[MFM] From sexy to interesting, to weird, to awkward…

A few months ago I saw a meme on my news feed saying “This is a challenge! Send me a naked picture! Post this and see which one of your friends have the balls to do it!” The poster was a close buddy’s girlfriend. As a joke, I commented on it and said something like “Don’t ask for something you don’t want!”

A bit later, I get a message from her, requesting said picture… Awkwardly, I said, “I’m not scared, but that wouldn’t be ok.”

“It’s fine. Just do it.”

I couldn’t do it. Not to a good friend.
A moment later, a new message: “We have an open relationship. I do what I want, so does he. Long as we tell each other it’s cool.” I knew that she got to fuck girls sometimes, but not guys too. Well, it took a while, but after a few more convincing messages, I though, Fuck it, they’re open with each other, and so I sent her a nude… A damn good one, if I say so myself!

Well apparently it was received quite kindly. After sending me a couple pictures in return, she said, “That looks really good, not gonna lie. I wanna fuck you.” The feeling was mutual. She looked seductively tantalizing in her photos. Small but perky tits, thin, great legs and ass and a gorgeous body. She said we would talk more soon and our conversation ended for the night, at which time I retired to my bedroom and proceeded to look at her photos and beat my dick like it owed me money…

She continued sending me messages and a couple more photos over the next few days. I sent a couple in return, of course… Because sending photos of one’s erect cock to his buddy’s girl is obviously the gentlemanly thing to do, right!?

So she announced that she would be off work Monday, my buddy would be gone and we could do this thing. I still felt like I was doing something wrong, even though she assured me it was fine and they had already talked it over. She even said I could ask him, if so felt the need. Which I did.

I mean, I would never feel right about myself for fucking his girlfriend without his consent…

But how exactly is one supposed to go up to a long-time friend and say this!? “So, dude, you see the game the other day? It was awesome!… You played Destiny 2 yet!?… Oh and speaking of Destiny 2, I’m pretty stoked to plow your ol’ lady while you’re at work!!!”

I never thought I’d see this day, but, apparently that day had come. (Pun definitely intended)

So I shot him a message.

To avoid as much awkwardness as possible, I made it straight to the point: “Dude… Is this really ok?” Is all I said.

Few minutes later I had a reply. He said it was cool and they have an agreement. He knows about it, they talked about it and it’s good to go. He even told me to have a good time!

I was still slightly vexed by this whole scenario. But now I at least had confirmation.

So, Monday finally rolls around. I think I’d finally shed my worries about the whole thing; I even found myself anticipating the afternoon quite a lot! I had to work at 6:15, and she would be ready around three, so we had three solid hours. Plenty of time.

I got up around 11, made my breakfast and ate it and decided it was time to do some much-needed manscaping before I showered today.

I got my old beard trimmer, which I reserve exclusively for this purpose. I went to work on myself and went straight to all that I needed to tidy up in the underwear region. I started on my chest and belly when the trimmer died on me…

I plugged it in and wandered into the living room, still naked, thinking about today and how it would be. My member stood at about half-mass already… Clearly, I was excited, and I was as ready as I was ever going to be…

What I didn’t know was that I should have taken the trimmer dying halfway through as a sign of things to come.

Today had a lot more in store for me than I knew….

Around 3:00 is when we’re supposed to get together. She’ll pick me up, we go to her place, toast a blunt and get down to business. Simple enough, right? Around 2:30 I get a message from a mutual friend of me and her, saying that she’s lost her phone and will be over asap. So I’ve got some time. I turn in the TV and take a couple hits to get my head a little lighter, since anticipation, curiosity and nerves were all getting to me.

I still felt like I was doing something wrong, somehow, but I tried to push that idea out of my head. I tried to tell myself, “This is no strings attached, strictly for physical pleasure, and she’s starving for your dick. Stop worrying and enjoy.” 3 rolls around, then 3:15, then 3:30.

By now I’m wondering if something came up, or her man got off work, or maybe I misunderstood and I’m supposed to go to her place, but since she has no phone, I can’t ask, so I head over to her house. By now I’m just wondering if it’s even going to happen at all or not.

I get there and nobody’s home. Great. After a couple minutes if sitting in the porch my phone rings and it’s her! Apparently she’d found her phone and would be home soon! After a couple more minutes she comes flying into view faster than Ricky Bobby at Talladega, pulls into the driveway and hops out.

“Sorry, somebody threw my phone away at work. But I found it!” It’s going on 4 now and I have to work at 6, so we head inside, take a few bong hits and go over whatever rules are in place, which were surprisingly few. She comes up and puts her arms around me and starts kissing my neck.

I felt that familiar tingle run through my body and feel my cock begin to swell. Now is the time, and my worries and nerves start to melt away as we begin to explore each other’s bodies with our hands and mouths. “Here we go, this is really going to happen,” I said to myself…

She sits me down in a chair and pulls my pants down. I’m already about half hard. “I’ve been waiting for this!” She says with an exuberant smile, while wrapping her hand around my newly exposed dick. She then begins kissing around my lower abdomen, inner thighs, and pretty much everywhere except the sweet spot.

I let out a happy sigh and she looks me in the eye and starts licking from the bottom of my joystick up to the tip. I then moaned softly, and she took the tip in her mouth, then lower and back up again. Aaaaaand we are underway, I think to myself.

She was quite good at what she was doing, teasing me with her tongue on the sensitive underside while sucking with her lips. I lean back in my chair to give her (and me) a better angle and run my fingers through her hair. A couple more minutes of this and I am in heaven!

When, suddenly, I hear a seemingly foreign sound quickly followed by the all-too familiar sounds of a door being unlocked and opened. All of a sudden the reality of what’s happening strikes us both, just as we hear the front door shut. In a rush if panic, her and i make eye contact for a split second and she pops my cock out of her mouth and runs into the living room.

Instinct hit me and I quickly ripped off the beanie I was still wearing (for some reason) and used it to cover my dick,praying he didn’t come in the dining room and see me naked. My heart is beating like the bass drums at a Slipknot concert. I hear her tell him that I was there, after which I muttered awkwardly, “Hey buddy…”

I hear no words from him but then the door opens and shuts again, and she walks back into the room. “I guess he didn’t understand what I was saying… He never gets off work early!” With an uncomfortable laugh I said, “Well, why wouldn’t today be that one time!?” We smoked another couple bongs and had a cigarette as she told me it was ok and he didn’t mind, he was just surprised. “That was the nightmare I never even knew I had.” I said. Then I get a txt from him saying “my bad bro sorry to interrupt, go ahead.” If I hadn’t already been uneasy about this whole thing, I certainly was now.

We hung out for a bit longer and tried again, but my penis was, at this point, about as useful as a spaghetti noodle. My phone went off and as I checked it I realized I had a work meeting I had forgotten about, so I had to go immediately. I scrambled to put my clothes back on. “Sorry, him walking in was just too much,” I said.

“No I get it,” she responded, “that was NOT planned or expected.”

“See this is why I don’t date or even fuck anybody anymore… Every time I pull my dick out, something bad happens. Someone falls in love, or I get in trouble… Or her BOYFRIEND COMES HOME!”

I wasn’t yelling at her, just yelling in general. “We’ll try again sometime. Take a break, clear your head, and let me know when you wanna try again,” she told me. “My fuckin’ penis perplexes even me,” I said. “I wish I could just have something go the way it’s supposed to when my dick is involved!” We shared a laugh and I rushed out to get to my meeting. What a fuckin’ experience, I said to myself in the way to the meeting… Since then, we tried again, and I just can’t do it.

The uncomfortable feeling in that moment has me vexed. I had just set a new record for most awkward sexual experience in my life.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8o03v6/mfm_from_sexy_to_interesting_to_weird_to_awkward


  1. Could you make it an MFM? Sounded hot until you were interrupted

  2. Get… da fuck out of your head. You have way to much inner monologue going. Be a Man and fuck her! They are in a, OPEN. This will not change your friendship unless you make it weird. Will make for a hotter story next time. That is all.

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