraying.

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