Playing Doctor [FF]

So a little-known fact about me is that I used to study medicine. I took it for just over a year at uni before dropping out because some shit in my personal life came to a head.

The medical students at this place were kept kind of separate from everyone else (all housed together, and with a different timetable to the rest of the university), which discouraged any of us from canoodling among the group, since it was pretty much guaranteed that everyone would know about it within a day. That’s not to say attractions didn’t form, though. A big part of our early curriculum was based around clinical examination, i.e. feeling people up to see what’s wrong with them, and those of us who were single had no choice but to practice on each other. It was the one thing you could count on to make sparks fly between any two people who were attracted to one another.

This was how I found myself hanging out at Jenny’s house over Christmas. Jen was a mature student (27), who lived close to uni, as I did. She had a cute bob of blonde hair, which her ears sometimes stuck through (she was insecure about this, but if anything it made her hotter), long tanned legs and a flat, toned stomach. She used to be a sales rep for a drugs company, so she was naturally charming and quite flirtatious. She’d also, to quote my dad, been cocked more times than John Wayne’s shotgun.

This gave us a lot to talk about, and I’d become good friends with her and another mature student, who was a raging lesbian and shared our filthy sense of humour. I think getting to know this lesbian had brought out Jen’s bi-curious side, and probably made this whole event occur, so thanks for the assist, Lydia.

Anyway, to get back on track, I’d come over to Jen’s house to practice clinical examination ahead of an exam we had in January. We’d spent the early part of the day studying for a written exam, and then cracked open a bottle of wine at exactly 12:00:01 and moved onto practical stuff.

We each got topless for the breast exam/respiratory exam, but we’d done this around one another before, so it didn’t really carry any sexual tension. Even if it had, it would have been broken by the need to make monkey faces for our exam on the cranial nerves. By that time we were a few glasses of wine in, and feeling it. We took a break on the sofa to talk about Jen’s boyfriend troubles (the troubles being that she didn’t have one, and was horny as fuck after going over a year without dick). As we spoke, I was lying on the sofa with my feet in her lap while she sat at one corner. The ceiling overhead was starting to spin a little when I felt Jen shifting around. Suddenly, I could feel pressure on my waist, and Jen came into view, looming above me. When I looked down, I could see that she’d straddled me.

‘Come on, abdominal exam,’ she said, gesturing for me to take my top off again. I managed to do so while balancing the wine glass on my belly, because I’ve got mad skillz, but because I am never quite as coordinated as I think I am, I lost control as I had my arms over my head. Jen caught the glass, but not before a little of it had spilled onto me. She tutted and called me clumsy before shuffling down a little and bending over to lap up the wine that had pooled in my belly button. This sent a shiver down my whole body and made my pussy clench. I’d had experience with other girls before, but that was (and possibly still is) the most erotic thing I can remember happening to me.

Jen took my wine glass off me, since I could no longer be trusted, and proceeded with the abdominal exam. This exam isn’t particularly erotic in itself, but does involve a lot of hands near what my now boyfriend calls ‘The Danger Zone’ (usually leads to me starting to sing Kenny Loggins and killing the mood). Basically if anyone touches me between my belly button and my waist I get turned into a sex zombie for the next half hour. Because of this, when Jen started to check for a swollen liver/spleen I might have let out what *could* be construed as a sexual*ish* moan.

‘Save some of it for the vaginal exam, you skank.’ Jen smiled, her eyes as glassy as mine must have been.

‘Can’t we just do that now?’

I don’t think I’d have said that, even drunk, if I’d thought it through. I’m bold enough to make the first move, but typically I do that physically rather than with words (Jay don’t make words good). My brain still hadn’t really processed what my mouth had just said when I felt Jen’s fingertips curling under the waistband of my leggings.

I reflexively bucked my hips enough to let her pull them off, and was surprised to feel the warm air of the room playing across my pussy. She’d taken my underwear off at the same time, and I was now fully naked.

At this stage, I was still just expecting her to do the clinical exam. Jen was sitting between my legs rather than straddling me at this point, so I assumed the moment had passed. Needless to say, I was wrong.

She smiled as I looked down at her, and ran her hands up the inside of my legs. Once she reached my knees, she pushed them apart, exposing me even more. I watched her lower herself down to kiss the inside of my thigh, and when I felt her lips brush against that soft skin I let out another moan. She crossed over to the other thigh and placed another kiss slightly higher up, then back to the first and another kiss… again, higher up.

I was so horny at this point that I was trying to lift myself off the sofa, my intention being to smush her face right into my pussy, but she held me down with a hand just below my belly button, right in my danger zone.

My plans were interrupted when I felt air moving over my nethers, and I looked down to see Jen gently blowing on my pussy. This time when I moaned it was much higher pitched. I had no idea that could feel so good.

Then her lips were on mine, and her tongue was on my clit. Drunk head is the best head, and that sure held up here. Her lips and tongue were everywhere, covering every inch of me. She sucked, kissed and bit. She left hickeys on my thighs. Knowingly or unknowingly she edged me for what must have been fifteen minutes of the kind of pleasure I’m lucky to get two minutes of with most people, and all the while I could feel the orgasm building in me.

Then she started circling my clit with her tongue. As a sexy man once said: we’re in the endgame now. Her hands were around my hips, pulling me onto her face. As the orgasm got closer I grabbed her by the hair with both hands and pulled her even closer. In hindsight I probably damned near suffocated the poor girl.

I came. My whole body shook with the force of it. My vision dimmed. The pleasure was so intense it stung.

We stayed locked in position for a time. She continued to lap at my clit after the orgasm subsided, but I stopped her after a while because I could feel another starting, and I was pretty sure that if I came like that again I’d fucking die.

At this point I told her that she’d automatically failed the exam, because she didn’t ask if I wanted a chaperone. This broke the tension somewhat, although I don’t think either of us had noticed it until that moment. This was a big thing for Jen, and I hadn’t even reciprocated…yet.

I was going to write about me going down on her, but I’m now too horny to continue, and it’s time for my morning run, so I’ll leave you with something powerfully erotic in my absence. [Don’t get your hopes up, it’s not me](



  1. Maybe I’m different but still no. Come to think of it that’s kinda hot. just don’t say talk to me goose and you are good.

  2. Loved the story! This is one of my favorite role plays I would like to experience! Have you ever used gloves when playing doctor?

  3. Lock on, baby. Lock on, baby.

    *girl starts moaning.*

    I’ve got tone!

  4. Wow. What a fantastic story, and what a hot experience. Sounds absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing.

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