You’re my Porn Queen, literally. You’re the one I miss like crazy. Do you remember the first time I laid hands (actually, my face) on your fire-haired ass? You have this little fetish that required me devouring your breasts’ nipples delicately with my saliva-dipped fingers while my tongue was performing for your cougar ass. Your moans were insane ones; your hips gyrated to my diving-for-nourishment escape. And while I was in your dumpster hunting for scraps, you were the beneficiary of my rummaging. And believe me, I had at your bottom for a time it seems all up pasted inside of your legs like toothpaste in its tube. I dug relieving your little naughty itch, you little porn actress because I was just simply delighted that you chose me to relieve that horny condition time after time. You insisted that I come through and mess around in your den, you lioness. Your pussy would get caught in my mouth trap. I was basically like some African poacher; you were definitely my prize; I just couldn’t take you home and affix you to my wall, you little dirty harlot. Oh, but I reveled in your presence for the meantime and held my stunning booty up for my eyes to behold. Your inner thighs were a tantalizing addition to my pickings; your butt flap leftovers were exciting to my lustful endeavor also. That’s why my mouth kept at your bounty. I wasn’t going to cease licking at your guts and all until I was offered up my due reward. It was so fucking intoxicating being smack dab in between your legs having at your innocence with my oral mayhem. You seemed paralyzed during the tongue-on-everything moment just sitting back immersed in the head. I was giving you my best producing pussy-and-ass-eating methods that I could envision. I always wanted to leave you with a mouth to look forward to. My tongue created canals, cut outs, and indentations in that pussy and backdoor like water did to The Grand Canyon over time. Just continue to call me when you need that thang taken care of in the future; you’re the Queen of Porn…
Note: this was an actual porn starlet I used to meet up with on occasions. Boy, she was obviously exciting as fuck! She hit me up off of Craigslist also…