Tiny Dancer In My Bed [MF] [long]

Time for an adventure from my undergrad years in NY! This one is long so skip down to the all caps bit if you dont care about the build up.

This all started because I needed to fulfill the Phys. Ed. requirements. I took advantage of the loophole in the theater department and enlisted myself in a dance class with a professor I had heard was pretty lenient.

And so began my semester of waking up at 7:55 AM and blearily blundering to the dance studio that occupied the floor below me. There were 15 gals in the room, 4 guys, 2 of whom were gay, 1 who was the professor, and me. I had recently freed myself from a pretty brutal relationship (with an on campus restraining order), and my depressed ass hadn’t even considered the plethora of attractive women in tight dance clothes that would be present.

I quickly realized I was the only non dancer in the class, and my joy at this wonderful situation quickly transformed into anxiety as I realized I was maybe out of my depth. Enter Emma. Emma was pale, freckled, raven haired, maybe 5’1, with perky b cups and an ass sculpted by over a decade of dancing. I think she saw the panicked look on my face as we were instructed to pair up, because she rejected partnering with her friend and siddled up next to me.

E: Hey. Haven’t seen you before. I’m Emma.

P: Honestly, I’m just here to get my p.e. requirement out of the way

She laughed, faced the mirror, back to me, and stretched down to touch her her toes. Her spandex shorts severely stretched out over her ass, revealing her pale freckled ass and pink cheeky panties. She looked up at me from in between her legs, totally catching me checking out her ass and smirked. I apologized, embarrassed and she laughed

E: To be fair, when I got dressed I wasn’t expecting a straight guy in this class. They’re pretty rare around this department.

Before I could could come back with a clever retort, we were instructed to begin.

Honestly, that class was the best post breakup decision I had ever made. See it wasn’t just a dance class. It was an contact improv dance class. What does that mean you ask? It meant classes were more or less spent constantly connected to someone else, exploring various ideas and emotions through movement, reacting to the other person, being able to develop a trust and silent language.

It also meant a lot of mashing our bodies all up on each other. I couldn’t believe I was getting credit for this.

One day as the music played and we pushed and pulled each other, I could smell jasmine on her skin as we melded our movements, wrapping our bodies together with a new level of comfort. She shifted her weight, in an attempt to continue the flow, accidentally kneeing me right in the balls and we went down in a tangle of limbs. I groaned and she laughed, and in my mind thats the moment the game began.

About halfway into the semester, as class ended, it happened

E: Hey guys my econ class got cancelled, who wants to do breakfast?

Dead silence.

P: I can always use some coffee.

E: Cool!

And so we went, we got breakfast sandwiches and coffee. There wasn’t any good seating as the rest of campus had finally awoken, so I offered my nearby room as refuge. As we walked up the steps I panicked remembering the giant bong I had very openly out in my room, but there was nothing I could do except act nonchalant if she brought it up. I opened the door, allowing her in first.

E: Oh fuck yes I have been needing a smoke all morning.

She procured a baggie of green and grinder from her bag and started to go to work. We sat on the floor and passed it back and fourth, talking about the classes we were taking, professors we hated, people who annoyed the hell out of us in class (looking at you Deanna) and then-

E: Do you mind if I change out of my dance stuff really quick?

P: No absolutely, I’ll do likewise I feel so gross but I didn’t wanna be weird or whatever. Bathrooms right there.

She laughed

E: Weird is better in my opinion.

And took off her tank top, revealing the neon sports bra underneath that soon followed suit. With one swift motion, down came her sweats, the shorts, and the todays selection- a simple black thong. She smiled

E: I’m gonna take a quick shower

and she was gone. The door was closed, the water turned on and I could hear her humming the melody of one of the songs we often listened to in class. I had no idea what to do. So I packed another bowl with my weed, and made short work of it, and packed one for her. The squeak of the shower turning made my heart start to race…. the door opened…. and there she was, my bathrobe loosely draped around her form.

E: I needed that so badly. I hate having to run to class right after dancing.

She sat on my bed. A blissful smile spread across her face as her pillowy ass met my memory foam mattress pad.

E: Ok your turn. I’m gonna try to not fall asleep out here.

I walked towards the bathroom.I have no qualms with showing off my body, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions about what was going on here.

E: No no. You’ve gotten plenty of views of my butt when we stretch, its time to share the love.

I laughed

P: I don’t think you’re ready for this white boy jelly

She winked

E: Good thing I’ve never been an ass man

We laughed and with that I did a stylized little dance, stripping down as I went. I stood before her in all my glory, turned around, and smacked my ass as I walked into the bathroom. I took the quickest, most efficient shower I think I’ve ever taken. When I came back out, she was in my bed and my bathrobe on the floor.

E: Look, we don’t have all that much in common. But I think we can agree we find each other hot. So I figure why not just get it out of our system yeah?


I grabbed my bong, took a massive rip, dropped my towel, and made my way towards the bed and kissed her deeply, releasing the smoke into her mouth. She took the drag, and let loose a stream of smoke from her nose. I ripped the blankets off, hoist one leg over my shoulder and start furiously making out with her. I go to get a condom from my bedside table when she stops me.

E: I’m clean and I have an IUD. You don’t need it.

P: Are… are you sure?

E: Are…. Are you clean? (teasingly)

P: I mean yeah.

And with that she reached down and guided me in. I had never ridden bareback before. But holy fuck what a feeling. If I hadn’t been on some anti depressants that numbed up things a bit I probably would have blown my load in half a stroke. But I didn’t. After 10 minutes and a solid ab work out, I pulled out, and flipped her over to get a proper look at the ass I’d “accidentally” touched so many times . Her ass jiggling in front of me, her shaved little asshole staring up at me.

P: Fuuuuuuuuu

She looked back at me, hair sweeping over her face, eyebrow cocked

E: I cleaned it up just for you

And with that I face dived into her marshmallow ass, my tongue exploring the bottom of her slit, up to her sweet tight asshole. I savored every bite. I ate and ate and ate. I felt her cum, she tried to struggle away but I held on and kept going until she had come again, her ass shaking uncontrollably as the feeling rolled through her body. She slumped onto the bed breathless and thats when I struck. I grabbed her hips and guided her onto my dick, and started slamming away. I spread her ass out, playing with the rim of her asshole with my thumb, hearing her moan into my pillow. Finally, the familiar clench and release. Streams of my warm seed start to drip down her thighs.

I sighed and pulled out. We lay there for a moment.

E: “Ok I know what I’m doing any time econ’s cancelled.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8m3s5u/tiny_dancer_in_my_bed_mf_long


  1. At any point in this encounter, did you ask this tiny dancer to hold you closer? Also, was Tony Danza involved in any way?

  2. Goddamn. That’s hot. The stuff fantasies are made of, right here.

  3. Hot! A friend of mine swears by dance classes too. “The ratio is great, and half the guys are gay.”

    Also, I definitely still remember my first time bareback. It felt so damn amazing haha.

  4. Hi Im looking for anyone that wants to masturbate in front of each other on Google Hangouts. Male or female, I am a 19 year old male. If anyone is interested please reply to this post. Thanks.

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