O Holy Night! [M]y [F]etish is Born…

Hey r/gonwewildstories. I’ve been reading this sub for a long time, but I’m not active on reddit in general so I’ve never posted a story of my own. I’m a 30 year old dude who just finished up a very busy year in my grad program, which means that now I have a little downtime so I figured why not give back. This is my first time writing a personal story of any kind, so be gentle I guess? I hope you like it…

So I kind of have a thing for gloryholes, and there is definitely a reason why. This kink goes all the way back to high school for me. I was 16 at the time and halfway through my Junior year. At the time, I was only 5’6 and weighed about 135lbs, but I was always in good shape because of athletics. Although I’m still not the tallest guy around, I’ve been told I’m handsome and I seem to do alright when it comes to dating. I was interested in this girl named Chelsea from my Spanish class, and I worked up the courage to chat with her a few times when class was over. I thought she was really cute, and each time we spoke she struck me as a really sweet person. She definitely caught me staring a couple times (which I really wasn’t meaning to do), but each time we made eye contact, she would give off this subtle smile so I thought maybe she was kind of into me as well. Well the more I chatted with her after class, the more I really became interested. She was a senior and it wouldn’t be long before she would head off to a private Catholic University. She played in the band and knew her way around a saxophone. She also played club soccer and could totally smoke me on the field. She stood about 5’3” and was quite athletic despite her petite figure. You could tell she exercised a lot and cared about the way she looked, but I think she had this natural beauty about her and never seemed overly concerned with her appearance. Her family was super religious and she seemed fairly religious as well from what I could tell.

We really hit it off and started spending more and more time together. Turns out that Chelsea had more of a naughty side than I first anticipated. She was still a virgin and planned to stay that way but she confessed to being really turned on by cum. The smell of it, taste of it, everything about it, she just loved it. She told me that she would secretly watch porn whenever she got the chance, and that she fantasized about giving blowjobs all the time, even though she had only given them to one other person, her ex-boyfriend. Chelsea described him as kind of a jerk, and having met him myself, I couldn’t help but agree with her assessment. She told me how he would grab her hair and forcefully thrust his dick into her mouth repeatedly, so she never really had much control when it came to giving head. She also told me that practically every time she gave him head, he would pull out and jerk off on her face when he was about to cum. Having never been given a chance to develop her oral skills, she felt self-conscious about her ability. However, one day when we were hanging out on the soccer field kicking the ball around, out of nowhere, she surprised me by asking if I would like a blowjob. She said I would be “doing her a favor” by helping her get over her self-consciousness. I thought to myself, “favor my ass,” but I managed to blurt out a “umm.. yes. I would like that,” before it got too awkward. I saw a slightly devious smile appear across her face, and then she she she couldn’t wait but it would have to be under certain “conditions”… I had to give her total control. She also really didn’t want to think about me watching her while she did it, but I wasn’t sure how we were going to address that one. She simply wanted to focus on my cock and make it cum completely under her own power. Who was I to argue? She knew what she wanted, and by god, I was going to make sure she got it!

She waited until her parents were away one night (her dad often traveled for business and her mom would occasionally go with him out of town for “vacation”), and it was during one of these trips that she invited me over. I would like to say I played the whole thing cool, but as soon as I got the word, I drove like a bat out of hell to her place and got pulled over on way. I learned that speeding tickets are expensive and that it is hard to concentrate on answering a cop’s questions while also trying to hide a raging boner. Well he writes his ticket and then I’m off. I finally arrive and try my best to casually stroll up to the front door. She opens it before I can even knock and greets me with the most mischievous grin I’ve ever seen. She immediately grabs my hand and we walk towards her room upstairs. Although I practically had a boner from the time I left my house, it still felt like my dick was growing larger with each step up the stairs. I could not stop thinking about what was about to happen and the anticipation was driving me crazy. When we got to her room, she told me to wait outside and that she would let me know when she wanted me to come in. I stood outside her door counting the seconds and trying not to touch the raging tent in my gym shorts. After what felt like an eternity, she called my name and I opened the door.

I wasn’t quite sure what to think at first, because she had taken a large blanket and hung it from the top of the entrance way with duck tape so that it was completely covered. I immediately noticed that she had cut a sizable hole in the blanket, which was situated at about waste height. I was kinda dumbfounded for a second while I listened to her moving around on the other side of the blanket. Before I could ask what was happening, she told me to stick my dick through the hole. Not being one to question any part of this mind-blowing adventure, and with my hard-on almost bursting at this point, I immediately dropped my pants and put my dick in hole. Nothing happened at first, but soon I felt the light caress of a hand slowly begin to stroke up and down my shaft. She was incredibly gentle with each movement, and I could tell she was taking her time. It felt like she was trying to develop her own relationship with my dick because she would whisper to it, saying how beautiful she thought *he* was and how long she had been waiting to mee*t h*im. Yes, she was talking to my penis like I wasn’t even there, and I was not about to get in between them. Then, I felt this warm wetness envelope the head of my cock, and then a gentle sucking motion. She slowly began to work her way down my shaft and then back up again. Soon my whole cock was surrounded, and I could feel her lips squeeze around the base of my shaft and her nose against my pubic bone. I can’t say that I’ve ever had a true religious experience, but this was definitely fucking close. It took everything I had not to burst right then, but I think she could tell how excited I was and she pulled back, lightly running her tongue up and down my almost painfully erect cock. She took me deep in her mouth a few more times before I had to warn her that I couldn’t hold it much longer. She whispered that she wanted my cum and that is all it took. I felt the orgasm build from deep inside me, and as the first wave of my orgasm hit, my whole body tensed up and my legs almost gave out. At this point I’m thinking Chelsea is in fact an angel sent by God almighty to exorcise some demon who had taken up residence deep in my loins. Praise be! As soon as i started to cum she wrapped her lips tightly around my cock while I emptied rope after rope of demon semen into her mouth. I almost felt bad because I hadn’t jerked off in several days so I knew it was a lot of cum, but she just moaned and sucked and slurped up everything that came out of me. When I finally stopped cumming, my body was totally spent and I almost needed to lie down. It was by far the best blowjob I had received at that point and not many other ones have topped it since.

Chelsea and I dated for a few years after she left for college, but unfortunately it didn’t last. My kink for gloryholes certainly did though.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8kq4jf/o_holy_night_my_fetish_is_born


  1. Kind of rare to find glory holes for hetero-sex, in my experience. Do you frequent the ones that are open to whatever, including gay/bi sex?

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