[M] I have no idea how guys here do it. How do you get laid? Girls my age typically want handsome, tall, and hung.

I’m 19. I’m only 5’5 tall. Already fucked. I’m ugly. I’m fat (to me losing weight will be a waste of time if it doesn’t get me laid). To top it all off I have a small dick, 5 inches. Everyone I know is younger than me and not a virgin. They’re so open about it. Meanwhile I’m 19 and can’t get anything from a girl except a nasty ass look.

If you looked at my post history you would think I’m a complete weirdo. People keep telling me to be confident and just talk to girls, but girls I know will literally look at a guy and say “Oh, he’s cute!” and start talking to him just because of that. I have NEVER had that experience.

I get so nervous being next to a group of girls that my heart pumps weirdly. I avoid all eye contact or else I might have a panic attack right there. I feel like ever since I was little people look at me because I’m disgustingly ugly.

Whatever I have been doing recently was to ask girls from different subreddits (including this one), as well as people from Fetlife and girls with profiles on Pornhub the following: “How much do height, looks, and dick size matter to you for sex? 7 inches is what girls want minimum but can 5 be enough? Do personality and confidence matter even if it’s just sex and not a relationship?”

Of course, every girl said they’re self-admitted size queens with high standards. Some girls were well-mannered in their responses to me, others were nasty and mean about it, saying I’ll never be enough, and that someone will only settle for me if they can’t find better. I have no idea who has this mentality, but I know for a fact that it’s not only common, but the majority of girls.

Another concern I started having was that average is supposedly 5 inches, yet I felt I didn’t look the part. With permission of course, I sent a dick pic of myself to some girls to see if my dick was average at least. FUCK NO. Any guy who posts here, or any guy that a girl writes or comments about, you have a big dick and are tall. I have no chance at success. Confidence means nothing. Girls preemptively choose who they want to fuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8jfcjn/m_i_have_no_idea_how_guys_here_do_it_how_do_you


  1. Chances are that this is gonna get banned because I’m telling the truth.

  2. Lose weight, not for women, fuck woman. Lose weight for yourself my man, your worth it. It will make your dick look bigger and give you confidence which is really all you need for woman to notice you.
    Quit putting the pussy on a pedestal.

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