[MF] With hopes to bang best friends little sister, i end up in a swingers group.

I have a collection of pics from the past number of years that I took for my spank bank more or less, at least with any girl that allows me to but I found I can turn the shutter sound off and sneak in some usually. Came across the site, thought I would put some of them up and share the stories behind them. A lot of these encounters took place after I inadvertently became a participant with some swingers so the first story is relevant to how that happened.

I added the pics in time sequence with the story except for the first pic linked which was taken later in the story but is just relevant to introduce her. I was going to blur the faces but enough time has passed it’s not too relevent.

In 2011’ish I met up with my old best friend, Justin growing up, his family was having a cookout so I went. Haven’t seen his family in a few years and I always thought his younger sister Natalie and mom were sexy as hell, Like 8/10 hot and maybe 12/10 for for a guy like me hot. Either way, for years in school I often fantasized about one or the other and sometimes both.

It’s hot outside, I’m there and I’m getting updated on everyone from his mom, despite her being over 40 now, i’d still bang her, she gets around to discussing [Natalie](https://imgur.com/4ytbEaU) whom is a couple years younger than me and her brother, when she mentioned something about since she left Steve, she’d been whoring around or something to that effect i didn’t pay that much attention. I later mentioned to Justin that she hasn’t changed since HS and still looks hot.
Right after saying that and with a troll face, he immediately walks over to Natalie and says “hey Nat, Mike thinks your hot” with a jest and a chuckle. I’m so embarrassed, what a bastard I thought. She just takes a drink from her glass as her eyes slowly raise to give me a peculiar look and says nothing. I didn’t know how to read that but had to walk away, I just felt a bit embarrassed and I’m sure that was Justin’s intent for his amusement. Now Natalie has always been basically a bitch, she’s the type that says what she thinks and will roast the shit out of you for every little thing. I never liked her personality, just her body. So growing up she was never nice to me anyway and would always roast me for something. So her reaction didn’t shock me other than I was surprised she didn’t roast me for thinking that like she would have back in the day.

Night falls, it winds down and I’m on my way out. I get in my car and I see something white on my seat and brush it off as I have no interior light. The following morning I go to scrap it and notice ink. It says NM: then a phone #. Took me a second then Omg those are Nat’s initials..no way I thought. It took me a couple days to get the courage to call since I don’t remember her being the most friendly type and apparently some things never change.

Her: “hello”
Me: “hey Nat, this is Mike.
Her: “Mike? *pause….Mike who?
Me: “Justin’s buddy”
Her: *long pause……..Yeeah?”
At this point I panic, it wasn’t quite the convo I was expecting with someone leaving me their number so I then thought I had been had. How could I be so foolish I thought. I had to think fast
Me: “Well, uh, I found a paper with your number on it that said NM and wasn’t sure who it was so….
Her: *awkward silence*
Me: …”wasn’t sure who left it”….
now I’m running out of air
Her: …..yeah…*long pause as if she is thinking hard*…….”yeah that’s mine.” *in a reluctant tone followed by more silence.*
Me: So…..you wan, or maybe ….
Her: “hey….I guess since your cool with it, come over to my house on Friday at 8pm
Me: Oh ok I….
*Click…she hung up on me. WTF, what a bitch I thought but I then got excited and scared at the same time just because I didn’t really know what to expect but I’m hopeful maybe she wants some dick?

So I show up to her (once her parents) house. Now I’m maybe 10 minutes late if that, when she finally answers the door she just looks at me.
Me: “Hey Natalie”
Her: “Your late”
Me: “oh sorry I ….
She walks away from the door as I speak and I step inside. There is another couple around my age there I never seen before. She introduces me to Kirby and Rachel except she introduces me as Steve, the name of her ex husband or whatever they are now.
Rachel: Hi Steve
Me: uh it’s Mike actually.
Nat: Steve is his middle name, just call him Mike. Mike the dike” *she giggles, something she always called me back in school cause it rhymed.*
I didn’t know wtf since Steve is not my middle name , maybe she forgot? but i didn’t say anything, i’m a go with the flow sort of guy. Now Rachel doesn’t seem in the most enthusiastic moods but me and Kirby hit it off with conversation which is a huge relief for me at this point. I start to notice Nat and Rachel would speak low to each other in the kitchen so I couldn’t hear. Then Nat asks me to retrieve something from her car. So I do, the classic go leave so we can talk about you behind your back trick. I’m not real comfortable for a while and everyone is just kind of around and having some casual drinks like we are all waiting on something.

Nat: “Ok you guys ready?”
Kirby: “Yeah”
and I’m like ready for wha?
Nat: “Ok so Mike you and Rachel can head off, when you come back…..
Me: “Wait what now?
She leans in,
Nat: “uh you know?”
I’m stupefied at this point.
Nat: Oh, I thought you already knew?
Me: “know what? *Again I ask.*
Nat: “Why do you think I invited you over?
In a hushed yet loudtone.
Me: “Uh”….
Nat: “OMG did you think we were going to fuck or something?”
Me: “Oh no I dindn’t have any….”
Nat : OMG, you did *reading my expression* “you creep’o, that’s gross. I thought everyone knew at this point” *with a sigh.* “What made you think I would”…she pauses then says “ I’m in a swingers group but I left Steve so I need a person to swing with so i don’t get booted, you get?.”
Me: *gasp* “oh”
is all I could muster out, now everything makes more sense. I didn’t know what to say honestly but i felt bad, mostly knowing she doesn’t look at me like that but i always knew that. She quiets her voice further
Nat: “Yeah I should have gone over it. Look, fine, if you go with Rachel then you can come back later if you want and we’ll do something, just please go.”
Whoa I thought, that certainly peaked my interest, I’m hoping that something is the thing I’ve been wanting to do for many years. But knowing Nat, I’m probably about to get hosed out. No clue why she would think i would magically know any of this but her mom did elude to something like that but guess it went over my head.

So I ride with Rachel and we get to a Best Western, room is already checked in apparently.
Rachel: “How do you want to do this?”
Me: . “Well I..”
Rachel: “If you want to nut, you’ll have to wear a rubber” she interrupted”
Me:“ok I just….”
Rachel: “What color do you like?”
Fuck me running this bitch talks I thought. She busted out some booze, started drinking, i passed, and the whole time she talked up a damn storm that could roll the eyes of a Gargoyle. Now Rachel wasn’t really my type, chubby, maybe a 5/10 at best but doable if i am to look at her in that way on a lonely Saturday night. So during this time period i had finally bought a cell phone that had a touch screen on it, it’s an LG Cookie if i recall, small and discreet for taking snapshots but otherwise is a crappy phone but figured it would be a great time to start taking random shots while fucking just to have for future spank bank material i guess but some girls aren’t into that and Rachel was no exception as she was self concious about her figure i only assume.

There’s not much to tell here since sex was very mediocre, I couldn’t feel anything thanks to the mega thick fireman’s rubber boot I had on, it felt awkward and fucking her was far from what i was expecting that night. I do her missionary style, She didnt shave her pussy for a few days as it was very stubbly and felt like sandpaper across my freshly mowed manscape job. Her noises were just like a particular ex of mine, that eh!, eh!, eh! in my ear the whole time giving me flashbacks, then she tells me she’s done and wants to suck me off, so I get up and she pulls off my rubber boot and pitches it across the room as she starts to suck me off. Finally something she’s good at, she can deep throat it anyway. I managed to sneak a photo snap before I [bust my load in her mouth](https://imgur.com/2PXUm8I) but it didn’t turn out very good. She wipes off her mouth as she chokes a little but I think she swallowed it, that or she had to spit it out in her hand but pretty sure she’s a swallower *troll grin*, but hell already I’m thinking about the chance to tap Nat’s ass. But I hang around for a while cause I didn’t want to be rude and at some point she asks if I’ll drive her car back to Nat’s for Kirby as she’s a tad tipsy. So I drive it back, it’s now like 2 or 3 am. “Shit, I bet their both asleep or something, there’s no way Natalie was ever planning to give me any, I had been a tool” I spoke to myself out loud.

I knock, and knock some more cause I want to make sure Kirby has his keys at least. Eventually Nat opens the door with a towel around her head and in a robe looking as if she just got out of the shower.
Me:“Hey here is Kirby’s keys”
Nat: “K…* grabs keys, tries to close the door*
Me: Hey uh, you mentioned we can do something later?
Nat: Oh….i… did i? …you can sit on the couch, Steve is in the shower, he’ll leave soon”
Shit bitch you knew damn well what you promised i thought to myself but her attitude never did make me feel comfortable but I’m really surprised she’s holding up on her end of the promise. She starts blow drying her hair in the hallway and asks
Nat: “hey, you have anymore rubbers? I used my last one on Kirby”.
Crap, I had nothing.
Me: “Uhm no”
Nat: “that’s fine….whatever”
Whoa, mind blown. I never thought i’d be at this point with Natalie.

Finally an hour or so later, Kirby leaves and after all these years I’m finally alone with Nat. She’s reapplying some lipstick or something which I thought was odd for 3 am but guess she’s self conscious about her looks or a night owl and then she seems somewhat reluctant as she looks at me and asks
Nat: “so you still seriously wanna do this?”
Me: “Might as well” *trying to sound nonchalant.*
then she goes back into the bathroom and comes out wearing a night shirt. She puts her arms behind my neck, a real surprise as I keep expecting her to just roast me and kick me out or something.
Nat: “C’mon” *she gestures talking with her hands, “ Well I guess I owe you something for all the times you helped work on my car” *referring to HS days* “at least you have a decent body”
Ah, classic Natalie is back. So glad to know I have something going for me which admittedly all those years of lifting weights is probably really is all I have going for me but at least she noticed, that’s something. I follow her into a room, we lay down and start making out. I was happy enough to just grope her body, her waist feels firm, I move my hands around her hips and ass and has the silkiest skin, likely from the lotion she just put on, she definitely works out and I’m really enjoying feeling her up because I always thought she was so sexy.

Her: You ready?
Me: yeah, uh, hey do you care if I take any footage with my phone?
Her: Forrrr??? *with a peculiar look*
Me: Just myself, for the…. spank bank I guess?
Her: You were always such a weirdo. Why? Are you seriously going to masterbate to this moment?
Me: uh,
Her: fine, whatever gets you off but no one sees them, got it?…*i hear some murmurs under her breath then* “are you ready?”

She pulls her shirt off and it’s the first time I see her tits, well see her naked actually. I’ve seen her in a bikini but damn she has a tight little body on her. I got my phone ready as she squats down on the bed [and she just kind of smiles at me](https://imgur.com/4wf0HhL) and starts to lean back. “Top or bottom?” She asks. Well I’ve always been partial to cowgirl so I said “bottom is fine”. “Good” she responds, figures since she’s the dominating type anyway.

Her; “So we’re doing no rubber right?”
Me: “oh I don’t…..”
Her: “You better not tell anyone we know about this” she interrupted. I lay back and she leans up over me, hikes her left leg up [grabs my dick](https://imgur.com/4VJaXmA) inserts it quickly as I slipped right in like a wet noodle [through a funnel](https://imgur.com/7VuTuBm). I’m basically just snapping randoms without looking at my phone, she doesn’t seem to mind at this point, most of the pics turned out too blurry to keep.

She starts riding up and down and my first thought is it’s like tossing a hot dog down the hallway, I really don’t feel a whole lot of texture inside her other than warm, smooth wetness and not enough friction. Did Kirby wallow this thing out with a 12 inch dick or what? I’m wondering.
A couple minutes in and I can start to tell she’s really getting in to it, riding me hard with some panting and squeaking type grunts. Probably in Jr. High or something i remember i would wonder what she sounded like in bed….now i know *troll face. I already had sex just hours before so I’m really wondering if I’ll even be able to finish so I just toy with her tits for a bit. I remember thinking that it wasn’t the best feeling pussy in the world, she looks way better than I guess I have always imagined that she feels, I always pictured her pussy as being as tight as her body but maybe I’m just being picky. I tend to judge women in bed like that, not sure why but I always think these kinds of thoughts as I’m fucking a girl. LIke i’ll compare their pussy with other girls i’ve slept with, can’t help it but she may be doing the same for all i know. Do girls mentally compare while they are fucking?

[random shot as she rides](https://imgur.com/800JLpP) ……….

[looks like she’s enjoying herself to me](https://imgur.com/3Bn1u9x)


I have to hand it to her, this girl has some stamina, she just keeps going and going with fast hard thrusts and then changing to some grinding here and there. I hear her whisper “yes” and “aw yeah” a couple of times under her breathing. I put the phone down and play with her tits and just enjoying the visuals. After a while I can feel it, I’m about to cum and I can’t help but think how this is probably my only chance and I always wanted to cum inside her but not sure how she’ll react so I try to slow her down by holding back her hips with one arm and phone in hand on the other but no good so figure I might as well capture the moment and aim my phone at [her puss as i push it all the way in her and blow my load](https://imgur.com/CdqK2sm)
She keeps going, not realizing despite the noise and twitching I’m making. I can start to feel my dick go numb until finally, she suddenly stops, she raises her knees and gets into a squat position and I thought she was catching her breath at first as she is looking straight down with heavy breathing and gets a louder, squeaker noise, then looks right up at me through my phone and I realize she is orgasming so I aimed the phone and catch her [O face](https://imgur.com/g9L1cNR). Better than a money shot imo. She raises up, just sits on me then moves really slow while breathing heavy, I think she is still orgasming [as she cracks a smile](https://imgur.com/Rrg7oNs)then finally starts back up and I’m seriously ready to stop at this point. Moments later
Nat: “you gonna finish? I’m getting dry”
Me: “yeah, just go ahead and stop”
I responded hoping she doesn’t notice I already did. She sits up straight, puts her hand on her hip and gives me a [satisfied look](https://imgur.com/eyD9drp} then rolls off of me, just laying there next to me with her arms spread as if she’s burning up. She gets up and walks towards the bathroom then stops and turns.
Nat: “Did you ….cum in me?”
She got a really pissed off look on her face and i got nervous, can’t lie out of this.
Me: “Uh sorry, it was sudden”.
I thought for sure she was about to go off on me.
Nat: “yeah I thought I felt something dripping down my leg, I’m surprised you cummed in me”
Me: “why’s that?”
With a squint look she said
Nat: Uh you’re my brothers friend, known you forever so it’s kind of creepy. Can’t believe I just got off on you but I guess it’s a fair trade”
She turned into the bathroom and I heard the faucet run. Whew, glad she kept her cool as i felt relieved cause she can raise hell if she wants to. With nothing to dry myself off with I just get dressed. Between Rachel and Natalie, I can feel my nuts are really sticky at this point. She comes out, puts her nightshirt on.
Nat:”Well I’m going to get ready for bed so you need to go”
she bluntly puts it. Fair enough, can’t help but love her honesty even if it hurts a little.

So that was probably one my more favorable belt notches, it really is very gratifying to have sex with someone you have had some kind of crush on for so many years. I didn’t think she would, but she called me 2 weeks later. Here is where she explains her little club she’s in, that it’s a paying members only and there are some rules to follow. Your supposed to be married with proof, she used her marriage certificate from when she was with Steve so that was set. We’re not supposed to spend the whole night with the other person, it’s only for a period of time like 3 hours I think. And we all get put on a rotation list, so this couple here at this date, etc and you’re not allowed to turn anyone down so no one’s feelings get hurt which is a bummer. We have to get an STD test done every 8 weeks and turn it in. All the women are supposed to either be on the pill, tubes tied, etc or use some kind of contraception or verified sterile male. So it’s some kind of policy that everyone agrees to and signs and it’s also very expensive, she told me she paid $6000 just to be a member of the first tier group which is couples that get put on a rotation per week via email, there is also a physical place where it’s like a swingers bar and a rich people’s tier group which involves flying out to exotic locations and is a more global network of swingers. So theres some stipulations that I don’t remember now but everyone lists their do’s and don’ts and i have no clue what was on Steve’s do or don’t list, i was afraid to find out but it’s up to the couples to negotiate how things will go but i don’t know how many members there are locally or what Steve’s fetishes were which is a list that other couples can see so i thought i may be in for a few surprises which there was a few but it wasn’t too bad. Basically she just needed a guy there to pretend to be her husband Steve so she wouldn’t lose her membership but I wouldn’t have ever got to fuck her by any other means. Anyway, I now saw Justin’s little sister in an entirely different way.

She then asks if I could come over on some particular Friday…she had another couple lined up. I guess she gets an email that tells her about the next couple and sets a time and place to meet… But that’s another story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8j0w0o/mf_with_hopes_to_bang_best_friends_little_sister


  1. Great read! Glad you got to fuck her. Still remember the one I never did get to bang…

  2. Awesome story but she full on looks like the chick from The Ring that crawls out of the tv

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