PSA [F] (Petite’s Sexual Addiction)

I am in a semi-open relationship. Semi because it’s only open on my side. Why you ask? I guess it’s cause my boyfriend realized that I have a type of body that needs pleasure constantly. That or the fact that I have discovered that I may be addicted to sex. So.. pleasure from multiple men is amazing.

Well to start, I think I have a pretty amazing pussy. I L O V E oral and I can take hours and hours of pussy eating (all day, every day please). Sooo I have decided to write about my sexual encounters and experiences here. Oh and probably more pics too if you guys want that. So hopefully, you guys enjoy my posts! ❤



  1. Pictures and videos are definitely welcome.
    So your boyfriend is ok with you having sex with multiple men cus of ur high libido ?
    But he doesn’t do the same?

  2. nice hopefully ill be one of the stories where i wrap your legs around my head and wear you like the crown you are :)

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