[MF] Friends who eventually got benefits [LONG]

I briefly met Laura years ago during a small dinner with a group of friends. I had just returned from a vacation with my girlfriend at that time so that was all the talk of the table. After that, Laura and I exchanged messages online about travel and our favorite places to go. She was a frequent traveler and could easily talk about it for hours! Her mannerisms were a bit off the beaten path. Direct and usually had no filter on whatever left her mouth – so that made for some really fun conversations. Most people thought she was a bit harsh and hard to approach, but she was friendly enough to me.

We tossed around the idea to meet up and talk in person more. She set up a day. After checking with my girlfriend to see if she was free (funky work hours) we decided I should just go since she couldn’t make it. So, Laura and I met up at a tiny mom and pop restaurant to chat. To give you all an idea of her looks – she’s mixed Asian. Long black hair, cute face, smooth flawless skin, tall, slim figure but absolutely massive breasts. She dressed in athletic clothes most of the time and didn’t wear makeup ever. She always had a lot of attention but tended to shut everyone down who approached her. Again, friendly with me, but I didn’t think anything of it. There wasn’t anything romantic going on and I didn’t hit on her. I figured that’s why. Anyway, we had a great time, staying until the place closed. We talked about travel (of course), relationships, and just got to know each other better overall. Lots of laughs and inside jokes.

This continued every month or two. Nothing romantic or sexual feeling to me. In a lot of ways I couldn’t even relate those thoughts to her – not because I was in a relationship but because there was simply nothing loving, warm, or flirty about her. Her charm was, if anything, her blunt and foul mouth. If you know anyone like that, you’ll know what I mean. It didn’t take long before comments along the lines of “I have to fart so bad but I’m in class” became standard. It was really endearing because I knew she trusted me.

Fast forwarding a year or two, I broke up with my girlfriend and dated someone new. She had a couple of boyfriends on and off. My second girlfriend knew Laura so we all hung out together sometimes. My girlfriend would often tell me how much she wanted to see Laura’s breasts and grab them. I told her “I’m sure if you ask, she’ll let you!” It was true. Anyway, at one party we had all gone to, dressed a bit nicer than usual – Laura would only go if I went, too. Social anxieties and all. She had put on an actual dress and makeup. She stuck with me and my girlfriend almost the whole night, sending texts from feet away either about how cold and hard her nipples were, or about the urgency of taking a shit soon. I can’t emphasize enough how normal this was. Her boyfriend didn’t come to the party.

It was hard for her to connect and be vulnerable with anyone, so she really never had good relationships. Soon, she broke it off with her boyfriend and eventually I would end things with my girlfriend, too. Laura and I would often text into the late night by this point. When not about bowel movements, she would also text her selections of porn for the night. We both knew we masturbated often and casually talked about it without too much detail. We even had a codeword for it. One of these late nights, I told her I was certain there were a lot of guys who would fuck her if she needed it but she said she didn’t want to because they would always get attached. I asked if she liked anyone. She said yes, but that she couldn’t have him. When I asked why, she said because she wasn’t good enough. That blew my mind a bit, because it was implying she looked up to someone and that was highly unusual. She said she didn’t like most people in general, and yet she felt beneath a guy. Unheard of. Another late night, she was half asleep and brought it up again – describing him a bit. I got the hint, she was trying to say it was me. I was really flattered, but I didn’t acknowledge that I understood. I mean, anyone who doesn’t tell you who they like usually means you, right? I didn’t make any moves. I was comfortable with her and felt close, but I knew any relationship would be a disaster. I always kept that in mind if I had any feelings creeping in.

Months and months passed. She was usually pretty busy with her schedule but we hung out every few months and had dinners, saw movies, nothing too crazy. She always gave herself a cutoff time around 9pm to go home and sleep, yet every time she would stay with me until 1am using any excuse. Even if she had plans after ours, she would cancel them on the fly. One night though, she said she would be off of work early and we could spend the rest of the day together. We had dinner, walked around town a bit, and settled into watching some movie we had been talking about for a long time in my room. By the time it finished, it was getting to be around 9-10pm. I asked if she had to go and she said it was fine. Instead, she picked a new movie on Netflix and we started watching that. I started to get sleepy around 11, though, and I really wanted to get ready for bed and knock out. I dropped a few hints saying I was so tired and it was getting late… but no movement. Then this happened.

“Okay, well if I fall asleep don’t mind me.” I said.

“That’s okay, you can sleep.”

“Usually we’re watching porn and getting off by now aren’t we? I haven’t even done it today yet.”

“You can do it if you want, I don’t mind,” she said so casually.

“Really? You wouldn’t mind? You’re serious?” I said while laughing, in an almost accusatory tone. I didn’t believe her.

“Yeah totally serious!”

“Fine, but don’t get mad or grossed out at me.”

With that, I got under the bedsheets and took off my pajama pants (I was already pretty much in sleepwear). I closed my eyes and felt myself up. My heart was beating about 10,000bpm at this point. I was almost doing this on a dare now just to see how far she’d let it go. It was exciting! I didn’t expect her to do anything but watch, if anything. I took my time. A few minutes in, once a little bit of the nervousness wore off, I got more into it. I took off my underwear, too, and sighed with relief to feel free of the restriction.

“That’s better,” I said.

“More comfortable?”

“Yeah, plus I was making a mess of them.” It’s true, I was dripping like crazy now, and she could hear the wetness.

A minute or two in – “I can’t see anything,” She complained.

“You can look under the sheets if you want.”

She put her head on my stomach, lifted the sheets a bit and saw only darkness. “I can’t see anything still.”

“Okay, you can just move the sheets off of me.”

I closed my eyes again and felt cool air over my body as she exposed me. I heard a little gasp from her as she watched just for a minute or two. Suddenly – I felt her weight on my stomach and her lips on mine. She kissed me so intensely, I didn’t know what to do with myself. We made out like it was a movie scene. She smelled so good. Her lips tasted incredible and felt soft. It was a hot, hot moment. When I opened my eyes, she looked like a different girl than the one I saw moments ago. Her face was beaming with lust. I had honestly never seen her looking sexier.

We kissed more before she said, “I didn’t know you liked me.”

“It’s kind of complicated don’t you think?”

She said nothing back. Instead, she set herself next to me, cuddling with me. “Don’t stop touching yourself.” She watched as I stroked myself. Totally soaked at this point. Another minute in and she quickly moved her head down, took the head of my cock into her mouth and cleaned it off… then promptly returned. Guys, if you’ve ever had this happen – you know it sends shivers down your spine. It drove me crazy. She made an “mmm” sound and wiped the edge of her mouth. “Don’t stop.” My arm was around her, holding her tightly against me as I sped up. I was feeling her up but she didn’t let me undress her at all. Instead, she guided my hand over her breast and told me to keep it there.

It wasn’t long before I needed to cum. She was in a trance by then, giving me small licks now and then, massaging the base of my cock, feeling my balls. I was surprised by her gentle, slow touch. Absolutely loved it. As she watched me cum, she was pinching and pulling on her nipples under her shirt (I would later learn how much she loved nipple play).

Laura helped me clean up and we cuddled a bit before she went home. I was in some disbelief about how much more gentle she became in the moment – and how hot it was. It was the first of many experiences we had together. Stories for another day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8k8vun/mf_friends_who_eventually_got_benefits_long