Thoughts on if this. Should I write more?

I write for fun and ended up with this short piece of work that i did as a request from a friend that’s too far away to touch. Ended up being a really fun exercise in writing. She loved it and I wasn’t sure if this is something that would be worth expanding.
I find most of these tend towards the female perspective because that is also the reader and tried to play to my audience but stuck with the male perspective. Let me know, any constructive criticism is welcome.

I smiled as I lay there that night, staring up at the ceiling, sounds of the city filtering through the sound of her breathing. It had a small crack that ran from one wall across the corner and to the next. My smile widened as she unconsciously nuzzled further under my arm. It felt good, just…right.

I don’t know what I expected when I walked into the bar that night, but it wasn’t this. I’m not what you would call a bar person, but when you see a place called the Rabbit Hole, well, sometimes you just have see how deep it goes. My mind drifted into that space between being awake and sleep, thoughts the color of dreams. And I remembered.

I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had left my work in Queen Anne and the Friday sun was beating down to the rhythm of spring. I donned my Ray Bans and laughed at the day. I noticed a lady in front of me turn at the sound and smile. Maybe she was laughing at me, I was OK with that. My attention went to my phone to see what I could find of the remaining day. A friend had texted me earlier trying to make plans, but I found another waiting saying he wasn’t going to make it.

My feet found their way around the city as my mind drifted. After fruitless searching through my phone I looked up to notice the world around me. And there it stood. A haphazard fence framing the way in, neon beer signs screaming its welcome. The Rabbit Hole. Beer Whiskey Skeeball. What!? Skeeball? Ok, I was sold. Down, down, down the rabbit hole I go.

The world darkened around me as I walked into the mahogany filled wonderland. I took care of business first, with a two finger signal to the bartender I ordered a Mule, “make it on the heavy side” I said as I slapped a 20$ on the bar. She smiled and nodded and I took a seat to wait.

My eyes drifted over the room, tables filling with those ready to find the night, the skeeball making sharp noises towards the back where two friends laughed at the fun of it. I was drawn back to the bartender as she brought me a taste of spring in a tumbler.

My lips met the cool liquid and as I put down the drink my eyes saw the woman who had turned and laughed at me on the street. Sitting in a outfit meant for work her eyes caught mine and didn’t let go. Before I knew it I was up and walking the distance of the four stools that were between us, my eyes never leaving hers. I sat down and smiled.

“Is this seat taken?”

“hmm…it is now.” My smile widened.

“I’m sorry, I just find myself falling down a hole and wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a trip with me.” Her eyes matched my grin.

“For a one liner, that wasn’t all that bad.”

“It’s only a one liner if you say no.” This time it was my eyes that didn’t let go. After a moment she breathed and spoke in voice that stayed underneath the sounds of the bar around us.

“And where might this trip be to?” I smiled mischievously and took a sip of spring again.

“Ahhh…’Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here.’ She said” I retorted. Her smile was like the first rays of sun on a Saturday morning.

“That depends a good deal on where you want to go.” Ooooo, I liked her. And I already knew where I wanted to go.

“I don’t much care where-”

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

“As long as it’s with you, no it doesn’t”

“You going to finish that?” she said looking at my drink. Without hesitation I took it all in a smooth gulp.

“Finish what?” Her smile played around the corners of her glass as the rest of hers disappeared as well.

I looked to my phone and made a few quick decisive gestures and put it back in my pocket. She watched me and her attention fell away thinking mine did the same. My finger softly took her chin and brought her eyes back to mine.

“You and me. The destination doesn’t matter as much as the company. I want to find the shape of how we fit together.” The hunger in her eyes matched mine. My finger slowly slid down her chin until my thumb and forefinger pinched the tip of it and I leaned in. A small intake of breath was all she had time for before I tasted her. Chaste at first and then a deeper discovery of each other. We both separated breathless, turning away and thinking our own thoughts. My phone dinged.

“Come, our ride awaits.” She looked up in wide eyed confusion. “I called an uber and you are coming with me.” She didn’t say anything but when I took her hand her body followed.

I don’t remember much of that ride. But we touched. In the small ways that taught you a persons body. The tracing of a palm, the curve of neck, the breadth of thigh. By the time our driver indicated we had arrived we both found ourselves impatient.

The door opened and then slammed behind us and I took her in my arms, lifting her pressing her back against it. Our mouths met and only parted for the space of hurried breaths. Her legs wrapped around hips and her arms went above her head as I peeled her shirt off, she ripped my button-down shirt open but neither of us noticed the small sounds of buttons hitting the hardwood. One after another pieces of clothing found their way to the floor until we found ourselves next to them. The softness of our bodies making up for the hard floor.

My mouth found her neck, working its way to her shoulder. Slowly up her arm until I kissed the tips of her fingers. Then I took her wrist and pinned it to the floor above her head. Then I took a kiss, hard and deep and filled with intention. My hand found her other wrist and it joined the first. Her breath quickened as she looked up, her naked chest rising and falling in time, her nipples hard in anticipation.

I let go of her wrists but they stayed as if cuffed there by the moment itself. At the speed of honey I found my way down, first teasing and playing with one nipple, then the other. My lips coming away with a wetness that my fingers found matched hers. Her teeth cut a pale line into her bottom lip and a moan slipped out as my hand disappeared below.

It rubbed, moving over the top and around to the inner thighs, becoming familiar. My mouth found hers again. Then two fingers went to either side and slid down and spreading. On the way back up they found their way in. First one, in and slowly back out, then the second, deeper this time and lingering as it curled and found something to tickle. In and out, curl and rub, circle and drag. For a time her body moved in tune. Chest rising as her hips moved back and forth, legs spreading and stretching in her pleasure. Her mouth made an “O” as a final breath raced out and her body melted to the shape of the floor.

My hand, wet, sliding slowly down her right thigh as I spread her legs kneeling before her and in between. It made its way down until my fingers curled around her ankle and lifted it above my head and resting it on my shoulder. My fingers played back down her leg and thigh until it ended with a curt spank to her ass. I smiled and looked into her eyes, her smile beaming back up at me. I leaned in, pressing her leg closer to her chest as my hands splayed flat on the floor to either side of her. My face stopped just before hers, looking into her eyes. Our breath hot and quick touching each other’s face in the closeness. The pause lasted until her eyes became searching, wondering.

As my mouth reached for hers we met twice. Lips drinking deeply of each other. And me, hard and throbbing, easing into her wetness. As deep as I could go, both above and below. Then a slow retreating followed by a hard thrust that pushed her across the slick floor.

One hand stayed on the floor the other curling around the back of her neck and lifting her head to closer to mine. In and out, building in speed and intensity. Hips pounding against each other our shapes melded into one. My back bending over, ass moving like a piston. Her back arching, only her ass and shoulders touching the ground.

She shuttered once, a weak sound escaping her lips. My hunger became too much and I grabbed her hips in both hands and took her without thought, only passion. Sweat dripped like morning dew off a leaf and splattered all around. I lifted her other leg onto my should and hugged her thighs putting every ounce of energy I had into fucking her wet pink passion. She screamed, nails raking my ass and then screamed again, each thrust pulling another sound from deep inside of her. My voice joined hers as I couldn’t hold back anymore and threw her legs apart and dived down into her further. Both my arms wrapped around her neck and I pulled her lips to mine as I found my way to the top of a mountain.

Her mouth ripped away from mine as a yell pierced the air with my name that ended in exhausted moan. The sound pulling me to the cliff tops edge of the mountain and stared into her eyes as we finished the climb together. A pulsing below as I filled her that matched our racing hearts. That moment lasted for eternity, staring into each other’s eyes. Maybe this wasn’t love, but it followed the thought in a way that made you believe it was something more.

We lay there for a time, me still inside her and laying above while we caught our breath. As I slipped out of her I could feel the my now soft passion tickle her and she shuttered just touch. We smiled and laughed. I leaned back and pulled her up with me. Her posed on my splayed knees with legs pointed out and back behind me. And we hugged, content in the closeness.

I gently set her down onto the floor and stood up, taking her hand in mine and inviting her to join me. Naked, out of breath and wet in more ways than one we had walked to the bedroom.

Small moments of infinity followed that led down the path to where I now lay. Staring up at a ceiling that had a small crack, one that stretched from one wall to another across a corner. And now I smile, looking down at your sleeping form again, only to realize that there you are, staring back up at me eyes full of nothing but me. And I half the space between us, and then again, and then again until you come to meet me. And again we find the night together at the bottom of this rabbit hole we fell down together.


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