The Tutor

I got bored and wrote the beginning to an erotic short story.


At the break of dawn, a dark figure stumbled across a carefully manicured lawn flanked by box hedge plants. The first rays of light shone on the young man’s face revealing a 3 day beard, bloodshot eyes, and something that resembled a grin. 25 year-old Aaron Hamilton had just spent the previous night with a married woman, Jessica —–, 18 years his senior. Aaron ambled towards his car with his shoes in one hand and a half-finished bottle of Bombay Sapphire in the other. As Aaron made his way home he recounted the events leading up to last night.

Aaron worked for a tutoring company. He tutored Jessica’s daughter, Sophie, for middle school math. Last week Jessica approached Aaron about coming over on Saturday to privately tutor Sophie who was leaving that afternoon for gymnastics camp. Aaron was apprehensive at first: it was explicitly against his company’s policy to tutor their clients outside of the business. Despite Aaron’s initial reluctance, he gave Jessica his personal cell phone number if she decided that Sophie needed the help. Jessica ended up texting Aaron on Friday night about coming to their house late Saturday morning.

“It would mean so much for you to come tomorrow. Sophie has a test for Summer school when she gets back from camp and she just isn’t getting it and I’m no use to her.”

After receiving the text, Aaron pondered his decision to give his number to Jessica. His biggest reservation was that he normally commuted 50 miles to work, so the —–’s house was around 60 miles away. The pay would be good, but he couldn’t help but feel regret at giving the number. Aaron’s phone vibrated.


That settled it. Jessica was an attractive woman and the 25 year-old Aaron had not failed to recognize this. Despite having 2 children, Jessica maintained a great figure. Aaron thought back to his last encounter with Jessica. She always made sure to come in and talk to Aaron after Sophie’s sessions. He always looked forward to talking with her. When they talked, she made him feel like he was the only man in the world. She had blonde hair that went to her shoulders and tan skin. The day of their last encounter she wore khaki shorts which modestly demonstrated her well-curved ass and a black t-shirt that slightly stretched over her large breasts.

There is something to be said of a woman who can keep her figure into her 40’s. Sure, Aaron appreciated the the younger and beautiful Margot Robbie’s of the world, but they had not yet withstood the greatest test of all, time; not yet, at least. Eventually time destroys us all, but the Jessica’s of the world are a testament to humankind’s enduring spirit in the eternal struggle against our own mortality.

“Sure, I’ll be there,” he replied.
