The Waitress and the Cop, Part 3 [Mf]

This summer was hot. When it was hot, a lot more truck drivers and people passing through stopped in at the diner for iced tea and a few minutes in a cold, air conditioned booth. She had been pouring coffee, serving slices of pie and delivering salads and teas all day. Her shift was over in a few hours and she could not wait to get undressed and step into a cool shower and wash away the day. The small of her back was damp, the nape of her neck glistened with sweat and she was continually wiping drops from her brow. When the diner was full, it didn’t matter how low the AC was, she got sweaty.

Just as she was feeling max-sweaty, a younger man sat down at the diner counter and flipped through the old, laminated menu. “Decided?” she smiled at him, sliding an iced water in front of him and putting down a fork and knife on a white paper napkin.

He looked up and locked onto her eyes. “Do I know you from somewhere?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. “You look so familiar.” She giggled and leaned on the counter with her elbows and summoned his face to hers with her pointer finger. He leaned in.

“Nice line,” she said quietly, then pulled away and gave him a smirk.

“No!” he laughed, exposing a mouth of beautiful white teeth. His face was a few days unshaven, scruffy dark stubble covering his cheeks, chin and neck. His hair was cut short, and it was jet black. He had shimmering olive eyes and a fit, thin build. “You really look familiar to me,” he said again, this time tilting his head the other way.

“Nope,” she said, “I don’t know you. And I’ve never seen you. The truth of the matter is, most of the men who come in here are old truckers or local guys.”

“Well I guess I’m destined to be both of those things,” he said, outstretching his hand to her. “Owen.” He introduced himself and told her he had just moved to this small town and had plans to long-line truck for his fathers business.

“I have a masters in business but when my Dad died, I knew I had to relocate and keep up his business. He only started a few years ago but he loved it. He loved not being tucked behind some desk with a revolving door of bosses, working day and night to provide money instead of living and making memories.”

He ordered a club sandwich with fries and a Coke. He watched me work as he ate, smiling at me when I caught him. At the end of his meal, he paid his bill and left. She saw on the check he left his number along with a quickly scrawled note: “I’ll eat a club sandwich every day if that’s the only way I can see you again. But please, call me.”

She liked the note. It was simple enough and kind of funny. She thought of James as she held the check in her hand. Quickly she folded it up and stuffed it into her bra. The idea of calling Owen and being with someone her own age was… different, and fleeting—moments after she tucked the check away, James walked in. He took off his Sheriff’s hat and place it on the counter.

“Afternoon there, Jim,” Doris smiled and waved. The older ladies dreamed of being with a younger man like James. To her, James was an older man. Experienced, he knew how to touch her and where. He knew the way to drag his fingers across her to make her squirm. He knew what pressure to use when delving his tongue deep inside her. Just seeing him walk in made her excited.

They had been seeing each other for several months now, keeping it to sex only. She tried not to ask him anything and asked him to do the same. Though lately she wondered how much longer they could keep it up. She didn’t trust herself to not catch feelings for him.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” he said, sidling up to the bar of the diner. “I’ll take an iced tea and a turkey sandwich to go,” he said to me. I nodded, putting in his usual order, and let him know I’d bring it to him in his patrol car, which he usually parked behind the diner.

None of the other waitresses knew that I had tasted the forbidden fruit, but she was glad they didn’t know. Ten minutes later she walked out back, the sun making her sweat almost instantly. She opened the patrol car door and slipped in, handing James the bag of food and his sweet tea, in a styrofoam cup. “Here you go,” she said to him.

He leaned across the seat and kissed her. When he pulled away she smiled, unbuttoned her top bottomed tapped gently on the top of her breast. He leaned across and kissed her chest gently before resting his strong hand on her breast and squeezing it gently. She let out a gentle moan as he kissed and rubbed her. Out of nowhere, he pulled away.

“Whatdya got in there?” he said, hearing the folded check tucked into her bra become crumpled as he rubbed her. He pulled it out and opened it, reading the note on the check.

She didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. He didn’t look at her again and just said, “our room tonight, 9pm.” She agreed, her mind racing. Was he going to call it off? Was he mad? Did he think she was seeing other people this whole time? She got through the remainder of her shift, went home and showered, and pulled up to their motel at 8:56pm. He wasn’t there yet so she went upstairs and sat with her back against the door, waiting.

He came at 9:00 exactly, wearing his uniform still but this time no hat. He let her in the room and she sat on the bed, waiting for him to speak.

“I sure could use a shower,” James said, starting to undress.

They got in the shower, the hot water running down their bodies, making him erect and her nipples hard. She rubbed a bar of soap between her hands and then grabbed his cock and began slowly jerking him off, the hot water creating a romantic steam.

She looked down and saw her hands wrapped around James’ huge throbbing cock and looked up, his blonde and peppered hair dripping down his face and onto his chest. She couldn’t believe she had landed James and if he was going to break it off with her, she was glad she got to make him cum just one more time.

And as the thought was coming, he turned her around and pressed her hands against the shower wall, the head of the shower pouring into her face and neck. She felt him push into her swollen pussy. He leaned into her, his chin on her shoulder. “Don’t call,” he murmured, pumping harder and faster into her gap. She arched her back slightly and stuck her perfect creamy ass out so he could fuck her harder from behind.

“I want you,” he said, “I want you.” He was fucking her so hard that her knees felt like they were going to buckle. She wanted to take a deep breath but the hot water and steam were so thick she felt she couldn’t breath. Right before she felt like she was going to pass out, she began to orgasm so deeply that she felt herself about to collapse onto the shower floor.

When she came to, she was naked, on the motel room bed, a white sheet draped over her torso. James sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. “Hi.” she said, sitting up and letting the sheet fall away from her nude breasts.

He turned to her on the bed. He was still completely nude, too.

“I lost you in there,” he said.

“I must’ve gotten too hot,” she said to him, “but I’m fine. Come over here.” She laid back and summoned him to lay on top of her, their noses touching. They kissed deeply and intensely, she felt him grow hard between her thighs. She pulled her knees up and he slid into her.

“Do you like this?” he whispered to her, as he thrusted inside of her with a mix of both calm and quick.

“I have never felt better than I do when you’re inside me,” she meant it. No one got her wet like James did and no one made her heart skip a beat like he did, either. But she had to keep her guard up. She didn’t think he’d want her long.

He groaned and pumped his member into her as deep as it would go before releasing an animalistic grunt and filling her pussy up with a massive load. She drank it in, cumming with him, her aching twat spasming on his cock.

When they were done, James rolled onto his back. “I need to know,” he said, “are you going to call that guy? You saved his number. I just don’t know what to think.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.



  1. Nice, but why do you keep switching from third person to first person?

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