[MF] The MILF From The Laundry Room Screwed (me) And Then With My Head

Hello. You might remember me as “schrutetune,” but now I am “schrutetune1” and it’s all because of Melody. You can view [part three](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8jnkk5/mf_conversation_with_divorced_milf_inside/), [part two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8hpvho/mf_conversation_with_divorced_milf_inside/) and [part one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8gt4pz/mf_conversation_with_divorced_milf_inside/) of this series by clicking on those links.

So what the fuck happened? Why did I delete my account? Well, Melody fucked with my head. You see, I was beginning to really like my time on this sub. People seemed to enjoy my stories, [my dick](https://i.imgur.com/BPRhUne.jpg), and I even made some friends on here. It was all gravy.

Well, Melody showed up at my door this past weekend. You’ll remember that when we left off the last time, I had told her about me writing stories about our fling, and she was not happy about it. She was not comfortable with the idea, and I was prepared to live my life never seeing her beautiful titties again.

But then she came knocking on my door this weekend. I should warn you right now this story only contains like 5% sex, so if you only care about the sex, you might be disappointed. Leave now! YOU WILL ONLY GROW TO HATE ME JUST LIKE MY FATHER!

“We need to talk,” she said as soon as I opened the door. No hello or anything. Straight to business.

“Okay…” I replied. Melody, who wore an [outfit similar to this](https://i.imgur.com/Lpyak57.png), made herself comfortable by sitting down on MY bed this time.

“I came by yesterday. You didn’t answer,” she said, hoping for an answer.

“I was out of town.”

“I want to read the stories,” she told me. I guess she wasn’t interested in my road trip.

“What? Really?”

“Yeah. Show me the stories.”

I pulled out my laptop, went to my Reddit profile and then passed the laptop to her. It felt like she was reading for hours. Occasionally, she’d let out a little giggle, but for the most part she was silent, which made me nervous as hell.

“You like the attention, huh?” She asked, closing the laptop and placing it down on the floor.

“I guess so…”

“Yeah you do. People talking about how nice your dick is. You eat it up.”

“I mean, sure…it’s nice to hear.”

“I want you to delete them.”

“Why? No one knows who you are. I didn’t use your actual name or anything. It’s just for entertainment.”

“I’m not worried about that. I just don’t like to share,” after she said this, she lifted my shirt up just a bit and placed her hand below my belly button. Her fingertips were positioned just underneath my waistband. I was a little off my game at this point…not that I had much to begin with.

“So I delete them, and then what?”

“We see where this goes…” She leaned in and kissed me. A soft and gentle kiss. It lasted just long enough for me to succumb to her powers. I grabbed the laptop from the floor and deleted my account. At the time, I didn’t realize the stories would stay no matter what, and I’m sure she didn’t know either.

“Good boy,” she spoke softly. She slid her hand inside my pants and began stroking me. She wrapped her hand around my cock and rubbed the head against my thigh. I had absolutely no power in this moment. She had complete control. She started to suck on my neck as she continued to stroke me. I tried to take off my pants, but she stopped me, “No. Keep them on,” she whispered.

She slid her hand out momentarily to spit on it before sliding it back down my pants. The palm of her hand, which was now covered with her saliva, rubbed against the head of my cock. I was close, and she knew it. I didn’t want to cum in my fucking pants, so I tried once again to remove them, but she made it clear she didn’t want that.

Just a few more strokes and I was cumming all over my pants and her hand. She removed her hand, wiped it clean on the outside of my pants and then headed for the door.

“Wait, what…you’re leaving?”

“Yeah. We’re done.” she said, not even looking back. She left, I took off my pants and boxer briefs and went to clean up in the bathroom. I did laundry the other day (no she wasn’t there) and the stain on the outside of my pants won’t completely go away, most likely because I’m too cheap to buy the ~good shit~ when it comes to detergent.

Anyway. I’m pretty sure this was all about her having control. I really don’t think she gives a fuck about the stories. Once she saw that her name was changed and it was just pure entertainment, I could tell she didn’t care. The rest of it was just a game to her, and I’m not going to lie…she won.

She might be reading this, although, I have my doubts. She didn’t pay attention to where it was located. It was clear she didn’t know much (or anything at all) about Reddit. I’m not sure what my next move should be. Honestly, I’m not even sure I want to make a next move with her. Last weekend she has me ruining a pair of jeans, next weekend she’s drinking my blood? I don’t know how long the progression to Gone Girl takes, but a part of me wants to find out.

Anyway, if we had a conversation going on before, feel free to send me another PM.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8lwrtb/mf_the_milf_from_the_laundry_room_screwed_me_and


  1. Perhaps you should try out a sort of power play yourself. Be patient and wait until you meet her again, perhaps brushing against her or whatever. What would be awesome is meeting in the laundry room again, preferably when you are close to finishing up and if the mood is there, tease her and leave her wet.

    This sounds like something that could escalate. Be strong. :)

  2. There is no next move. That’s it. It’s done. Game over man. Just like that. Enjoy it for what it was

  3. Good luck, man. I really enjoyed all your posts.

    Hopefully she’s not done with you. Keep us updated, if you’re able.

  4. Damn, man. Time to pack up and move on from her, she was not happy with you. The universe giveth, and the universe taketh away.

    Next time don’t tell the woman that you’re writing stories about her without her permission though, some women clearly do not like that apparently.

  5. Bummer. I was hoping she reconsidered. My SO and i really liked the stories. I would’ve been flattered.

  6. I haven’t been on this sub THAT long, but these are honestly the best I’ve read. You should try to see her again. If she doesn’t initiate it, why not shoot your shot (no pun intended). What’s the worst than can happen? I’m sure she wouldn’t murder you. Trash your apartment and pants at worst.

  7. Maybe she’s just making you wait. If anything else happens let us know man.

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