Not as innocent as I thought. [MF]

Preface: I don’t usually share stories like these. I like to read them however. I always used to write these because it made me feel good to relive my experiences. I have been writing the NSFW part on and off since that night almost two years ago. I threw together a relatively brief background over the past couple of days to help paint a better picture. All of that said I hope you get a fraction of the enjoyment this story has brought me over the years.


I was in my third year of university at the time. I was living off campus with a couple of my friends. I woke up one Wednesday feeling particularly invigorated. The gym on campus was cheaper than any other in town because of the student discount. It also opened a lot earlier. It was just after 5:00 am, I got up, showered, and made some breakfast. The rest of my friends were asleep. My only class that day was at 8:00 am, so I decided that I’d go in early and get back for the day before noon. I got on the bus about half an hour after I woke up, and campus ten minutes later.

I walked through the campus and it was astoundingly quiet, the sun hadn’t even come up yet. I got to the athletics building and the person behind the security desk was asleep. I woke him up to show him my card, but he lifted his head and waved me in before putting his head back down. I walked into the massive gym, and it was completely empty except for someone upstairs on the treadmills.

I stepped into changing room and put my books in a locker along with my gym bag. I changed and walked out and over to the weight section. I did some weighted squats, leg lifts, and the like. When I was finished I had just enough time for a run on the treadmill. Nobody else had come in yet. So, I walked up the stairs to the cardio and body weight area. As I reached the top of the stairs I saw the guy who had been here when I got in using the pull up bar. He had earphones in and was shirtless. He had a rough stubble across his jawline. His stomach was rugged; his chest chiseled. He was extremely hot. I walked around the corner trying to act casual. He watched me as I did. He dropped half way through his set and went over to the treadmill where he had left his shirt. I took out my phone and quickly took a couple pictures before he looked back. I finished a small set workout as to not seem suspicious.

After an appropriate amount of time, I walked down into the changeroom and stripped down, stepping into the shower. I found myself thinking about his body. But, before I got anywhere, I got a text message and saw my phone on the bench light up. However, I didn’t get to look at the text message before I saw the time. I had ten minutes to get to class. I turned off the shower and got out as quick as possible. I reached my class about twenty-five minutes later and took a seat near the back. I didn’t take much in. I opened my laptop and started to take notes between periods of daydreams.

I got back to the house around 11:00 am. When I went through the door I could see my friend Jamie in the kitchen. She was pouring some cereal when I walked in. We started talking about something or other when I mentioned the guy I saw at the gym. She seemed intrigued and asked if she could see the pictures. I showed her the pictures and she said that she had seen this guy before. He was in the psychology program at the university and was ironically well known for being secluded. I asked her if she knew anybody who could introduce us but he was pretty closed off. At this point I pretty much wrote off the idea.


Fast forward a few months and I meet this guy again. I tried to find him through social media, but all he had was LinkedIn. Seriously secluded. But, I found out that his name was Charles. I had more or less just looked into him for the sake of curiosity.

However, one day I was at the library writing a report for Econ. I was taking out the reading list to skim over for a more or less refresh of the major ideas we discussed. I was in no particular rush, I always got things done ahead of time for contingency sake. I was up at the second floor computers when I saw him again. He had his headphones in and was sitting in the corner of the section. He was wearing a long black sleeve t-shirt and a pair of faded denim jeans. He had his sleeves pushed up to reveal his forearms; a pair of casual dress shoes; and his hair swept to one side. He looked hot. So, I decided to go and talk to him.

I walked up to him and stood a couple feet away, after a second, he looked up and took out his headphone. He flashed a smile and said that he recognized me but he was unsure where from. I told him that I saw him at the gym and his eyes widened slightly with recognition. After a second, he blushed a bit and averted his eyes. He quickly apologized for not having his shirt on. I told him that it was fine (I had to stop myself from saying more). I introduced myself and he did the same. I already knew his name but I acted as if I didn’t.

We talked for a bit about the programs we were in and the plans we had for post grad. He seemed to really open up. We talked for a little bit longer when I decided that he might not be a lost cause after all. We exchanged numbers and I asked him to dinner at my house. He seemed a little hesitant but agreed. I knew my friends were going to the bar tonight so I told them that I wasn’t going to be there.

I left the library and hurried off campus. I got on the bus back to my place. I picked up some groceries from the store on my way. When I got back it was almost 5:00 pm. I found myself sitting in the living room texting him, flirty messages mostly. I was getting really into it and then he casually dropped that he was a virgin. I was really surprised at this for quite a few reasons. I was almost certain that it was voluntary by the way he looked and the fact that he—from what I could tell—wasn’t a jerk. We talked about this for a little while and I learned that he was shyer than I thought. He had only ever had one girlfriend in high school and never got past kissing.

I felt like I might be a bit fast paced for him, but I really wanted to know more about him and he seemed pretty interested in me as well. After the initial awkwardness subsided, the conversation slowly lulled back into a flirtatious nature. Before I knew it, he said that he was about an hour away. I quickly wrapped up the conversation and began to cook dinner.

About forty-five minutes later a knock came at the door. I finished dishing up two plates of chicken and rice (I was on a budget). I made a nice Chinese sour sauce for the rice and chicken to make it presentable. I opened the door. He was wearing the same outfit that he had on earlier except that he now had on a nice dress watch and the clothes looked freshly washed. It became painfully evident in those next few seconds that I had put on my sweatpants and tank top. I welcomed him in and apologized profusely. I rushed upstairs and threw on a nice shirt and a thigh length skirt. I ran back downstairs and saw him leaning against the island in the kitchen. He had his hair styled nicer than before and was freshly shaved. He was holding a bottle of wine that I hadn’t noticed when I opened the door. I walked up to him and he handed it to me. I put it down on the island and he asked if he could grab a couple of glasses. I said yes. He proceeded to pour the wine into the two glasses while complimenting my change of outfit. He handed me one courteously. I sat down at the table and he sat across from me.

Over dinner we talked about a lot of stuff. I learned a bit about his personal life. He wanted to talk about me a lot. He asked me everything you could think of. It was a really interesting night (even just so far). After dinner, he asked if he could freshen up in the bathroom. I showed him to the bathroom. While he was in there I popped a couple tic-tacs to be safe. He came out a moment afterwards, he thanked me for dinner and said that we should do it again sometime. I didn’t want the night to end, but I also didn’t want to make him rush him into anything.


He came over to my side of the table. I stood up and looked him in the eyes. I kissed him on the lips. I didn’t expect much. But when my lips touched his they went numb, followed by my legs. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in gently. I could feel his lips encircling my lower lip, he sucked it slightly. He cocked his head and dove his tongue into my mouth. He explored it passionately. He had the taste of mint on his tongue. He pushed his pelvis up against mine and I could feel his hands move to the small of my back. I was surprised that he was initiating this much. I was going to break off the kiss to get my bearings, but it felt addictive. I had trouble believing that I was only the second girl he had ever kissed.

I ran my one hand down his jawline and the other across his broad shoulder. I could feel his chest press firmly against mine. I was so off put by this rush of feelings. I felt my breath shudder and my chest heaving against his. He finished off the kiss and leaned his forehead onto the crown of my head. He was breathing slightly heavier now and I was trying not to hyperventilate.

It was one of the most indescribable experiences I have ever had. I knew this guy for less than twelve hours and I felt so safe under his chin and in his arms. I looked at the clock and it was now 8:00 pm, I figured my friends wouldn’t be home today anyways. My hands had now moved over his chest as I pulled back to look at his face. We looked at each other intently for a few seconds before either of us spoke.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked genuinely.

I was trying not to jump him right there. I wanted him so badly that I found it hard to believe he had to ask.

“Yes… yes I’m sure.” I said, trying not to sound eager.

“A-Are you?” I asked tentatively.

He looked me in the eyes and smirked. He moved his hands down to my skirt and moved his hands under it. He gripped my ass with both hands encompassing each cheek with one. At this I let out a slight moan. I saw him bite his lip. I mirrored him subconsciously. It was at this point that I realized we were still in the living room. He lifted me up by the ass and I folded my legs around his back. I was 5’4 and he was probably only seven inches taller than me but he carried me without hesitation. I started to unhook my bra as he scaled the stairs, looking at him deeply. When he got to the top of the stairs I mumbled through heaving breaths that my room was the third door the left. He readjusted his right hand onto my tail bone and removed his left hand, now lifting my entire body with his forearm. He grabbed my panties and pulled them down my legs in one quick motion.

We walked through the doorway into my bedroom and he placed me down on my bed. He kissed me passionately, I was losing my breath, I could barely pause to think. His chest radiating heat onto mine. He started to kiss my neck. The feeling of his breath sent shivers down my spine. He pushed himself up reaching for the bottom of his shirt to take it off. When his shirt rose past his abs I felt myself warming up. He quickly started on mine, grabbing the seam on the bottom, and lifting it over my head. The bra I was wearing was already unhooked so it fell to the side with my panties. I felt his hand reach under the arch of my back as he started to kiss my collarbone and down my chest. He started to kiss, and gently bite, up my breasts. I could feel my nipples getting harder as he inched closer to them. I felt his lips close around my right nipple, kissing it, while he massaged it with his tongue. I ran my left hand through his soft hair, the arch in my back becoming greater. I felt his hand move up from my spine to my left breast squeezing it tenderly. I was moaning lightly as I felt myself starting to become wet. I wanted to feel his tongue inside me. He moved to my left nipple, using his tongue and lips to tease me. As he made his way down my stomach he smirked and moved his head under my skirt.

“No, take the skirt off. I don’t want to cum on it.” I said.

“But you’re okay with cuming on me?” He said jokingly. I laid my head back and smirked at him.

“I’m more than okay with cuming on you.” I said teasingly in return.

He lifted his head and pulled off my skirt, throwing it on the floor. He put one knee on the edge of the bed and grabbed me by the hips. He pulled me to the end of the bed forcefully. He knelt down on the floor as he started to kiss around my thighs on both legs. I was dripping now, all I wanted was to feel his tongue. A moment later I felt it; his tongue diving into me. I was moaning so loud now that I was glad that nobody else was home. I felt his tongue encircle the inside of me. His tongue stimulated every part of my pussy. As he was stroking his tongue across my clit, I could feel myself building to an orgasm. His arms were under my legs up on my waist pulling himself deeper with his tongue. I was grabbing both my breasts as I felt myself edging closer. He took his right hand off my waist and backed his head away from my pussy. He looked me intently in the eyes.

“You taste amazing Holly.”

As he said this, I felt his two fingers slip inside of me. He pushed them in deep as he turned them sideways, stretching me open. All my tension was turning into pleasure now. He moved his fingers to the bottom of my pussy and pressed down, it was something I had never experienced before. I felt like I was about to burst. He slowly moved his fingers up and back to my g-spot. caressing it.

“I want you Holly.”

When he said this, I had to exert all my will power to not burst onto the bed right then. He placed his mouth around my pussy and I could feel his tongue rotating around my clit. I was getting so close. I could feel myself ready to release everything. I felt all my blood rushing to my pussy, I had no idea what he was doing, I just accepted it. I could feel everything about to release. I took my hands that were dug into the mattress away and pulled his head in. He looked me in the eyes as I felt myself peak. And in in an instant I felt myself draining into his mouth. He flicked his tongue across the roof of my pussy and I came harder. I had never achieved an orgasm from oral before and never one so powerful, period. He pulled away and I could feel the last of my orgasm tracing the outer lips of my pussy. When he lifted his head, he smiled at me, his teeth glistening with my cum.

He stood up and started to unzip his jeans. As he pulled down his pants, I was a little worried that it would be downhill from that point on. When his jeans passed his hips however, I saw the bulge in his underwear was above average by a fair margin. He asked if I had a condom. I told him I was on the pill and not to worry about it. I looked at him as he pulled off his underwear to reveal his cock. I laid there for a second in silence.

“How long is—” I started to ask.

“Never measured.” He said without hesitation.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t small. We looked at each other for a minute before He jumped on the bed crawling up to me holding his body parallel to mine. After a half second of silence he grabbed me by the side and flipped me over. I was already reenergized, I wanted to feel him deep inside of me. I wanted a different kind of pleasure than oral. He grabbed my legs and put them together so that I was laid out like a board. He spanked me hard enough to make my body jolt with excitement. He stretched back my ass and drew his tongue through my outer lips, cleaning off the last of my cum. He started to kiss up my back, throwing his right leg over my body. I cocked my head to the left as he propped his head over my shoulder. He kissed my neck sensually as he slid his legs back and propped himself up with his arms. He positioned his cock at the edge of my pussy. He broke off the kiss from my neck and slowly plummeted into my pussy, while breathing heavily on my neck. I felt my pussy tightening around him. His girth stretching me wider with the initial thrust. I screamed out in ecstasy. I looked over my shoulder to see his face and I pushed my face closer to his wanting him to kiss me while he was fucking me. As he continued to lower himself deeper inside me with each pulsing movement, his tongue echoed the movement in my mouth. I could feel myself soaking him. Each thrust feeling better than the last. He started to increase his pace. As he did I could feel myself building closer and closer to another orgasm. I was ready to cum for the second time that night. He took his right hand and started to gently stroke from my shoulder to ass, all while fucking me raw. I was about five seconds from cumming again. In each of the following seconds I felt an exponential increase in pleasure, until I felt the sweet release as I exploded all over his cock. When the orgasm subsided, I let go of my grip on the mattress. I was gasping for air. I had forgotten to breath. I could feel his hot cock pulling out of me. He glided his palm across my ass, and down my right thigh. He was kissing down my side as his hand got closer to my ankle. When he got to it, he pulled it above his head, forcing me onto my side. We were now crossed like two scissors, my right calf now resting on his shoulder. He pushed his cock deep inside me. It was deeper than before. He now slid in from how wet both my pussy and his cock were. I could still feel myself contracting around his adamantly stiff cock. I was biting my lip in order to stop myself from yelling out his name and whatever else might proceed. I could feel his left hand move to my ass. He squeezed me with his firm grip. This gave me pleasure, and him, leverage. He was now pulling me in slightly by my ass. I could feel him going deeper and deeper. I could feel my whole body arching. His cock now ready to burst, judging from how hard it was. He pulled out of me quickly, asking me where he should cum. At this point I was extremely thankful that I had taken birth control. I rolled onto my back. This time I grabbed him by his ass and pulled him inside of me. He started thrusting harder and deeper. Then, when he was seven or eight inches inside of he came vigorously. I could feel the warmth of his cum deeper inside of me than I had ever felt before. I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled the sheets up off the bed up as I came for the third time.

“No, stay there I want to feel you inside me.” I said as he went to pull out.

We laid there, his still hard cock deep inside of me, covered in cum from both him and I. We kissed passionately staying there, all I could think about were two things. I couldn’t believe he was a virgin, and I knew that this wasn’t the last time we would do this.



  1. This is the hottest story I’ve read in a long time. Fuuuuuuck

  2. There is no way in hell this guy’s a virgin. Fucking hot story though!

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