[Long] [Buildup] “Night In” – My first completed story that I thought you all might enjoy.

Hey, kids, we left you a couple hundred bucks in the den for you to eat this week. Try not to burn the house down while we’re gone. Remember to call your grandma on her birthday on Wednesday. We’ll see you in a week! Love you!
Mom and Dad

I grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge as I looked over the note scribbled in my mom’s neat handwriting. A whole week with the house to myself. Well, almost to myself. I had to share it with my sister, but we generally stayed out of each other’s way.

I was just staying at home for the summer after finishing up my junior year of college, and Delaney had just graduated high school a few weeks ago, so mom and dad really didn’t have a problem letting us have the house to ourselves while they were on their trip to Europe.

My plan was simple: drink and play video games. I didn’t really have a lot of things I was doing this early in the summer, and it was time for me to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. Delaney, on the other hand, seemed to be planning something.

She was very coy with mom and dad before they left, and I think they could tell something was up with her because they made sure to pull me aside before they left.

“Tyler, we want you to keep an eye on your sister this week when we’re gone. She’s done with high school now, so we think she might be planning something while we’re away,” Mom whispered as she and dad were getting ready to leave for the airport. “Just make sure she doesn’t do anything too irresponsible, okay?”

“Nothing too irresponsible. Got it, mom.”

It was dad’s turn to be serious. “We’re serious, Tyler. You’re in charge while we’re gone. Just make sure she stays out of trouble.”

“Dad, she’s eighteen. I’m sure she can make her own choices.”

“Tyler…” My dad had a way of saying more than he meant when he said my name.

“Fine. I’ll make sure nothing happens.”

“Good. We’re off. Love you both.”

“Bye, guys. Have fun in Europe this week.”

“Oh, we will!” My dad gave my mom’s butt a little pat as they closed the door, and I could hear her giggling as they walked to the car. Gross.

The first few days were nothing special. Delaney actually wasn’t home for most of them because she had soccer practice, and they were still trying to make it to state, but on the third day, she informed me she was going to be having some of the other seniors on her team over before their game the next day.

“Hey, Tyler, Lauren and Jacey are gonna be staying over tonight, so we can all ride to the game together tomorrow. That alright?”

“What do I care? It’s not like I can stop you.”

“Well, no, but I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any plans for the night.”

“What does that matter? You do you. I couldn’t care less. Besides, wouldn’t it be better if I was going out somewhere?”

“Not necessarily,” she said it as if there was a question I was supposed to hear.

“What do you want, Delaney?”

“Me? Want something? You’ve got it all wrong. Jacey and Lauren just think you’re kind of cute, and they wondered if you’d be around.”

“Fuck off. They don’t give a rat’s ass about me. They both have boyfriends.”

“Actually, they both broke up with their boyfriends right after graduation. We all did. We thought it would be better going into the fall if we had some… “practice” first.”

“Fuck, Delaney, that’s nasty. I don’t want to hear about your fuck pact.”

“It’s not a fuck pact you asshole. We just want to be ready for our college experience.”

“College experience? You plan on taking a lot of dick next year, slut?”

“I didn’t say that, dick!”

“May as well have. Wish I knew girls as thirsty as you in my class. Probly would mean a lot less time with lefty in my room.” I said it half-jokingly, but I was still thinking about Lauren and Jacey while I said it.

“Gross, dude! That’s defs TMI.” Delaney slapped me on the arm as she said it. She did it playfully, and I’m ashamed to admit it made me tingle a little in my gym shorts. That’s gonna require some therapy some day.

“Just sayin. It’s lonely at college sometimes.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an incel. I’ve had my fair share of hookups, but I could be doing a little better with what I was working with. In high school, there were plenty of girls who had shown interest in me; I was about 6’2,” and I worked out a fair bit, but girls in college were looking for more than a six-pack and a pretty face. They wanted intellectually stimulating conversation, and I was more interested in the physical side of things. It is college after all. I’m not looking to settle down quite yet.

“That’s seriously too much, dude.”

“You started it!”

“I guess you’re right, but you took it too far.”

“Good talk, sis. If you gals need me, I’ll be in my room with the volume on high.”

“If you’re going to be jerking off to the thought of Jacey and Lauren, you’re sick, but there is one other thing.” There’s always more with my sister. She can’t just leave good enough alone.

“What?” I said, getting a little annoyed. I had some serious material to sift through after this conversation about Lauren and Jacey.

“Actually… Well… I was wondering… Could you maybe buy us some liquor for tonight? Pretty please with a big cherry on top!” She gave me the doe eyes and her best smile. The type of smile that had always gotten her out of way more trouble with mom and dad than I had ever been able to get out of.

“Why should I?” I didn’t even know my sister drank, but she said it like she was used to asking.

“Because I’ll get Jacey to blow you if you do. Or would you prefer Lauren?”

“The fuck, Delaney!? What kind of shit is that?” She made a good bargain. If she could pull it off.

“I’m serious! They were both talking about how they need the practice, and I bet you’d rather that than sit in your room and jerk off all night.” She was goddamn right I’d rather have one of her gorgeous friends suck me off than sit in my room and watch porn all night, but I was still a little skeptical.

“Don’t you have a game tomorrow? Should you really be drinking the night before?”

“The game isn’t till tomorrow night, so we’ll be good. Besides, it’s not like we’re amateurs.”

“The picture of innocence, aren’t ya?”

“Come on! Just do it, pussy! Please?”

“If you get both of them to blow me at the same time, I’ll do it.” I didn’t really expect her to say yes, but it was worth a shot, right?


“Done? Just like that? Shouldn’t you at least ask them first?”

“Like I said before, jerk off. Practice makes perfect.” She said it with a sultry wink that sent another shiver through my groin.

This was shaping up to be a better night than expected. “Fine, but you better deliver, or I’m gonna drink all the liquor myself and jerk off onto your towel.”

“Ewwww!” She slapped me again as she said it, but this time right on my ass. Definitely going to be paying for therapy some day.

“What do you want me to get?”

“Some type of fruity vodka. We like Raspberry!”

“Basic white girls,” I said with an exaggerated shrug.”

“Two of those white girls are gonna suck you off, so make it a handle.”

“K. I’ll have it when you get home from practice.”

“Thanks, big brother! You’re the best!”

“Anything for a sloppy first-timers B.J.”

“Men are too easy.” She turned around, and I couldn’t help but watch the way her ass cheeks rubbed against one another as she sauntered away.

The whole time I was at the store, I had to tuck my erection into my waistband with the thought of two of the hottest chicks at my former high school give me a double blowjob, and by the time I got home, my urges could not be ignored. There was no one there when I arrived, so I decided to do a little prep work for my big night.

As I stood in the master bathroom, doing a little manscaping, I couldn’t help but admire the seven inches of my member throb in the mirror. I’ve always had a thing for watching myself in the mirror, and as I stood there shaving, I only got hornier until I had to rub one out right there in the bathroom. That’ll make their job a little more difficult.

I finished cleaning up and jumped in the shower, fully intending to make it a long one.

About halfway through my shower, I could hear the front door open and close below me, and the sound of teenage giggling enter the house. Jacey and Lauren were both eighteen, so I figured I was in for quite the guiltless treat this evening. I continued my shower, realizing I had left the handle on the kitchen counter in my haste to relieve my sexual pains. Let them have a few swigs before they make good on their end of the deal.

Finally, when I felt good and clean, I stepped out of the shower with a half-erection. Thinking about those two was really doing it for me.

I toweled off and stepped into the master bedroom. I stopped, fully naked. Jacey and Lauren were both standing at the foot of the bed, also completely naked.

Jacey was the taller of the two, probably about 5’10” tall, long brunette hair, with a pair of tits that would have stopped a deer in its tracks. They weren’t overly big by any means, but they were the fullest, perkiest set of tits I had seen up to that point in my life. Well, except for in porn. She had a neat, thin strip of hair above her slit, inviting those who wanted to take a slide. She was smiling devilishly.

Lauren, on the other hand, was blonde, about 5’4,” with slightly smaller breasts that were no less appealing for their size. She was completely shaven, and she was leaning back against the bed slightly, which had a stunning effect on her tight abdomen. I could see the whispers of six-pack beginning to show on her tummy. She was very blatantly staring at my throbbing member while giving her lip a little bite.

They were both a little red-cheeked, and I could tell they had had a few shots before coming up here.

“Where’s Delaney?” It was a stupid question. Who the fuck cared where she was. They were right here, naked, in front of me, making good on our deal, but it was the only thing that came to my mind. Luckily, they didn’t seem to notice.

“She told us about the deal you made, and we thought it would be nice if we gave you a proper thank you for buying us the vodka.” Lauren must have been the spokesperson because Jacey continued to smile. “It’s our favorite brand! How did you know?”

“Umm…” I was having a hard time thinking, as all of the blood in my body was suddenly below my waist. “Lucky guess.”

“Well,” Lauren whispered, “We’d like to give you an extra thanks for being such a good guesser. She lightly ran her hand from her inner thigh, up to the cleft between her amazing set in one of the sexiest displays I had ever witnessed.

“Okay,” was all I could manage.

“Why don’t you come lay down, and we’ll take care of the rest?”

I dumbly walked over, still quite naked and quite hard and laid down on the bed. Looking up, I could see myself reflected in the mirror above the bed. Did I mention I have a thing about seeing myself in the mirror?

They both climbed onto the bed by my feet, and slowly crawled until they were even with my fully attentive erection. Still on their hands and knees, they slowly inched closer to one another until their lips were only slightly apart from one another’s. “We don’t want you to do a thing,” Lauren purred, “Just sit back and enjoy our appreciation.”

They locked lips above my manhood and began a passionate kiss that could have lasted hours. It was slow at first, but they began to work themselves into a frenzy. By the time they pulled apart, gasping for air, there was no blood anywhere else in my body but the seven inches of throbbing manhood between my legs. Then the real fun started.

Lauren grabbed Jacey’s hand and placed it on my inner thigh, about halfway up my leg, while she pulled the backs of her fingers from my neck down to almost touching my head. Her fingernails tickled as they drew their line down my now glistening abs. Jacey pulled her hand up my thigh until it was gently cupping my balls, while Lauren traced her fingers lightly down the underside of my shaft. They began to play with me like that, using both hands to fully explore every contour of my package, softly groping and pinching and tickling in all the right ways. These girls have definitely done this before.

Then, without warning, Jacey lowered her head and planted a warm wet kiss right on the head of my favorite body part. Lauren soon followed, and before I knew it, they were making out around the head of my cock. It was everything I dreamed it would be. I could smell their bodies’ arousal as they worked their way into another frenzied make-out session around the head of my organ.

I knew I wasn’t long for this world as I felt their tongues and lips battling for the upper hand. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, as if they had synchronized their efforts at my pleasure, both their hands began to rub my testicles with their own rhythm. It was probably a good thing I relieved myself earlier because I would have been dead-to-rights, no questions asked.

I looked above me, and I was blown away by the sight I saw. In the mirror above the bed, I saw myself, lying there, with two amazing asses sticking in the air as these two nymphos competed for blowjob of the year. It was like watching myself star in my own adult movie. The effect was almost too much to take.

They began to move their lips up and down my shaft, even as their tongues lapped at the other’s saliva.

Lauren came up for air. “Tell us when you’re going to cum and we’ll take care of you.”

“I’m going to cum,” I couldn’t hold it anymore. I could feel the tightening on my loins, ready to explode.

Just then, they both stopped and exchanged a look. Before I knew to ask any questions, Jacey took the entire seven inches of my cock down into her throat. It was too much for me to handle. I could feel her vocal chords tightening and trying to restrict my passage, but she slid me right past them and into her throat.

“Oh fuck!” It was all I could manage as I shot rope after rope deep into her waiting mouth and throat. I could feel her swallowing, even as I continued to cum, urging me to blast my seed into her stomach. I couldn’t believe I could still cum so hard after my previous release, but it kept coming and coming.
Jacey kept me down her throat until I was beginning to soften inside of her. She pulled me out as I shivered through my ebbing pleasure. Wiping the corners of her mouth, she stuck her tongue out to show me she had swallowed all of my cum. I didn’t need any proof, but the look of pride she gave, made me wish I could go again.

Both girls spent the next several minutes gently licking me clean of their saliva. I was exhausted, but I could tell they were just getting started. They began to make out again but were interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Hello? Anybody in there? There’s still vodka to drink bitches! Let’s go!” Man, Delaney sure knew how to ruin a moment. A flash of pouty-longing crossed each girl’s face before they both hopped off the bed and headed for the door.

“Thanks again for the vodka, Tyler,” Lauren said.

“Yeah, thanks,” Jacey repeated. It was the first thing she had said since we began, but it made me twitch, ready, but not quite able, for more.

“No problem,” I mumbled. Still riding waves of pleasure through my whole body.

“You just rest in here for a bit,” Lauren said with a sultry look over her shoulder, “We’re not quite done with you yet.”

Not fully comprehending what that meant, I exhaled deeply, settling in for a little nap before my night truly began.

Thanks for reading. :) Feedback welcome. Plus, I can always do requests.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/8piay4/long_buildup_night_in_my_first_completed_story