How my best friend turned me from good conservative girl to cock worshiping slut [FM]

Long-time lurker I think it’s time I finally start contributing. This event actually took place several years ago but it had such a huge impact on my sex life that it’s only right I start there.

Since this is my first story I’ll give some detail and backstory. (Skip to the middle of this post to start getting into the good stuff) I grew up in a cult and was a very devout Christian girl. I wasn’t the type who tried to rebel either, I took the fate of my eternal life in Paradise very seriously. I studied the Bible daily. This was no game, I was determined to be perfect.

In middle school I met Bobby; I can’t say we were instantly best friends. He was everything elders in my congregation had warned me about. He smoked weed, he acted out and had already fucked one of my friends before I had even thought of having my first kiss. For whatever reason he seemed as fasinated by my ‘otherness’ as I was with his. He’d tease me calling me ‘good girl’ and I’d persist in trying to convert him to “The Truth.”

Somehow we finished our middle school years as best friends, we went to highschool together and by a stroke of luck even were accepted into the same college. By then my faith had cracked – I won’t bore with the reasons why- but I had been disfellowshiped and shunned by my family and congregation. I was now a worldly apostate who had a boyfriend and had even had sex with that boyfriend! Though I didn’t really understand what all the fuss was about because sex was just “okay” by my experience.

Bobby of course had now fucked more women than I could keep track of at that point. We were close but hadn’t ever crossed a line. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about a time or two though. Especially when one of his girlfriend’s would brag about how thick his cock was and how he was the best fuck of her life. To my surprise, I’d find myself feeling a little jealous at these stories. These girls seemed to be having such a good time when he treated me like his sister at most. He was an attractive guy tall, gorgeous body with these spectacular blue eyes. He was my friend but I wasn’t blind and there was an attraction there coupled with growing curiosity.

One night after a particular party we were outside alone enjoying the night and talking. I was finishing up my drink while he smoked, he asked how things were going with my boyfriend. I told him things were good and that we finally “did it”. He seemed to really pay attention then. He probed for more details. I told him it was okay, it felt alright but not like it was in porn, I was convinced most of the girls reactions in videos were acts. I still hadn’t had an orgasm myself yet. He snorted at that, “what kind of guy are you fucking?” I instantly jumped to my boyfriend’s defense. I explained to Bobby that it wasnt his fault, in fact I had read some articles about women who just can’t cum from sex and that I just think I’m one of them. “No you aren’t.” He insisted. I shot back angry now, “How the hell would you know? We’ve had sex a ton of times now and it feels like nothing most the time. Its my damn body, seriously, don’t shame me.” He apologized, put out his cigarette and left me outside. I was fuming but also couldn’t let go of the way he seemed so sure I was wrong.

A few months passed and I had gotten over the argument. We didn’t talk about it again. The new semester had started and I had made the brilliant decision to take a class that started at 7am. Being without a car (and with my boyfriend refusing to wake up so early to take me) I was forced to take public transit; I’d end up on campus at 5:30am in the cold. Bobby had his own apartment a few blocks away from the school so he’d usually leave the door unlocked for me to come crash on the couch. One morning I walked in and found him already awake sitting on the couch watching a movie. “Hey, didn’t know you would be up.” I said sitting down next to him. He handed me the blanket I usually used. “Yeah, I wanted to see you.” He said. Kind of odd but I shrugged it off and relaxed leaning against him (this was not uncommon for me to cuddle up to my friends). The movie came to a scene with some topless girls with gorgeous breasts. I laughed nervously, “Wow uh… those are nice.” He slid his hand down my side “I bet yours are better.”

I instantly turned red, he’d never talked to me like that. All I could think was, “omg is this going to happen???” And the next thing was him moving in to kiss me. I’d like to say I pushed him off and stood up rightously for my relationship or reminded him that he himself had a new girlfriend but my body felt like it wasn’t even my own at that point. I kissed him back hard, kissed him like it would be the last kiss in my whole life. He slid his hands under my shirt, under my bra and gripped both breasts in his hands. He pinched and rolled my nipples causing me to moan softly in his mouth. He was such an amazing kisser the tension and chemistry was intense.

He pulled my top off reveling my full DD chest to him. He stopped and just stared at them for a while, the hungry look he had made me feel more sexy than I ever had before. He stood up, I thought to pull out his cock -I was excited to see if it really was as thick as I’d heard. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my head. Instead he lifted me off the couch and took me into his room throwing me onto the bed.

He was quickly on top of me, kissing me again though slower this time; more purposeful in his movements. I ran my hands all over him, pulling off his shirt and taking the look of him in. He caught me staring and locked eyes with me. He was beautiful, his eyes were beautiful I wanted to stay in that moment forever. He finally broke the long silence, “How could you not see that I love you?” He said. The emotion that hit me then was so raw, I felt tears welling up. “I love you too.” I whispered while trying to maintain my composure. He finally released me from his gaze slowly kissing along my collar bone and neck, “Will you let me make you cum?” He sounded so sweet, my body started to shake as I gave him a quick nod. He then reached over taking a piece of cloth from the table near his bed and bringing it back to blindfold me.

I couldn’t see him but the first thing I felt was his hands squeeze my thighs pushing them apart. I caught my breath as I felt him kissing down my legs and all over my pussy. He teased me with little flicks of his tongue briefly brushing across my clit making me jump. His tongue slipped between my labia playing with every piece. I felt his fingers slip into me while he moved his focus to my clit, sucking it first then licking with perfect long strokes. I was so sopping wet that when he slipped his finger into my ass too there was no resistance; it felt like pure exstacy. I was bucking and moaning, I felt so free.

When he stopped to pull off my blindfold his breath was hot and his body was red. I could see the tip of his cock peeking out from his pants. I was out of breath but he knew what I wanted, I didn’t have to ask. He pulled down his pants and when I saw his cock I literally gasped it was fucking huge. I know every guy says he has the most huge cock you’d ever see but this guy, my best friend, had the fattest , longest monster cock you’d only see in porn. And he NEVER bragged about his own dick himself which blows my mind because it’s definitely something to write home about. I laughed and took it into my hand, “There’s no way that’s going to fit!” His throbbing dick was so stiff that my finger tips weren’t even close to being able to touch. “It will fit.” He teased while laying me back. “Do you want me to…suck it?” I asked nervously feeling a little lazy for not doing much of any work so far. “Not this time.” He said “This time will be about you.” He laid between my legs but didnt immediately penetrate me Instead taking some time to kiss me and stroke my hair. My whole body just relaxed it felt like I had taken a muscle relaxer. That’s when he reached for his cock and slowly pushed it against me. I could feel my lips spreading wide. I started to get a little scared. He took my hand in his, he must have noticed me begin to get tense, so keeping it slow, he thrusted back and forth with short strokes. He was finally able to work the full tip in and I gasped from just that.

He kept checking in, making sure nothing hurt, making sure I was ready and wanted more. “Please don’t stop.” I begged now, all I wanted was all of him. So he gave it, steadily pushing himself into my throbbing wet pussy, all the way to the hilt. The best way to describe how his cock made we feel was…. full. I felt entirely filled up with him like there was no room for anything else. He started to thrust a bit faster but kept each stroke luxurously long. He’d press his body in firmly against my clit with each thrust creating this amazing duel stimulation. I was moaning and scratching into his back. I could hear the wet smacking as he fucked me faster. On every out thrust I could feel my pussy lips gripping onto him tightly like they didn’t want to let him go either lol. I can’t imagine any recreational drug feeling any better than this man’s cock. I started to feel something peaking in my body. I didn’t know what it was at first- don’t laugh but I honestly was scared I might have to pee ? I tried to stop him, “Bobby wait I think I have to pee omg I’m sorry omg I think we need to take a break idk what’s…” He took my hand into his and whispered “Shhh just relax… it’s okay..let it come. Cum for me baby.” Then he pressed into my clit firmly again while thrusting not just fast now but hard. I did as I was told, I stopped trying to fight the feeling that was peaking, I let go of control, let me legs fall open to the side, let my eyes roll back and let myself scream without shame as I came for the first time. He let out a moan himself pulling out quickly and cumming on my stomach and breasts. I skipped class that morning and we spent the rest of the day cuddling, sleeping and fucking.

Things were never the same after that, he had awakened a monster in me.. The next few years were full of the wildest kinkiest sex I’d ever imagined. With Bobby I had my first threesome, my first party turned orgy, and lots more that I cant wait to post about if there’s interest. And though we didn’t end up together in the end we remain great friends- my husband has no shame in his appreciation for all the tricks my BFF taught me ;)



  1. You need to get back into the Theocratic Ministry School and Aux Pioneer for awhile to atone lol.

  2. Any other experiences where he was that sweet? The grabbing your hands and comforting you was very sweet

  3. You were still a good girl even after you started worshipping cocks. Never think that you turned ‘bad’.

    Embracing your sexuality is a good thing.

    I would love to read more of your stories. Thank you for writing and sharing.

  4. > I know every guy says he has the most huge cock you’d ever see

    Nope. Every guy doesn’t say this. At all.

  5. I would like to hear more about the cult. Did you have to live in a bunker?

  6. Anyone else think of Bobby Hill every time she said his name?

  7. Wow. Incredibly hot story! There’s definitely interest in some of the other stories! You sound lovely too btw!

  8. That was a fantastic story. I love the intimacy and how you described it. Not that I’m going around fucking a lot of girls, but I hope if I have a chance like this with a woman I can do a similar thing. Passion is my favorite part of sex and I love sharing that.

  9. > Has a giant cock, doesn’t brag about it

    > When offered a blowjob by a still somewhat timid girl, replies “Not *this time*”

    That’s what genuine confidence in one’s self looks like. Sounds like exactly the kind of person you needed to meet at that time of your life. As unashamedly raw & sexy as this is, the sweetness is what really gets me.

  10. I wish I was as amazing as your Bobby sounds. I would love to give just one woman that kind of experience.

  11. Very hot story. How big is your husband in comparison? Did you pretty much have to have that kind of size afterward?

  12. Hot story. Does your husband know the stories? Why did you & Bobby stop seeing each other? When was the last time you hooked up with him? Was it hard to give up?

  13. WOW! Thank you for sharing! I loved this story (not the whole shunning part), not only because I could feel the anticipation and the sensuality through your words, but also because I can relate so much to it. I am still that “prodigal” daughter, whom they are waiting to return to the fold. I cannot imagine the pain you must’ve felt (and still feel), but I am so happy to see that YOU are happy, and continue to explore who you are and what you want. It breaks my heart to see so many children trapped inside of this abusive cycle of stigma, shame and fear.

    As a younger girl I always had to fight back sexual desires, urges. I found myself going out where no one in my family could find me and touching myself, feeling so much pleasure, but tying it to sin and depravity. I always felt repressed, but never knew how to deal with it. And I didn’t want to disappoint God or my parents.

    Did you ever have to fight back sexual urges as a young girl? Did you ever masturbate or touch yourself or have any sort of exposure to more sexually explicit stuff? It’s funny because I didn’t even know what porn was until my early 20s, I had never used a vibrator or masturbated either. The sorry excuse for sexual education in the 5th grade taught me nothing and my parents for sure didn’t mention a thing. Just that sex was for marriage ONLY. I just knew I felt something, and I wanted more, sexually stimulating, but could never take that step out of fear and shame. And didn’t even know how to get it!

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