[M] F Waxed on a dare

My then GF and I took a cruise together as our first real “couple” vacation and in preparation we went on a big shopping spree to pick out bathing suits and what we figured to be cool “cruise” clothes.. of course the boat ended up being full of retirees or children.. little in between. But not the point here. We also went tanning in preparation, and the GF decided to go a step further and got a Brazilian wax. She had shaved before, but this was a much bigger deal in her view anyway.. must say I loved it, was smoother and stayed that way stubble free for the entire trip. But she was looking i think for a medal of some sort for bravery and pain tolerance… after day 2-3 i had heard enough. She then dared me to go to the salon onboard and put my bravery to the test.
During one of the Port days I slipped in… during the conversation leading up to my appointment with there was lots of bravado and “if you can take i can take it” talk.. but the walk in was somewhere between shame and terror. I wasnt even sure how to ask for this “treatment”. Luckily I met an angel of mercy for my embarrassment, and later for a bit more.
She was older (40’s) and curvy, but quite Milfish and very easy to talk too considering. So it started slow with getting onto the table, and some warning type conversation about what was about to happen and what she would be using etc. Although i am not overly hairy it is more or less all a continuous head to toe flow of body hair, so we had to discuss exactly what i wanted to have go. So for purposes of proving myself to the GF I opted for a reasonable clearing zone. So fast forward thru small talk, told her why i was there (the dare), she started the process and i turned many shades of red for many less than enjoyable reasons. Did the lower belly portion down around thighs, to under the junk (ouch), and balls, (quick, more trim pluck than pull thankfully) and started in on the central parts. We are probably 15 minutes in now so i have gotten used to the sensations, coolish wipe, warmer application, yank, sooth.
now where it got good.. very light flirting, mostly about the lonely life on the boat, most of her customers are old/mean woman or old fat European men. She rarely gets a man for this task, but when she does it is of that sort. Now shes working just above my cock and in positioning herself has me pointed full down and resting her hand/forearm on my cock and also offering a decent amount of cleavage in plain view. She would also get her face in low and close enough to inspect i could feel her breath on occasion. sooo things start happening… she would shift, i would rise, she would reposition to get me back down. This went of for a brief while, then she got up and gave me a break, half bare above my cock and of course it sprang up. i was trying not to look, she was moving around behind me with my embarrassment and arousal obvious. She kinda laughed and smiled as she sat, and tells me “its ok this makes it easier for the last part” (hair on base of my shaft) and grabbed a hold with one had as she soothed the bare spot where she had just torn my hair out from the roots. BTW it had already been decided 1) GF is tougher than me 2) i would never again get waxed.
From this point however she never didnt have a grip on me. Never an overt stroke really, but much squeezing, thumb caresses in all the right spots, moving from side to side, brushes with fingers, the back of a hand, clealry much more contact and gentle feeling than the task required. Then things really slowed down. she smiled all the way and was not at all shy about long looks and careful positioning me seeminlgy for her enjoyment only. AT one point she was looking down around the balls and pushed my cock down flat to my belly and held it there with her open handed palm, just so subtly moving her hand in a circular pattern.. i thought that was it, I was about to cum in the grips of a woman just doing her job.. a strange position to be in, I wanted so bad the release but had this feeling I would feel so terrible immediately after. I tensed, toes straight up… help my breath and maybe even a slight moan. She sensed an saw all this and straightened up in her chair. she laughed and again reassured me, this was all ok, she released my cock from its pinned position but held it upright. she slid her hand up and aimed it at her, and with her other hand used one of the damp warm toilette’s to swipe off precum that had formed and begun to leak down. she let out a sound of approval.. not sure how to describe the sound. From there she cleared and soothed the remainder above and wet to work on my base. That HURT again… to the point i began to loose my excited state, she disapproved. Took a short break and said “stay with me honey” and gave my a good up and down with a towelette before holding me still in a tight embrace while chatting. The final phase was the bottom base, and she returned me to the pressed to the belly open palm position. She said as she was ending up, “i know this was your favorite part” she then slid her chair up to mid chest on me and let go, just long enough to pour the finishing lotion and give me a good long application. my squirming was intense, precum likely hidden in the mess but i was flowing and twitching which i know she felt and when she let go i was like one of those 20 ft used car lot inflatables flapping all over.. it was to much to bear. She asked if i wanted to go see the GF like this. I was comfortable enough at this point to jokingly say i cant make it down the hall, i hope the boat is empty. She said, well dont bother, just relax here for a minute. She gave me a pump of lotion onto the shaft and top of my cock but then sat back and put her elbows on the table. staring me in the eye, then looking down at me, my hands seemed to follow her eyes and i grabbed myself. still a little unsure until she started to massage my thigh. I began to stroke and imitate the squeeze technique she had been using on me”thats it, make your trip to the room so much more comfortable” she stood, one hand on my thigh the other on my chest looking straight down. she grabbed a towelette once again and held it flat in her open hand above the head of my cock. “in here honey” before her sentence was done I was spurting and bucking, she laughed out loud, a prideful laugh i think. I shot clear over her napkin and hand onto my chest. She grabbed another as i lad back and wiped my brow with one hand as she cleaned up the pools of cum with her other. GF is braver, but she didnt get that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8iplg1/m_f_waxed_on_a_dare


  1. Makes me want to get a wax! Always wanted to try it but nervous about the pain and a little embarrassed to ask for it at the counter…

  2. Fantastic story! Well written too, really got a feel for the teasing.

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