My first hookup , finally it happened.

Finally an Indian guy got a girl.
It was at a hotel party shortly after my senior year of high school, and I just broke up with my girlfriend of eight months. I was looking to drown my feelings in alcohol, and have a chill night with some friends. The two-bedroom Best Western suite filled up with around thirty teenagers, blasting music, and of course, a plenty of alcohol. I didn’t know many people here.

However, I was having a good time drinking and talking. I’m not much of a dancer, so I just settled myself on the kitchen counter and downed shots between beers. As more and more alcohol entered my system, I just began to talk. I didn’t move myself, so people would come and go to pour themselves drinks and I’d just make conversation. I was really enjoying myself and getting my mind off things so far. 

A girl that I’ve seen at these parties walked over and began to pour herself a shot. She was asian, about 5’7, tall and slender, but with a very appropriate body. She had an ass that was in seamless form with her long, tan legs and about B-cup breasts that had a lustrous, flowing quality in unison with her slim stomach. She was both a model and a varsity song girl at that school, and a beautiful thing indeed. For this party though, she seemed to be in her pajamas: A pink tan top and some loose blue pajama pants.

She glanced over at me, and suddenly I was aware that I looked ridiculous. Normally, I think I’m alright looking. I’m 6’0, 162lbs, a bit on the skinny side, but with a swimmer’s physique. However, I turn very red with the slightest drop of alcohol. Eyes, skin and all.

“Are you okay?” she asked, obviously looking at my flushed state.

“Yeah…I just, well…you know, the glow.”

“You must’ve been downing that shit,” as she looked at the half-empty handle of Jack Daniels seated next to me. “Maybe you should, like, slow down a bit?”

“Yeah…hm.” I responded.

“You don’t sound so great. What’s your name?”

“I’m Chris.”

“I’m Karen,” she said. “Weren’t you with that other girl?”

“Not anymore.”

“Well…that really sucks. I’m really sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah. Fuck that.”

She looked down, and then looked at me again.

“Well, I’ll just talk to you later then, yeah?” she said to me.


With that, she walked away. I felt dejected and empty, and extremely drunk. I must’ve come across as pretty antisocial or bitter. Maybe both. I was really feeling worse by the second though. The alcohol was churning in my stomach, and things began to get a little dizzy. It started to burn down there. I didn’t waste time, and ran to the bathroom to vomit. 

Afterwards, I laid down on the sofa bed set up in the other room. I felt feverishly warm, so I removed my shirt and my jeans, and laid under the covers in my boxers. I just laid there, trying to sleep off the agony in my throat and stomach. I hated it…the music became annoying, everything was just horrible, and I wanted to just stay there forever. 

I laid there for at least an hour by myself. I was getting colder and colder, and I tried to shut my eyes and get some sleep. Then the door opened, and I heard voices. It was Karen and two other girls. They crept across the room, and settled themselves on the other side of the bed. It looked like they didn’t notice me at all, or they were just ignoring me. They seemed like they wanted to find somewhere to sleep for the night, as the party began to pass out. Karen and her friend laid down on the bed, while the other girl sought refuge on a nearby armchair. As I laid there pretending to sleep, I felt Karen lift up the blankets, and go under the covers. I tried to pretend I was asleep though, and just kept myself on my back. 

Soon, it became silent, and nearly everybody was asleep somewhere. I began to doze off. Karen and I were under the covers together, though only our shoulders were touching. I fell asleep, and it felt very good, but I awoke a few hours later, on my side. 

When I opened my eyes, I was dimly aware that it was almost dawn. Karen was on her side, with her back almost touching my chest, and her ass lightly against my boxers. My lower arm was underneath her neck, and she was resting on it. I was slightly confused, but I didn’t move. It was dead silent. 

“..mmumffcold..” she mumbled. 

I thought for a moment. Should I try getting closer? I didn’t think she would mind if I tried to maybe make her warmer. So reluctantly, I lifted my other arm and put it around her. Upon this, she pressed herself closer to my body, and I felt the her butt press against me. Her back nuzzled against my bare chest, and her hand found mine, and pulled my arms to wrap around her chest. One of my hands came to rest on her stomach. We were now very close together, the contours of her graceful body fitting mine. She was incredibly warm, and I found it comforting to hold her like that. I didn’t care that I didn’t really know her, I just liked the feeling of closeness with someone, something that I had been aching for for a while now.

I moved my arm so I could press her closer to me, and I brushed across her stomach with my hand. She responded to this, and shifted her ass farther towards me. I felt the curved moons of her ass pressing into me now. I was getting slightly nervous, at this point. I had never done anything so spontaneous with a girl that I’ve met that very night. 

Would it be alright to do something with her? I’ve heard lots of stories of rape at parties, just because the girl was drunk out of her mind. Plus, it was outside of any relationship at all, and I could get in trouble for it. I wanted to be closer to her though, so I tried my luck anyways. I brushed across her lean stomach again. She turned her head towards me slightly, so I could see the side of her face. I felt one of her arms move, so it was resting on my waist. I thought that she liked that, so I began to stroke her across the stomach slowly and deliberately. We both still had our eyes closed, and it was still very silent.

Karen turned her head farther, and moved her hand to my own stomach. She grazed at the edge of my waistband of my boxers with her delicate fingers, and I almost shuddered. My dick began to harden more and more, and pressed farther into her ass. Her fingers lifted the waistband, and danced inside. I really did shudder. Was this really going to happen? It was so random, so sudden…but so natural. I followed suite with my hand, and found the edge of her panties. I rubbed closer and closer down, and she seemed to approve with her deepening breaths. I lead my fingers downwards, and traced the outside of her pussy. The wetness soaked the fabric. Meanwhile, her hand went deeper into my boxers and found my dick. The fingers started moving along the shaft, not gripping it, but ever so lightly stroking up and down with her fingertips and nails. 

The tingling, teasing sensation caused my dick to instantly stand at full force. It was almost too much, and my drive pretty much took over. My hand went into the panties and began stroking her extremely wet lips. We were unstoppable. Her head finally turned all the way, and our open mouths met. Her tongue swirled around mine, our lips locked, and our intentions unified. My other hand glided down into her bra, and began teasing her nipple. A slight whimper of pleasure escaped her lips.

She began tugging at my boxers, and pulled them down to my knees. I kicked them off with little effort. My hand grabbed both her panties and pajama pants and began pulling them down. She used her hand to help me and they came all the way off. For a moment, I just pressed myself against her, and felt her bare, perfect ass pressed against me. This was it. We stopped kissing, and she turned completely on her side and shifted her ass up. Her hand grabbed my dick, and positioned it right at her entrance. The slick wetness was on the tip of my cock, and she nuzzled herself towards me. Slowly, slowly, I felt the tightness slide around the head my dick. It was too much, the warm flesh wrapping, almost conjoining with myself, inch by inch. For the first time in weeks, I was alive and aware, and I held Karen closer as she completely and utterly took me in. 

It was a feeling beyond belief that gripped me, as we just laid there momentarily while I was fully inside her. It was the ultimate pleasure of the flesh, a corporeal union that encompassed both the body and the soul. 

Then, she began moving ever so slightly. It was so wet that there was almost no friction. Very slowly, she fucked me with the length of about three inches, halfway in to all the way into her. The pace became faster, and the thrusts became longer. We moved together, her ass grinding into my hips and rocking gently. 

Whimpers and moans began to escape through her closed lips. The muscles of her pussy started to grip my cock sporadically, almost as if she was twitching. I was building my orgasm myself, and it wasn’t very far away. She began moving more and more, grabbing my hand and leading it down her bra once again. I cupped her breast and rubbed it as we fucked harder and harder. Everyone around as was still sound asleep, and the blue hues of early dawn crept into the window. She turned towards me, eyes blissfully shut and her mouth opened.

“Do it inside me…don’t stop..” she whispered, as I was about to come. 

Her tightness gripped my cock as I slid in and out of her, and she began whimpering to the rhythm of the strokes. She was still so tight and wet, and we were so close together. It was as if we were moving as one, writhing mass of sexual pleasure, as I entered her from behind again and again. I felt it building up down there. It was an overwhelming sensation that began to overtake my entire body, and I grabbed her hips and began ramming hard. She arched back in and cried in pleasure, and I pressed myself all the way in as I came deep into her. 

We both laid there breathing hard. The morning was almost completely in. She looked at me, and kissed me on the mouth. She looked at me again, and I simply looked into her eyes, and her face. Her eyes were brown, and she was wide-eyed as she peered into mine. I saw, in that iris of hers, a hint of sorrow and an expression of kindness, a puzzling conflict of emotions so deeply moving and so unsettling that it haunts to still to this day.

Ask me anything, if you have to ask.
