18 [M] Not a sex story but a story about how I developed a fetish. (No judgement, please.)

I’m an 18 year old guy. I know I’m young and I do not have much sexual experience but I have been a sexually minded individual since my early teens. I’m a rather intuitive individual and one of my many interests is the human mind and psychology. I took my first psychology class in college this semester. One of the many things we discussed is our development during childhood and that some brilliant psychologists have claimed our childhood sexuality experiences determine a lot about our adult sexuality. I personally believe this is very true as some of my childhood experiences have led to developing a fetish.

My first story was when I was 11. My dad was moving into a new house and working several hours a week since divorcing my mother. He got my aunt/ his sister in law to watch over me and my brother for most of the days he was gone working in downtown. My aunt was a really nice woman and still is. She had a young daughter at the time who was maybe 8 months old and because she often was gone from the home, she had to breast pump in order to have food for her daughter.

Oddly enough, she would pump every day sometimes multiple times when she was taking care of me and every time, she would let me watch at the kitchen table. I don’t know what it was but something about seeing her nipples being pulled back and forth in the electric pump spraying milk was hypnotizing in my mind. I watched her for many days out of those few months pumping and enjoyed every second of it. My aunt maybe crazy for letting me watch her do that but I am honestly thankful to her for doing that.

Fast forward a few years later, I’m 14 almost 15 and the hormones of puberty are hitting me full swing with horrendous acne, growing a whole foot in one year, and having an obsession for porn. At some point, I stumbled across some porn videos involving lactation. It was super hot. There was even some involving BDSM and lactation which was rather interesting and exhilarating.

From then until I was 17, I always had a natural fixation for breasts. I was often a little too focused on them as I got caught a few times eyeing up girls at school and at social events trying to get a peak. I know it’s rude and wrong of me to do so which I have since changed but I really didn’t know better back then. This would be a crucial step to what happened next.

Starting about a year ago, I never could get those memories off my mind. It was so much to a point, I spent many hours out of my week day dreaming and replaying recollections of what I experienced and seen. It got to be such an intense fixation that it was at a point I couldn’t get off from masturbation without thinking about it. I researched deep into the idea and discovered erotic lactation.

I have a lactation fetish. I’m proud of it. I don’t care what other people think. If it’s part of the fragmentation of my sexuality then so be it. It makes me more different of a person which makes me feel even better about myself. I hope this provided you some insight and I’m glad I’m able to express myself with this platform and subreddit.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8l3bxh/18_m_not_a_sex_story_but_a_story_about_how_i


  1. Preach my friend…

    I’m a complete breast man with a lactation fetish so I can relate… Don’t let yourself or others make you feel bad about your kinks… Own it…

    I’m 52 and I’ve been a breast man all my adult life…

  2. When my ex was nursing and breast pumping I loved watching and sucking her nipples to get as much breast milk as I could. It was fun to spray on me, to lick it up, feel it spurting into my mouth and more. I love how sweet and amazing it was, and it was a big turnon for me too. I was sad when she stopped producing, and that I’ll probably never get to do that again. It was amazing.

    Nothing wrong with your fetish, breasts are amazing!

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